Slim in 6 group starting monday morning, 1/11/2010!



  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    I am the same way - I need a plan all the time. Winging things are just plain scary for me! :tongue:

    Yesterday was my 'free' day; no exercise - no calorie restrictions. Gosh, I LOVE Saturdays. :heart: :wink: Back to reality today. I did Tone it Up (gotta love those lunges eh? :ohwell: ) and burned a bit less than last time (from 308 to 292 this time). I guess we are just getting a bit used to her type of workouts and therefore are progressively burning less calories? I don't know. Hard to believe one can adapt to this workout. :laugh:

    Tomorrow is Tear it Up - I am totally looking forward to the sweat!!! :devil:

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I did Tone It Up today. I think it's official that I don't care much for that one or Shape It Up, so they will get 86'd when I devise my own program after my recovery week next week. I'm not positive, but I think I'll do something along these lines:

    Day 1: Slim & 6-Pack, Cardio Core Express, Slim & Limber
    Day 2: Firm It Up
    Day 3: Mix It Up
    Day 4: Slim & 6-Pack, Cool It Off
    Day 5: Tear It Up
    Day 6: Rest

    Day 7: Start all over again. This gives me a rest day every six days rather than seven, which I prefer for some reason. I just like when my rest day isn't always the same day of the week. It's like a fun surprise every week!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Yeah, Tone it Up is not one of my favorites...still undecided on Shape it Up. :ohwell: Another couple times to go for me. Your rotation looks fun - I like the idea of that 'surprise' floating rest day, too. I almost totally forgot about Cardio Core Express! I actually really liked that one. :drinker: I miss that...and even Burn it Up; well, to a degree maybe. :tongue:

    I'm not sure which direction I'll be heading. I may give that hybrid one a shot - especially because of that pick your own cardio day. Or, I've been thinking of doing that hybrid, but only every other day; the others are workouts at the gym. I REALLY miss the gym, and Zumba classes, and Turbo Kick classes, and...etc. :wink: So maybe I'll just rotate the SI6/SS hybrid every other day with my gym classes - so I will no longer be doing weights on back-to-back days. I really didn't like the whole idea of that to begin with, but I wanted to stick to the program. It sometimes feels like GOSH didn't we JUST work that muscle yesterday??? :tongue: :mad:

    I did Tear it Up...I have NO issues with that one whatsoever!! Completely, thoroughly worked out. Ahhhh. Nice and sweaty; no doubt in my mind that I burned the 462 calories that my HRM displayed.

    Tomorrow should be Cool it Off (I'm a bit off schedule with that Saturday free day) but I think I will let that one gather dust. :yawn: and hit the gym. Unless for some reason I am so sore I can't move...but I think S&L is good enough for recovery.

    Man, I'm just glad Monday is done. Almost anyway. :tongue: Recording the finale of The Bachelor while I make some dinner. Totally starving after Tear it Up!!!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I was missing Cardio Core Express and Slim & 6-Pack. I also miss Ramp It Up (not Burn It Up so much LOL), yoga, and my bike. I may substitute one of those for CCE in some weeks. We'll see...

    Today is Cool It Off for me. I really enjoy slowing down and taking the time for that one. It sounds like maybe it's kind of boring for you. I expected it to drag but was pleasantly surprised by it.

    Tomorrow I get to finish up my four weeks by Tearing It Up. Woohoo! That workout is a butt kicker, isn't it? I wouldn't want to do it every day, but once a week leaves me really looking forward to it!

    Have a great day!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    I wish I didn't find Cool it Off so boring because I know how beneficial it could be; I guess if it were shorter I could combine it with some cardio beforehand and not feel like I'm 'wasting' important calorie burning time. My mindset is so stubborn!!

    I so agree about Tear it Up - I wouldn't want to do if more often for sure - but I know every part of me is thoroughly worked at the end of that. :drinker: What a way to finish your four weeks by Tearing it Up!!!! Go you!!

    Today I finally got to the gym and did 60 min on the elliptical. Not as painful as I thought it was going to be; these SS dvds have a way of working on your muscle endurance for sure! :tongue: Tomorrow begins another week starting with Shape it Up again. I am sooo going to try to force myself to like that one a bit more. :wink:
  • 2723obriens
    Hey everyone,
    I am in my third week of Slim in six (Day 3). I really liked Ramp it up and felt definitely better afer the first week. Burnit up is really kicking my butt! This week I have really been struggling with the butt blasters. It isn't the leg I am lifting but the opposite hip will start hurting so much that I have to stop. Anyone else experience this? Any advice?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Isn't that BIU a butt kicker? Yes, I experienced that pain too. It does get better with time. Keeping my abs really tight helped a lot too. Good luck!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi Shannon - I 'almost' miss BIU, but then I remember the butt blasters. :sad: I feel a little bit of pain in the opposite leg too, and I try very hard to maintain good form on all fours and suck in those abs; seems to help.

    Yesterday I did Shape it Up again; alas, it will never be a favorite but I do like it. Today was Firm it Up. The good thing about having this variety with the Slim Series is that I FORGET which moves are in each one (even the ones I hate lol) so I never really know what's coming. That's a good thing on some of them. :wink: The gazillion pelvic tilts/butt squeezes at the end of FIU really GET to me after awhile. :tongue:

    Not sure about tomorrow. Either Mix it Up or the gym. It's all good - it'll be FRIDAY! :drinker:

  • MeRevisitedAgain
    MeRevisitedAgain Posts: 38 Member
    I bought my Slim in 6 series almost 5 years ago. I see in the forum there are Shape it up and Firm it up. I don't think I have those series. Does anyone know if those are additional sections or if it may have changed over the years.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Both. Slim in 6 has added a couple of workouts that didn't used to be on there: Cardio Core Express (love it!) and Thin Thighs Guaranteed (didn't think much of that one). Slim Series is a completely different set of workouts. It's a good program to get after you've done Slim in 6. It has six different workouts (including Shape It Up and Firm It Up). Here's a link to the Slim Series in the Beachbody store:

    Hope that helps!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Ugh. I've been a bit sick lately (cold/flu/sinus - something) and I've missed four workouts. Climbed back on the horse today and decided to pop in Burn it Up for some reason. Went pretty well despite hitting pause here & there to blow my nose. :grumble: Nice lol. Between being sick, and missing too many days in a row, the old endurance suffered a bit but I'm really glad I put in the effort. No matter what, I always feel better that I worked out. :flowerforyou: