

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    jlb123: I'm sorry you are having such a bad day ... that stinks to get the blame for something you had nothing to do with!

    awestfall: I like the new name, and like when you have switched to a new thread every once in awhile so that we don't have so many pages to look through (of course if I were better at logging in every day that wouldn't be a problem! so I'm ok with whatever you do ... just appreciate your managing this thread!).

    Well I had to give myself a little pat on the back ... I was STARVING at lunchtime ... probably because I've been eating so poorly so my body is used to more food. So I was out shopping and had myself set on going to McDonalds for a Quarterpounder and fries (been craving it ever since I saw some commercial). I was in line at the drive through for about 5 minutes and thought, 'WHAT AM I DOING?! THIS ISN'T WORTH IT TODAY!' So I got a few looks when I drove out of line and around all the cars in the drive through ... but feel much better about myself for driving back to work and heating up my frozen goulash.

    On another note .... I'm not sure if I'm going to get much exercise in today ... I have a sharp pain in my back. It started on Saturday after my step aerobics class and bothered me while I did my weight lifting class afterwards. I rested my back yesterday and it was feeling better, but now is much worse today. I hope whatever it is goes away soon!
  • fowlmeli1093
    I want in on the challenge. This past week I have hit the gym, but then I still ate probably too much. Then throw the New Year's drinks on top of that...not a good idea...
    I DONT WANNA FALL OFF my diet plan! I need help. If anyone sees this, add me as a friend. I need motivation on a daily basis!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    daily check-in:
    calories: 1,632. yea that 300 over my calories, but not over my exercise calories...
    exercise: did 2 programs on the elliptical (program 2 and 4) the resistance increases and decreses for more of a burn...and boy did i feel the burn..based on my heartrate monitor i burned 450 calores...for 2 - 20 minute programs
    water: yup! all 96 oz. that is more than my average 64 oz.
    proud: that i didn't find an excuse to not doing my exercise...my treadmill didn't feel like working out so insead of quitting i used the elliptical!:bigsmile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I want in on the challenge. This past week I have hit the gym, but then I still ate probably too much. Then throw the New Year's drinks on top of that...not a good idea...
    I DONT WANNA FALL OFF my diet plan! I need help. If anyone sees this, add me as a friend. I need motivation on a daily basis!

    Welcome to the group:happy:!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I am back on track today. I went to the grocery store and picked up some healthy snack food (fruits, veggies, turkey sticks, lowfat cheese, yogurt, and some popcorn) and I got in 1hr of exercise today (465 calories burned!). I realized that I am tired of exercising everyday, just to eat cookies and junk...what a waste! I will lose another 50 pounds this year!

    jlb - sorry you are having a bad day :(
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Welcome fowlmeli1093, You will get lots of motivation sticking around here.:flowerforyou:


    Okay I just did 30 minutes of Leslie Sansone Walk slim, then I did biggest loser 10 minutes high intensity work out for women. Then tonight my husband is taking me on a 4 mile per hour walk (the man is killing me:sick: ) and we will be gone 1 hour. Sometimes we drop to 3.5 miles per hour but only for a few seconds then he makes me go at it again. I am always telling you all how much I love that man:huh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    jlb123 - You know this of course - but employees are just frustrated at the system not at you personally! I'm an auditor so I'm used to employees wishing me ill (ok wishing me DEAD much of the time). I try to focus on the times I've really made a positive difference for a person, department or the organization because it's the little "wins" that keep me going! I'm sure you've been the saving grace in plenty of bad situations, and by taking the time to go that extra miles you've really made a difference in the employee's life! :love:

    lstpaul - I'm so impressed that you caught yourself and pulled right out of the line! GOOD FOR YOU!!!:drinker: When I'm somewhere where there's a TV I'm AMAZED at how hungry I get watching ads! One more great thing about not having a digital converter box and no cable!

    jennbarrette - Congrats on getting back on track! I stopped at the store on my way home and picked up a bag of small green apples - looks like we had the same thoughts :bigsmile:

    Positively_Me - TWO PROGRAMS??? TWO? REALLY? :noway: Yeah. I'm on ZERO resistance and ZERO slope and I can barely make it through 40 minutes without dying! :grumble: OMG impressed.:flowerforyou:

