Facebook Status u wish u could post but can't? Post away :)



  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    1) I don't care.
    2) Nobody else cares.
    3) Vaguebooking something you don't have the balls to say to an individual in person doesn't earn you cool points.
    4) Leave the politics in the polling booths... you're not changing my mind and I'm not changing yours.
    5) Save the drama... oh, wait... I just deleted you.

    ^^ This!!! Thank you!!!:wink:
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    I've lost 63 pounds and look and feel better than ever!!!
  • coffeerunner
    coffeerunner Posts: 26 Member
    Your pathetic life doesnt need a post every 10 seconds. Anyone that really knows you knows the only thing you and your loser husband will ever accomplish is to continue sucking the most amount of money out of the government you can. Oh and I never got a thank you for you having two kids on medicaid while taking vacations. The reason you owe me a thank you is you could have worked or your husband could have worked but nah...it's much easier to claim unemployment and use medicaid insurance.

    Whew. Thanks that was theraputic. ;)
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    are pics like this ok? its a dog with 3 tennis balls. i give up on photo bucket


    here ya go

    just add [.img] <url> [/img.] (remove the period)
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    Please, please, PLEASE . .. Stop posting daily pictures of your dinner plate showing me everything stupid little thing you eat!! Do you seriously think that anyone gives a crap??
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I'm learning some very valuable lessons about what not to post on my facebook.

    Some people get pissed at posts about:
    ~my successes and things that make me happy
    ~my failures and things that make me sad
    ~my relationship
    ~my step-kids
    ~my cat
    ~my health, pregnancies, etc
    ~my political leanings or my lack of political leaning
    ~my religous leanings or lack-thereof
    ~when I post pictures of myself, sometimes when they don't have me in them, pics of my step-kids, my cat
    ~forwards and chainy, gamey things


    Doesn't leave much does it?

    A nice balance of what really is going on is nice, the same tone/subject every day is a bit boring
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Wish I could post something on the walls of those who:
    1. Post day and night about animal rights and cruelty
    2. Carry around the biggest leather LV handbag I've ever seen.

    Hypocritical much?

    Or the one who's constantly liking anti-capitalist/anti-consumerist links yet is the first to have the new iphone/Kors purse/Prada shades. LMAO!
  • coffeerunner
    coffeerunner Posts: 26 Member
    1) I don't care.
    2) Nobody else cares.
    3) Vaguebooking something you don't have the balls to say to an individual in person doesn't earn you cool points.
    4) Leave the politics in the polling booths... you're not changing my mind and I'm not changing yours.
    5) Save the drama... oh, wait... I just deleted you.

    Applause, esp the "vaguebooking". I've learned not to take the bait on that one. "OMG something horrible happened!" and then they disappear for 3 hrs while everyone wonders if that person is ok. Then it turns out, it's something stupid like a flat tire or they stubbed their toe. Or the passive aggressive status update about someone specifically they can't actually talk to the topic with but instead drag all of their FB friends into the drama. Annoying!

    ROFL -- it's like we know the same people.
  • rhonniema
    are pics like this ok? its a dog with 3 tennis balls. i give up on photo bucket

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    1: You are 22 years old, just had your 3rd child, you have never had a job and you and your boyfriend still live with your mom?

    2: I wish my feed wasn't clogged up by my mom and best friend (soon to be former BFF) pictures of their drunken vacation that they kept a secret from me, pics of them hanging out 2-3 nights a week and stupid little e-cards that they post, clearly aimed at me for having, "sour grapes". I think I have the right to them..
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    "Stop posting pictures of your ugly babies."

    Yup! Not all babies are equally cute lol
  • Theresamd
    I've just been thinking about all the statuses I'd LOVE to post on facebook but I can't, so I thought a 'Get it off your chest' thread would be fun to have :smile:

    I'll start:

    Dear attention *kitten*, being a regular *kitten* just isn't enough for you is it??

    Lol x

    Haha...Oh how I have wanted to say post this and so many more of the post that people wrote on here!! LOL
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    So I carefully read all of the posts and the only thing we are allowed to post on Facebook is our assessment of the strategic alingment of the infantry during the Battle of Hastings. Anything else no one cares about.

    You people are mean. I post a lot of this stuff all the time and all 7 of my FB friends tell me they love it.
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    And.....I don't need to see a picture of every meal you eat....especially the horribly calorie and grease-ridden crap and then you complain that you're overweight!!!

    YES! I hate food pictures. Most the time it does not look appetizing.
  • mmmyotwnz
    mmmyotwnz Posts: 119 Member
    I only got through 5 pages and I am laughing so hard.... I wish I could use some!

    Some of my close friends from HS have a thread on FB that has been going on for over a year now... when we see completely ridiculous crap we stick it in the thread. I am wondering how some of the classmates have made it this far in life...
    Coupled with the face that they are on marriage #? and have a couple of baby daddies, looking for the next one and they are getting action...shudder.
    I know a guy who was interested in a classmate, he asked for a picture of her and she put up her HS pictures, he thought she looked like that, and he was shocked when they met at a coffee house. Be real, you are impressing no one.

    One of my favorites it when someone posts a pic of me and a group of friends and 'IF" there is a bottle or glass of adult beverage nearby, they will zero in on it and comment...really? I'm in my 40's with grown children, socializing, having real relationships outside of social networking and you comment on stupid crap like that?

    Other than keeping up with friends and staying in contact with relatives who live very far away, I take things on there with a grain of salt.
  • karagetsfit
    Why don't you people just delete these other people from your facebook? Then you wouldn't have to post imaginary statuses that you wish you were bold enough to say.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i still post what i want to say, only i dont add the names:drinker:
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    Dear Couple of the Century: Why don't you tell each other how wonderful you think you are, instead of posting it to induce vomiting in the rest of us?
    I really hate when people do that- really? Happy Anniversary or I love you soo much back and forth on facebook? Why not just text or god-forbid call that person and be done with it!
  • 1969ned
    1969ned Posts: 219
    for the love of god stop posting statuses about how gorgeous you keep being told you are - you have fake nails, fake hair, fake colour skin and a fake personality - please fake off! :huh:
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Thank you

    just add [.img] <url> [/img.] (remove the period)
    Edited by ekz13 on Mon 09/24/12 12:15 PM