

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    zora - I started tracking sodium and i am always over, I need to work on that.

    Jib - WTG on the size 16, i cannot remember the last time i was in a size 16, i know i was probably under 200....that is great..before you know it you will be in 14, then 12, then 10 and you will be one hot momma.

    Doing okay today on food,
    Calroies - will be about 1450 after my snack
    Exercise - Did 30 min of wii fit earlier and will do some more today,
    Water - Only about 1/2
    Proud - That I am getting back on track and not letting these last few weeks keeping me down.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Zora I try to keep my sodium between 1200mg and 1500mg.I know it sounds crazy but it is very doable.Also if you can keep your sodium in this range you will see the water weight drop off and then the other weight (FAT)follows.Give it a try sometime.I haven't been doing this for awhile but I just started back focusing on keeping my sodium between those numbers mentioned above and I am hoping to pull some big numbers this week.Good luck to you girl.You are doing GREAT!!!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking in
    Excercise...............walked 30 min., sit-ups 3 reps of 12
    Water......................half way there (don't like water)
    Proud......................I stayed out of the candy bowl at work today!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: it is not mine so I can't just throw it away. (would like to)

    I am so excited about this site!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Yep Zora, I started really tracking my sodium about a month ago. I try to keep it under 2000mg/day and I'm amazed how hard it can be sometimes if I'm eating on the run. I'm apparently really sensitive to sodium though and if I have a day I get close to 2500mg or, goodness forbid, over 2500mg I really notice my weight spike up the next 2-3 days.

    With the sugar -- I don't understand why MFP sets the level at 25g. :huh: I stopped having it as one of the nutrients I track because it's worthless to me since I do eat fruit and veggies that contain sugar. I feel bad seeing that big fat red number at the bottom of my food diary since I'd go over 25g for my sugar pretty much every day. I just try to keep my processed sugars at a minimum and I don't worry a thing about eating fruit in moderation. :wink:

    Calories: 1308 - great! I ate 98 exercise calories.
    Exercise: 1 HOUR :smile: 30 minutes stationary bike and week 4 day 1 of couch25k. I was able to run it all for the very first time (which means I ran 16 out of 21 minutes :happy: ).
    Water: Gotten in 80oz so far (I was dying after c25k and downed about 40oz at once :laugh: )
    Proud: I completed Week 4 Day 1 of C25K! I can wear a size 16! Looks like it's time to go shopping in my closet again. The only clothes I have smaller than size 16 are my AWESOME SKIRTS I've never been able to wear (they're mostly 14s)! Also, I had 2 coworkers who've commented on my weightloss previously come up to me again just to tell me how good I look. :smile: That certainly helped me through my awful day at work.

    I'm so glad everyone's here. You ladies really help me with motivation and support. I honestly don't think I could do this without you! :love:
    Jbl you are doing an amazing job.I can't wait to start wearing my size 14's and smaller.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Checking in
    Excercise...............walked 30 min., sit-ups 3 reps of 12
    Water......................half way there (don't like water)
    Proud......................I stayed out of the candy bowl at work today!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: it is not mine so I can't just throw it away. (would like to)

    I am so excited about this site!

    try adding some lemon juice to your water, I love water but I used to add lemon juice to it, now I just drink it with ice.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: I :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: our challenge this week!

    I was sent home from work because we didn't have any heat! I worked from home this afternoon and enjoyed some time by the fire place :smile:

    After 6 pm I was soooo sleepy I just wanted to take a nap but NOOOOOOOOO! We have that 60 minutes of exercise challenge. So I changed into a t-shirt and trainers and I got on that evil elliptical machine in the freezing garage. I put in thirty minutes! That makes 60 for the day :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Calories - ate all my exercise calories but no more so OK!
    Water - still working on it - should be OK by night fall!
    exercise - YES thank you! :happy:

    Proud - that I got back on the damn elliptical machine!

    Edited to add -

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Checking in
    Excercise...............walked 30 min., sit-ups 3 reps of 12
    Water......................half way there (don't like water)
    Proud......................I stayed out of the candy bowl at work today!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: it is not mine so I can't just throw it away. (would like to)

    I am so excited about this site!

    Not sure I would have the strength to stay out the candy bowl. You Rock!!!!!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Calories yes, 1800
    Exercise YES, 120 minutes.........1078 Calories Burned
    Water, YES 88 ounces

    I am proud that I took that horrific walk with my husband, he has got to be walking faster than 4mph. He admitted to me that he is really pushing me on those walks. Sometimes I have to run to keep up with the man........ I still love him, I still love him... I am just trying to convince myself:laugh: :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    i am guessing i missed the challenge this week with all the posts and not being on regularly...can someone fill me in :)

    so I did an hour with the wii fit tonight, said i burned like 350 or so cals, not at much on the elip but it was much more fun.

