

  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Ugh. This sucks, I lost track so bad and I dont even want to weigh myself at all. I got Wii Fit Plus for xmas, and it keeps saying i"m like 247 but I know its a lie since the board is on carpet. I dont even want to know! But tomorrow is my month mark and I have to do a weigh in and measurements and pictures for my blog. I'm going to do this. Back on track today, no excuses!

    Welcome, Road2Hotness!

    I hope everyone else is doing better than me.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    I'm back to work, and also back to tracking my food and exercise after a holiday hiatus. I woke up tired and not feeling all that great - probably alot to do with how poorly I ate over the weekend. But back on track today! Great challenge, I need to figure out how to fit in my 60 minutes today ... probably have to pull out my exercise bike tonight and do it while watching TV. Tomorrow morning I am going to the Y since I can't go tomorrow night for my usual routine.
    Have a good day all!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good Morning Girls,

    Welcome Road2Hotness, I know you can meet your goals this year. You have come to the right place if you need some cheerleaders cheering you on to that goal.

    Mommamcoy, Welcome.......:flowerforyou:

    jlb123, woohoo on those size 16's girl that is not too far off the average woman size.

    mstahl, you are good. There is NOWAY I am getting up any earlier than I have to. You are awesome.

    Okay TOM paid me a visit this morning. The scale says I am up 5 pounds :noway: I would be upset if I had not been keeping my cals down and exercising 1 hour minimum each day. So I KNOW this is a water weight issue again. My goal for this week is to lose 1 pound. I am planning to set myself weight loss goals each week. I am determined to get myself the New Body for this New Year:laugh:
    Momma I was there last week so don't worry about your weight going up it will go back down.Mine has already!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    By the way I love this title for the post. We should stick around here for awhile. I am always telling girls about us and as soon as I do we move. I am not sure how the rest of you girls feel, but what is wrong with sticking with this one? I know that once you post so many it automatically moves. I would be interested to hear what everyone else thinks.

    Yes we can stick with this name and I am so sorry if I confused anyone.Its just that after so many post you have to make a new thread.We will stick with this name and again I am so sorry for always moving things on you guys.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I am so glad that time and routines are back to normal! So far so good. I've been tracking my foods and drinking my water.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow I feel super bad for always moving and changing the name of this post on you guys.I promise this name will stick and I will only move when our post gets to long only because you have too.SOOOOOOO Very SOORRRY if I upset you ladies that was not my intention.Sorry Momma!!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I like the new topic name.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I like the new topic name.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Wow I feel super bad for always moving and changing the name of this post on you guys.I promise this name will stick and I will only move when our post gets to long only because you have too.SOOOOOOO Very SOORRRY if I upset you ladies that was not my intention.Sorry Momma!!!

    Nothing to be sorry about. Do not worry. It was just a suggestion. I love the new name and I think you do a good job.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member

    I'd be interested in joining your group because I need all of the motivation I can get!

    My name is Heather, I'm 26 years old from Minnesota. I've been on a couple other threads but unfortunately they seem to be dying down lately; I think the holidays got to a lot of people!

    To get the hang of this, I'll post information for yesterday.
    Current Weight: 201
    Calories: Stayed under
    Water: 32 oz. (I'm terrible at getting all 8 servings in, but doing better than I used to!)
    Exercise: 15 minutes of Biggest Loser Jump Start DVD, burned 150 calories
    Proud: I purged the mail and papers that were cluttering my kitchen counter. Now I have more room to cook!

    I saw before there was a question about target HRs. I'm a huge Jillian Michaels fan, who says that we should be shooting for 85% of our max for a good intense, fat burning workout.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. Have a fantastic day!
  • heather2219
    It's so nice to see such a wonderful support system. That is something that I am greatly lacking. I would love to be apart of this group. Best wishes
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Welcome all the newbies

    I have been on and off being bad being good over the holdiays...but I am done..I am back on track starting today, 2010 will be the year.

    My goal is to loose 80 lbs in 2010, maybe over zealous but i think i can do it, if i stick . Lost almost 30 lbs in 2009 and that was 8 lbs in june (then gaining some back july - september) and then the rest since october, if i stick with it for the whole year who knows what I can acheive.

    My scale is mad at me for eating soo bad :( okay my body is but my scale is the messenger. I was up to like 293 this morning...uggg...i still thinking some of it is water weight and it will come off, if some is not water it will still come off.

    I am back on track with eating good, and exercise. I do think i am going to swtich it up though, don't want to get burned out...but I will do it.

    Dreading going to the doctor in a few weeks. The last time i saw this doctor was jan 07, at my post partem appt from my 3 yr old. (we moved away and jsut moved back), at that point i was probably around 255 or so...so per my records i have gained a good 30-35 lbs (but if i am down to 285 i am actually down 35 lbs from where i started)..
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey hajohnson24, it looks like you got the whole thing down. Great job. Welcome to this group. :flowerforyou:

    heather2219, welcome.

    Here are the things that we are doing right now. First our challenge for this week is to get 60 minutes of exercise in at least 5 days this week. Secondly, we are answering some questions each day.

    Did I stay within my calories today?
    Did I drink at least 64 ounces of water today?
    Did I exercise today?
    Then we share something we are proud of about ourselves and what we are doing

    Then on Fridays we weigh in, the person with the biggest percentage of weight loss wins and picks our challenge for the week. Here is the calculator that we use

    We look forward to getting to know you both. Good luck on your journey.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm with LilDebbie -- I AM losing 80 pounds this year. :happy:

    Welcome to the newcomers. I feel better just reading posts. I'm having a horrible day at work. Just terrible. I've been chewed out so many times from employees about things over which I have absolutely no control. I barely had time to eat breakfast and I haven't eaten anything since. I went to talk to payroll about some issues for employees and ended up crying because an employee had said so many harsh things to me when I was trying my very best to help her (even offering to loan her $40 out of my own pocket to cover an error made by the insurance company). I don't even feel like eating anything at all I'm still so upset.
    So, now I'm just trying to calm down enough to feel like eating my lunch.

    mstahl - About heartrate... I'm definitely no expert so I'm just going to tell you what I do (which is probably not something I should do). But, when I'm running, my heart rate stays 90%-100% of my max heart rate. Sometimes it even goes over my max. Not by a lot, but it does go over (the recommended max for my age is about 200bpm). I just keep pushing on. I've seen significant improvement in my resting heart rate and my stamina over the last few months, and I'm losing weight consistently so what I'm doing is working for me. I don't even know if it's what I should do so I definitely don't know if it's what you should do! I'm just saying, works for me, I haven't died, and I'm losing weight & gaining strength & stamina.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    mstahl - I do count the calories in my vitamins. I think one of my multivitamins says it has 10 cals but the other says 0.

    I grabbed a pair of pants from my closet in the dark this morning & threw them in the dryer to de-wrinkle with the clothes I had drying (yep, lazy). I put them on & was surprised they actually fit since all of my pants have been falling off me lately.


    THEY'RE A SIZE 16!! I'm wearing a size 16 at work. WOOT! :bigsmile: I haven't been a size 16 since before I started dating my bf.

    Sorry, I was so excited I had to brag. :blushing:

    I would brag too:bigsmile: ...Congrates:flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I like the new topic name.

    I second that:bigsmile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    I'd be interested in joining your group because I need all of the motivation I can get!

    My name is Heather, I'm 26 years old from Minnesota. I've been on a couple other threads but unfortunately they seem to be dying down lately; I think the holidays got to a lot of people!

    To get the hang of this, I'll post information for yesterday.
    Current Weight: 201
    Calories: Stayed under
    Water: 32 oz. (I'm terrible at getting all 8 servings in, but doing better than I used to!)
    Exercise: 15 minutes of Biggest Loser Jump Start DVD, burned 150 calories
    Proud: I purged the mail and papers that were cluttering my kitchen counter. Now I have more room to cook!

    I saw before there was a question about target HRs. I'm a huge Jillian Michaels fan, who says that we should be shooting for 85% of our max for a good intense, fat burning workout.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. Have a fantastic day!

