Slim in 6 group starting monday morning, 1/11/2010!



  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    I must be slacking. I just did Mix It Up and burned only 254 calories.

    Hmmmm...we're pretty close in weight, right? That's quite a difference in calorie burn. I'll definitely wear mine tonight during Tone it Up and see what I get.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I think we're pretty close. I'm 146 pounds and 49 years old.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I wonder if height makes a difference. I'm 5'6" for what that's worth.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 47, 5'4", and between 149-150lbs right now. Off to do Tone it Up and see what kind of numbers I come up with this time.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Ok, now for Tone it Up, my HRM said I burned 308 calories. A bit lower than Mix it Up and I could tell it was less cardio-intensive. It blasted every muscle in my body - but I could tell my HR was not as high. It did exceed maximum during those rear lunges w/front delt raises though! And then knee up - AND kicks?! :sad: WOW! And she totally toasted my triceps tonight...and inner thighs...and...:laugh:

    Tomorrow is supposed to be Cool it Off, but since I missed those 2 days in a row I think I will do Tear it Up (yikes!!) first and then Cool it Off. I'm thinking I will definitely need to cool if off after that one! :wink:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    You haven't done Tear It Up yet, have you? Boy, are you in for a treat! :devil: :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Yeah, a real 'treat' is what I've heard. :sick: I'm almost excited just to see if I'm up for the challenge. My sick mind works that way. :laugh:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    It's actually kind of fun. I enjoyed that 78 minutes more than the Shape It Up 78 minutes.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    :sick: :devil: :sick: :noway: Well, I did IT. Tear it Up is one heck of a workout!!!! But it really is 'fun' in a weird, sick way. :bigsmile: The only thing I had a bit of trouble with were the burpees. But I sure gave 'em a shot. After completing that workout, I have a true feeling of accomplishment. :wink: For the 78 min my HRM read 469 calories burned. :drinker:

    As sore as I've been feeling, I think it's finally time to give Cool it Off a try tomorrow. I feel a recovery is definitely needed!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I'm excited to see what my HRM reads on Tear It Up. I'll find out tomorrow. I got 255 for Tone It Up yesterday, and I am looking forward to Cooling it Off today.

    I have to say Slim Series isn't exactly what I was expecting. It's not as cardio-intensive as I would have thought. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I have almost two weeks under my belt. I need another couple to know for sure what I think of it. I may do a hybrid of SI6 and Slim Series after that. We'll see... It's definitely nice to have some variety and more workouts to choose from!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Jill - I was thinking the same thing about incorporating both SI6 + Slim Series at some point. There is a rotation posted over at the Beachbody Slim Series message board that Debbie herself made up that incorporates both, and a day of 'your choice cardio' also. Pretty cool. I figure I will stick with the Slim Training program first, and then try that rotation if I'm still alive afterwards. :wink:

    Today I did 40 min on the elliptical and then Cool it Off. Realistically, I'm not sure how many times I'll be doing that one. It felt GREAT for sure but it's just too long for a stretch/recovery workout for me. I know in my heart I needed it...but I think I'd rather do Slim & Limber sometimes just for the time-saving part.

    One thing I noticed for sure - after doing SI6 and now a week of Slim Series - the elliptical was a breeze tonight! :bigsmile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Thanks for the tip, Scoobees! I'm over there now looking for that thread. If I can't find it, I'll bug you for the link. I have a couple of weeks left (after tomorrow's rest day), so no hurry.

    I have an insane schedule today, and I'm feeling grumpy, so doing Tear It Up this morning will either make it that much worse or will turn my mood around completely. I'm hoping for the latter!

    Have a great day, everybody, and remember to Push Play!!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    OK, I give up. I've been searching the Beachbody message boards, and I can't find that hybrid rotation you're talking about. Could you hook me up with a link? Thank you!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Today was my second time with Shape it Up and I totally agree that Tear it Up is more 'enjoyable'. And more intense. I burned almost 100 calories less with SIU for the same amount of time. I know that part really doesn't matter in the long run; weight workouts are not all about the calorie burn at that moment, but my brain just works that way. :wink: Anyway, it's still a great workout!