    Hurts my ankles and knee a little though, but was fun.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good grief I hope that my posts are clear to you all. I don't know if my fingers don't keep up with my brain or what....but there are times that I am reading back on a post and just shake my head. If nothing else I hope instead of huh? you have a giggle fit from my goofs.

    coloradogirl: I was going to mention that I have a friend who gets up in the night to potty and that is when she takes her thyroid med. I don't have that regular of a night time pattern. I take my at night just before bed since I don't eat anything that interferes in the evening.

    zorahope: happy dance! You are perfect on your goals today!!! Doesn't it feel great! Here's to many more perfect check ins.

    lildebbie: This week challenge is to exercise 60 minutes everyday. You did that on your own. Super!

    calories: 729 way under
    water: yes
    exercise: yes
    proud: that I exercised inside since I didn't want to cross country ski when it was 2 degrees.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Awsome Snowflakes - guess telepathically i knew that was the challenge :) I am going to try my best to keep it up all week. Probably will split it 30 at lunch 30 at night.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay girls. I have a major confession.

    I smoked cigarettes for 8 years -- from 15 until 23 when I quit cold turkey. For over 2 years I haven't had a problem. I'd very occasionally socially smoke. MAYBE 1 cigarette every 4 months or so at a party. A couple months ago I went bowling with some friends, most of whom are smokers. We were having a few beers & I bought a pack of cigarettes to share because I don't like to bum. I smoked one and my friends smoked several more. I took about 10 home with me & put them in the freezer. I should've thrown the pack away but since I've been fine for so long, I didn't think it would be a problem.

    It was a problem.

    I don't know why exactly, maybe holiday stress & refusing to allow myself to fall off the wagon, but the pack came out of the freezer. And I smoked all of them over the last 3 weeks. :frown: I just finished the last one. I know 10 cigarettes over the course of several weeks may not seem like that big of a deal, but I can already feel it becoming a habit (I used to smoke 1/2 pack-2 packs a day).


    Okay. It's done. I've admitted it and I'm taking control of the situation now.
    Thanks for keeping me accountable.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    Okay. It's done. I've admitted it and I'm taking control of the situation now.
    Thanks for keeping me accountable.
    jlp123 - You know what? You're doing so well with this total life style change that I think you should cut yourself a little slack! You should allow yourself to buy a pack of cigarettes once every year (that ends with a nine):tongue:

    Oh - and while I'm late leaving for work this morning - I did get on the elliptical machine at 5:30 and stayed at it for 35 minutes. For what ever reason it was REALLY REALLY hard this morning! But I did it! :bigsmile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Great Job Girls for sticking with it this week.I am going to go hit the elliptical this morning just as soon as my migraine subsides.I hope everyone is doing well.
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    This sounds like fun, I'm 264 trying to get down to 180 at the moment.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Welcome Carly .Weigh ins on Fridays check in daily with calories,water,exercise and something you are proud of for that particular day.You will love this bunch of gals they are all awesome and so supportive.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mornin' ladies. :flowerforyou:
    Against all reccomendations, I weigh myself almost every day and I check-in at MFP almost every day. It paid off today.

    I went back to look at my previous check-in entries and realized I lost 9.2 POUNDS from 12/04/09 to 01/04/10. 9 pounds during prime holiday season!! You know what that means? That we can *really* do this (and we really *are*). :bigsmile:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hey thanks for the input on my new RX... For those of you who are on a thyroid Rx.. how long was it before you felt a difference in your energy? Just curious..

    I ran across this quote and wanted to share it with you guys today!

    "Live one day at a time by savoring every moment. Say yes to what leads to life, love, peace and hope. Embrace tests. They awaken new opportunities for us. Give unselfishly of what you have and who you are. By God's grace, have courage, patience and forgiveness." Luci Swindoll

    Heading to the workout room now to get in at least 1 hour! Be back later!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    hi everyone, I am having a hard time staying within the sodium I need to stay within, I was just wondering what you guys eat for lunch. I have been eating frozen diet meals for lunch b/c I don't want to cook just for me, but they are loaded with sodium. I am going grocery shopping on Thursday and so I wanted to get some ideas of some things that I can have for lunch. Also, my doctor recommends that I eat 1600 calories a day, well today I am at 1,235 calories but I have went over on my sodium by 365, so should I just call it a day with that or should I try to get to the 1600 calories and then I would be over on sodium by a lot more than that. My doctor did tell me that I can play around with my calories a bit and see what works for me. Think it would hurt to have a low calorie day and then tomorrow go back to 1600?
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Check in from yesterday

    Calories: over by 300
    Water: yes all
    Exercise: walked in the snow with the dogs
    Proud: I cleaned out the cabinets and went food shopping (and stuck to the list)