    I had a horrible two hour commute into work through snow and wind - only to find out there's no heat in our department and our management team was out of the office. The VP's boss told us we could work from home but everyone was afraid to leave and get blasted by my evil boss, so then the She sent us an email saying she was enacting the Business Continuity Plan and we were all to report to our alternative work location immediately. That would be our home:bigsmile: - so we were all happy to pack up and head out! I'm sitting by the fire in my family room - MUCH better than the office. (although with the heat off I was almost comfortable:embarassed: LOL!!!)
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Calories- over, I have that stupid TOM and horrible cravings, got to be too much and I messed up royally :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: when am I going to stop doing that stupid stuff??????:explode:
    Water- 64 oz.
    Exercise- 65 minutes, burned 722 calories only to ruin it eating junk
    Proud- that I met my exercise challenge, I wasn't sure if I could do it or not, but I did it
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Checking in for the day
    Calories -UNDER again
    Exercise-yes 2 hours and burnt 1300 calories
    Water-128 ounces
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, I can already tell by just reading today that you're an active group! I love it!

    It's nice to see some familiar faces from other threads I've been on! MFP is turning into my very own cyber community. It's awesome.

    So tonight, I start a Biggest Loser challenge at a nutrition club I've been buying my protein shake power from. They're doing categories for highest percentage of weight loss and highest percentage of inches lost. I'm going for the inches since I don't know if I can compete with the guys for weight, but you never know! I'm hoping you ladies can help keep me in check because I'd like to win! Yeah, I'm the competitive sort when there are prizes involved!

    I look forward to being able to report good news tomorrow!

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    mstahl - I do count the calories in my vitamins. I think one of my multivitamins says it has 10 cals but the other says 0.

    I grabbed a pair of pants from my closet in the dark this morning & threw them in the dryer to de-wrinkle with the clothes I had drying (yep, lazy). I put them on & was surprised they actually fit since all of my pants have been falling off me lately.


    THEY'RE A SIZE 16!! I'm wearing a size 16 at work. WOOT! :bigsmile: I haven't been a size 16 since before I started dating my bf.

    Sorry, I was so excited I had to brag. :blushing:

    jlb, NEVER be sorry to brag! You go girl! That is FANTASTIC!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Dudes ... I never get used to the group moving... okay it was the second time... :-)
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    checking in -
    calories - under
    exercise - 65 mins, 465 calories burned
    water - 96 oz
    proud - That I found my motivation to eat healthy again after the holiday sugar binge.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks for letting me vent earlier. :smile: I was just so frustrated! I'm over it now after coming home and yelling about it and hugging my bf for about 5 minutes and then hugging my doggies for about 10 minutes. :laugh: And now I'm eating a PB&J sandwich -- YUM! (yes, I'm 6 :tongue: )

    I'm going to try to muster up the energy for Couch25k but if not I'll just put in 30 more minutes on the stationary bike (got in 30 min this morning).

    Glad you found us Rosie!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Holy cow.. looks like everyone has been posting like crazy.. It took me about 25 minutes just to catch up! Whew.. but, I am here now! :happy:

    Last night my husband got called into work at 2am this morning.. Needless to say I think I got about 3 hours of sleep and am dragging tail today. I did manage to MAKE myself workout this morning before going to work though.

    I also went to the Dr.'s today and sure enough my thyroid that is suppose to be a 3.0 or less (in May it was 1.9) is now a 3.7. (I have EVERY single symptom) How in the heck does that even happen? So, they are putting me on this medication that is suppose to help. I am curious to see if it will actually make a difference over the next couple of weeks. I am going to have to get creative though. Apparently I am not suppose to take my calcium or Iron supplements with in a couple hours of taking "Levothyroxine". In addition soy makes the medication not absorb as well... and I eat soy products all the time. I guess I will have to figure out a block of time where nothing interacts. :ohwell:

    So far today calories are good
    Exercise is at 75 minutes
    Water 140 oz and still thirsty
    Proud... well.. I am proud that my kids cleaned the house, did the laundry and actually were not fighting when I got home from work.. How's that for their last day of Break. :smile:

    Well.. I think I am going to go and rest a little before I have to get dinner going. Check back in later..
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    jlb123: Glad you're feeling better. Venting just plain helps relieve your tension sometimes. We are here for you! Yay for the size 16! I have bought one pair of 16's that fit me. Others are still too tight yet most 18's are really baggy on me. The joy of in between sizes.

    awestfall: love the group name. Non of us were upset with the threads started. I'm so impressed that you are smart enough to enter the magic formula to create a thread. I have not a clue how to do that. I do like the idea of keeping that same name. I noticed some threads that continue with the same topic say (part 2) or something like that for the next batch of posts. Thanks for all you do.

    Road2Hotness: you look like a model. Beautiful! Welcome to this great group of ladies.

    mstahl: Now there is some discipline!!! Good job on getting that exercise in this EARLY morning.

    Stephanie: I'm with you getting back to a routine.

    hajohnson24: Glad you joined in our group. You will make your goals! We are here to encourage each other. Welcome!

    positively_me: I love fireworks on New Years. They are so beautiful going off in the snow.

    heather2219: Welcome! This is a very supportive group. Best wishes on reaching your goals.

    rororosie: Glad that you had a great time on your date. It is always good to hear from you.

    The 60 minutes challenge is a stretch for me. I got a couple of miles in today just under 30 minutes. I may have to count my cleaning and house work today to get to my 60 mins. I'm back to getting my water in, it is interesting that I had to force the water down that I did get when I felt so yucky. Love my water!!! gulp....gulp...gulp...
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I AM FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Calories are on track for today
    Exercise - 30 minutes
    Water-32 ounces
    Proud... I am proud that I found you all again! :P I am proud that I am logging my cals again daily and have done great shopping this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Coloradogirl: Glad that you are getting help for your thyroid. You don't realize all you thyroid does for your until it is broke. The thyroid measures just opposite as to other things, so the higher the number the lower your thyroid is working. What dose are you on? It takes a few weeks to start to tell a difference because it has to build up in your system as apposed to taking something for a headache and in 30 mins. you start to feel relief. Your weight loss hopefully won't be such a battle as you level out. Wishing you well.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:
    cals: great FINALLY
    water: 64
    exercise: 60 mins bike WHEW!
    proud: that I made 60 mins of the bike!

    I have been logging my sugars and sodium also and wowsa - I am over in sodium every single day! Eeep! :noway: It seems that most everything that comes packaged or canned has tons of sodium. Take for example, the progresso tomato vegetable soup I had for dinner - overloaded in sodium! Now I knew that most canned and packaged foods had sodium, but never knew it was a ton! :grumble:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yep Zora, I started really tracking my sodium about a month ago. I try to keep it under 2000mg/day and I'm amazed how hard it can be sometimes if I'm eating on the run. I'm apparently really sensitive to sodium though and if I have a day I get close to 2500mg or, goodness forbid, over 2500mg I really notice my weight spike up the next 2-3 days.

    With the sugar -- I don't understand why MFP sets the level at 25g. :huh: I stopped having it as one of the nutrients I track because it's worthless to me since I do eat fruit and veggies that contain sugar. I feel bad seeing that big fat red number at the bottom of my food diary since I'd go over 25g for my sugar pretty much every day. I just try to keep my processed sugars at a minimum and I don't worry a thing about eating fruit in moderation. :wink:

    Calories: 1308 - great! I ate 98 exercise calories.
    Exercise: 1 HOUR :smile: 30 minutes stationary bike and week 4 day 1 of couch25k. I was able to run it all for the very first time (which means I ran 16 out of 21 minutes :happy: ).
    Water: Gotten in 80oz so far (I was dying after c25k and downed about 40oz at once :laugh: )
    Proud: I completed Week 4 Day 1 of C25K! I can wear a size 16! Looks like it's time to go shopping in my closet again. The only clothes I have smaller than size 16 are my AWESOME SKIRTS I've never been able to wear (they're mostly 14s)! Also, I had 2 coworkers who've commented on my weightloss previously come up to me again just to tell me how good I look. :smile: That certainly helped me through my awful day at work.

    I'm so glad everyone's here. You ladies really help me with motivation and support. I honestly don't think I could do this without you! :love: