

  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Help! I need some quick low cost ideas for evening meal, that is were I am running into problems. Overall I am still doing ok just feeling really bad about caving and eating the ice cream. And the bad thing is I am not even a big ice cream eater it was there and I wanted something sweet (5 days without) so, I just caved at least I did measure and it was only 1/2 cup.

    You don't need to deny yourself the foods you enjoy, you just need to eat them in moderation and portion controlled amounts. To go 5 days without sweets and only eat a measured out portion is amazing. You should be proud of yourself!

    One think I have been doing to keep my sweet tooth happy is taking out a serving of hershey's kisses (9 little chocolates) and having one after each meal or snack and then have a couple in the evening. It is only 200 calories, but lets me have a few sweet treats during the day.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Help! I need some quick low cost ideas for evening meal, that is were I am running into problems. Overall I am still doing ok just feeling really bad about caving and eating the ice cream. And the bad thing is I am not even a big ice cream eater it was there and I wanted something sweet (5 days without) so, I just caved at least I did measure and it was only 1/2 cup.
    Last night we had what I think is called something like 'Johny Marsettie' - I browned venison (or extra lean ground beef), and an chopped onion, using a little olive oil as needed, then added some pepper flakes, and a can of chopped tomatoes. After it simmered for a bit I served it over low carb (Dream Field) pasta.

    I made salmon patties earlier in the week - a can of salmon, an egg, minced onion (small onion), a little dried dill, if you have a lemon - some lemon zest, a little bread crumbs (4 crushed Ritz crackers- or 3 TB bread crumbs). Mix it together, if it's too dry add another egg or just the egg white. Shape it into patties and saute in a little olive oil on medium for about 7 minutes, turn and cook on the other side (I cover it) until it's browned. I made a sauce of 1/4 cup light mayo and lemon juice with some dried dill and served it with the salmon patties. Serve some dark green veggies with it (we had chopped spinach).

    Same as the Johny Marzetti - with chicken, saute a chopped onion in a little olive oil (add a clove of crushed garlic if you like), when the onion is translucent add strips of chicken breast and stir and cook for about five minutes, then add the pepper flakes and a can of chopped tomatoes, add some dried Italian seasoning or at least a little oregano simmer for five or ten minutes and serve over low-carb pasta.

    Buy a small whole chicken (fryer) - rinse and pat dry, mix 3 TB olive oil, 2 tps dried herbs (I like rosemary) and 1 tsp salt - rub this under the skin on the chicken breast and then all over the outside (and back). Place the chicken breast side down in a roasting pan and roast for 1 hour at 350F. Check the temp of the chicken in the thigh for 170 or higher - keep checking every 15 minutes till it get there. Take it out of the oven and place a lose piece of foil over the bird and let it rest ten minutes. Serve it with a little brown rice and a veggie like green beans!

    Black bean tacos - 1 head of leaf lettuce, 1/2 cup light shredded cheese, 1 can of black beans, 1 packet of taco seasoning. Rinse the beans and add a 1/4 cup of water (or beer) to the beans and simmer for 15 minutes, stir in the taco seasoning and simmer for another ten minutes (you can add water if needed). Serve a spoon full of beans with a pinch of cheese in a lettuce leaf - it's really pretty good!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Calories: yes
    Water: yes
    Exercise: no (A head cold has set in and I'm can't move any too fast without a real rush)
    Proud: I really wanted to munch this afternoon and I limited to 12 pretzels.

    Have a peaceful evening.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Thank you both for the help.:flowerforyou: and the recipes sound good I love salmon.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok so I am posting late.BUt here it is:
    Calories 1700 way over but I will not stress over it.I haven't been back into the swing of things for s few months now and I have only really been serious about thi sfor 2 weeks now so if I lose nothing tomorrow I will continue to do what I have been doing
    Water-yes working on my 3rd 64 ounce cup so that makes what 192 ounces right
    Exercise-But of course 60 minutes burnt 950 calories.I am sticking to level 15 for awhile because it gives me a challenge and I like the way I feel afterwards
    Proud that I am trying not to stress so much about not seeing my weight drop I know it will come off soon I did this the beginning of last yar and I was whining about the same stuff but eventually it just began to fall off because I stuck with it.So I do know what I am doing will eventually work but my body just has to get used to it again.I am seriously in this for the long haul no falling back off the wagon or giving in to huge cravings anymore for me.This is what I want and this is something I will do for myself because I deserve to look and feel good about me.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in!

    Calories - over! Our Thursday Night Dinner group was cancelled due to weather - so the three of us kinda ate most of the wings I'd made... (shhhhh WORTH IT:ohwell: )
    Water - still working on it
    Exercise - only 40 minutes.:frown: I'm hoping to make up for my two days of under 60 this weekend.

    Proud- I did pretty good tonight. I'd budgeted for five wings, I had 8 - not great but I didn't have any of the warm bread (which I LOVE) and I am not stuffed so I ate only what I was really hungry for... And I'm proud that I was on the elliptical at 5:30 this morning :bigsmile:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Today has been a bit of a struggle.. but overall did very well

    Calories.. stayed under
    Exercise got in 80 on the treadmill and 30 of yoga so 110 total
    Water.. still working on it but almost there
    Proud.. even though my day started out crappy I picked myself up and made the most of it!

    Tomorrow is a busy day at work so, I will check in when I can. I allowed a extra long lunch break so, I hopefully do not over do the shoulder and neck again. We will see how it goes!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Calories, 1500 I went over by 200, but I figured it would not kill me since 1500 is NOT that much
    Water. I do not have a clue today, I do not think so
    exercise:frown: No

    I am proud that even though my scale is not budging this week I am still going strong and not letting it get to me.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,263
    Exercise: 20 minutes stationary bike, week 4 day 2 of c25k
    Water: 104 oz so far
    Proud: I completed another day of c25k week 4. It's such a leap from week 3 it's still pretty tough for me. At least I'm actually able to get through it now.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    awestfal, I adore you. You are such an inspiration to me. I think you should bottle your enthusiasm and perseverance and sell it. I'll be the first in line to buy!
    rosie - good attitude on #4 - and remember, speaking as a professional singer, anxiety and vocals do not mix. There will be bad days, heck, even bad months, but you'll be OK.
    momoftwo - Kudos to you for putting in words what we all here must say: that we will have bad days, and it is OK. It is taking me a long time to truly believe it, but I am so much better than I was even five months ago! That's because of you all! :flowerforyou:

    check-in: warning: due to snow day, objects in check-in may appear farther from goal! :noway:
    calories: WAY under. I know this is weird, but when I am not teaching I am not nearly as hungry and I forget to eat! It is 10:41pm and now what? Do I go ahead and eat my cals?
    water: under :grumble:
    exercise: 40 mins bike plus arm work
    proud: caught up on sleep today! Feel MUCH better! :bigsmile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning gals,

    I am very sorry i have not been on the board for two days, including today, but one i take my test on Saturday, and then i i will be ok...no more stress. I have not read any post since Wednesday...but i will on Saturday willl be my catch up day - lol.

    I am with in my calories. I have not exercised nor have i drank as much water as i want, but i am pround that i am moving along and have not gave up. I weighed in today..and today (early in the morning TOM payed me a visit) so i was up by 5 pounds...i feel so tired, in pain, and swallen (sp) but i know it's all do to TOM...

    don't worry gals I WILL BE BACK.

    Have a great day gals!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    01/07/10 -

    Cals - Over by about 200 , but pretty much ate my ex calroies.
    exerices - 40 min on wii biggest looser
    water - way under
    proud - That I am doing this !!!!!!!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    01/07/10 -

    Cals - Over by about 200 , but pretty much ate my ex calroies.
    exerices - 40 min on wii biggest looser
    water - way under
    proud - That I am doing this !!!!!!!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am very proud of my weigh in this morning !!!!! I am down 2.4 lbs (since before the holdiays not last week, i didn't even record last week as it was lot of water weight).

    So i lost .87 %

    I am very proud of this..i was hoping just to be back to where i was before the holiday's but now i am almost 2 1/2 lbs lower than that...sorry to toot my own horn but am very excited about this.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I am very proud of my weigh in this morning !!!!! I am down 2.4 lbs (since before the holdiays not last week, i didn't even record last week as it was lot of water weight).

    So i lost .87 %

    I am very proud of this..i was hoping just to be back to where i was before the holiday's but now i am almost 2 1/2 lbs lower than that...sorry to toot my own horn but am very excited about this.
    lildebbie - that's AWESOME! You are doing this! 24 lbs down already just thinkg what you'll look like this summer :bigsmile:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Either I have hit a plateau and/or this hypothyroid effecting things.. still very run down, I guess the good news is I have not gained. Well, I am off to work.. check back in later!

    Remember to cut and paste for your weigh in & the website to figure your % out is at

    Weigh in for Friday 1/8/10
    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am very proud of my weigh in this morning !!!!! I am down 2.4 lbs (since before the holdiays not last week, i didn't even record last week as it was lot of water weight).

    So i lost .87 %

    I am very proud of this..i was hoping just to be back to where i was before the holiday's but now i am almost 2 1/2 lbs lower than that...sorry to toot my own horn but am very excited about this.
    lildebbie - that's AWESOME! You are doing this! 24 lbs down already just thinkg what you'll look like this summer :bigsmile:

    Thanks!! I can't wait. I will still be big, but 50 - 60 lbs lighter than I started is a good thing !!!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Weigh in this morning shows me at 256.0.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm down 3.0 pounds from last week, yay! Weighed in at 226.8. :smile:
    There was no snow. Maybe it flurried a little overnight but nothing on the ground this morning. :frown:

    Weigh in for Friday 1/8/10
    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: What percentage is that?
    jlb123: 1.30%
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good Morning!

    Happy to report that I am now officially over weight, never to return to being obese! I lost 2.6 lbs. this week to put me at 196. There is something to be said to get support from people who can relate to one another. Recently I was reading a post that a gal was just sick of being fat, her starting weight was 148. I can relate to feeling fat but at 148?!?!? Working and focusing one day at time. Keep up the inspiration ladies.

    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: What percentage is that?
    jlb123: 1.30%
    snowflakes: .98%