    Are we allowed to post links? I've never read the rules here lol. But here's that link to the BB message board for that Slim Series hybrid rotation - and luckily it's in the very first post. I hope this works...;jsessionid=436B8A30F3AEA77533A588BFFA83BE7A.node2

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member

    I think the only rulel about links is that we're not supposed to post them in our signature lines, but don't quote me on that.

    This rotation is interesting. I like that there's only one 78-minute workout each week, and I like seeing S&6-Pack. I really miss that as well as the higher-intensity cardio. I do believe I'll do this after I finish Slim Training and possibly a recovery week. Tomorrow's my rest day, but I think I'll do 6-Pack and S&L for giggles.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Oh yeah, I did Tear It Up with my F4, and I almost broke 400! I hit 397. I swear I'm working as hard as I can! I guess my heart doesn't believe me.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Tonight I did Firm it Up - 295 cal burned. Love the workouts, wish I burned more calories though. :tongue: As sore as I get and the body changes that are happening - I know that something must be working :wink:

    Tomorrow I'm thinking of giving Slim Series a break and hitting the gym for some good ole fashioned cardio. I really don't wanna burn out too quickly on this series.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Today is the first day of Week 4 (Shape It Up), so I'll finish up this week, take a recovery week, and then do a hybrid rotation after that. I think I'll come up with my own so that I work out five days and then take a rest day. I was doing that before, and there's something about having a rotating rest day that really appeals to me.

    I'll let you know what I end up doing, but I'm pretty sure I'll incorporate a fair amount of 6-Pack and my stationary bike in it. I really miss riding my bike.

    Time to get the kid ready for school. Have a great Friday!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Wow - week 4 for you! That's a huge accomplishment for sure! :drinker: I sure hope to make it there, too. This is still week 2 for me and I am surprisingly enjoying myself. :wink:

    I didn't get to go to the gym like I planned today - snow storm :ohwell: - and no work because the schools were closed (I work in an elementary school cafeteria) so I slept in and did Mix it Up. Unfortunately I only burned 289 cal as opposed to 344 last time. I thought I was giving it my all. Oh well. I guess I have to stop being so concerned on the actual number and more with just working hard & eating clean. I am trying to trust the process.

    Are you a bit nervous about taking that recovery week? I know we're supposed to, and that Debbie gives some options on what to do during that week...but I know it will make me obsess about every calorie I put in my mouth. :sick: I hate that my brain works that way. :tongue: And I know I will sneak in some cardio...etc. I don't know why it's so hard for me to just plain rest. :grumble:

    I am definitely thinking what to do next also. I will probably shoot for that other rotation or maybe change it up a little to get in a bit more pure cardio. Maybe even an every other day thing, rotating SS with cardio. So many options, so little exercise time. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful weekend! :drinker:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    You can make it through four weeks. Heck, you're halfway there! I'm stubborn enough that not making it through isn't an option. :tongue:

    Sorry about the weather goofing up your workout plans. We have had such a mild winter here in the Northwest. I feel for all of you who have not had it so nice.

    My calorie burn was MUCH lower on Shape It Up yesterday than it was the week before (287 vs. 368), and I thought my intensity was the same. I'm really confused about that.

    Yes, yes, yes, I'm really nervous about taking a recovery week. I took one after the six weeks of Slim in 6, and it was really uncomfortable for me to do that. This time, I play to do the slightly more aggressive recovery week suggested in the Slimming Guide. Last time, I flat out didn't work out at all. I think this will be better. I set my calorie goals to maintenance last recovery week, and I will do that again this time. However, I won't eat what few exercise calories I burn during that week.

    What I'm confused about is what to do after that week is up. I can't decide what rotation I want to do. (There are so many workouts I want to do and not enough days in the week!) I need a plan, though, because if I have one, I will stick to it. If I wing it, I'm terrified I will slack off.

    Today is Firm It Up. I really like that one. It think it's my second favorite in the series — after Mix It Up.

    Have a great Saturday!