    Hey Heather, a familiar face, Welcome to the group:happy:!

    I stopped posting on the other threads too because i was alone (it felt like i was writing to myself - lol) this journey and, well, i need motivation to keep me going.
    I Love this thread...lots of great motivated group of women:bigsmile:

    for the Jillian's quote i achieved that today on my elliptical. I planned on doing w7d1 again...but for some reason the treadmill didn't work..so instead of quiiting and telling myself " well you can do it tomorrow" and not do any sort of exercise...i didn't listen...i did 2 programs on the elliptical...boy did i feel the burn...my heartrate ( based on my polar) was: max 89% and avg. 79%. I have to see why the treadmill would not work and fix it by tomorrow.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Welcome all the newbies

    I have been on and off being bad being good over the holdiays...but I am done..I am back on track starting today, 2010 will be the year.

    My goal is to loose 80 lbs in 2010, maybe over zealous but i think i can do it, if i stick . Lost almost 30 lbs in 2009 and that was 8 lbs in june (then gaining some back july - september) and then the rest since october, if i stick with it for the whole year who knows what I can acheive.

    My scale is mad at me for eating soo bad :( okay my body is but my scale is the messenger. I was up to like 293 this morning...uggg...i still thinking some of it is water weight and it will come off, if some is not water it will still come off.

    I am back on track with eating good, and exercise. I do think i am going to swtich it up though, don't want to get burned out...but I will do it.

    Dreading going to the doctor in a few weeks. The last time i saw this doctor was jan 07, at my post partem appt from my 3 yr old. (we moved away and jsut moved back), at that point i was probably around 255 or so...so per my records i have gained a good 30-35 lbs (but if i am down to 285 i am actually down 35 lbs from where i started)..
    Oh I am so with you on this one.If I lost 80 pounds this year I would be so close to my goal weight.I will stick with you to reach that goal and lets continue to remind each other and everyone else that this is a realistic goal I think I will set this as my goal this year too.When I meet this goal I will weigh 152 pounds.WOW that will be awesome.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow I feel super bad for always moving and changing the name of this post on you guys.I promise this name will stick and I will only move when our post gets to long only because you have too.SOOOOOOO Very SOORRRY if I upset you ladies that was not my intention.Sorry Momma!!!

    Nothing to be sorry about. Do not worry. It was just a suggestion. I love the new name and I think you do a good job.
    Ok thanks!!! I just thought you were upset with the new thread.I never purposely try to make anyone annoyed or upset at me.LOL But I am glad you like it and it will definitely stick this time.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I'm with LilDebbie -- I AM losing 80 pounds this year. :happy:

    Welcome to the newcomers. I feel better just reading posts. I'm having a horrible day at work. Just terrible. I've been chewed out so many times from employees about things over which I have absolutely no control. I barely had time to eat breakfast and I haven't eaten anything since. I went to talk to payroll about some issues for employees and ended up crying because an employee had said so many harsh things to me when I was trying my very best to help her (even offering to loan her $40 out of my own pocket to cover an error made by the insurance company). I don't even feel like eating anything at all I'm still so upset.
    So, now I'm just trying to calm down enough to feel like eating my lunch.

    mstahl - About heartrate... I'm definitely no expert so I'm just going to tell you what I do (which is probably not something I should do). But, when I'm running, my heart rate stays 90%-100% of my max heart rate. Sometimes it even goes over my max. Not by a lot, but it does go over (the recommended max for my age is about 200bpm). I just keep pushing on. I've seen significant improvement in my resting heart rate and my stamina over the last few months, and I'm losing weight consistently so what I'm doing is working for me. I don't even know if it's what I should do so I definitely don't know if it's what you should do! I'm just saying, works for me, I haven't died, and I'm losing weight & gaining strength & stamina.

    Hey Jib, Are you ok now?

    some people don't care about others feelings...just ignore what was said...act like nothing happened and read some posts or go for a walk to cool down...there are some very imature - don't take it to heart...

    and please don't forget to eat you lunch :)