What gamers do we have on here?



  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I used to be a PC gamer. I switched to console because I was tired of having to pay for continuous upgrades of my PC in order to play the current games.
  • I play COD (all releases on Xbox 360) and I enjoy Sims, and am a super fan of the GTA series.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Sims 3 on my laptop. Does that count? I am ridiculously addicted to it. Keeps me from eating, though. I don't eat over my keyboard.....crumbs you know
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    pc gamer - I play things like oblivion/skyrim, fallout series. dungeon seige series, borderlands (need to get 2 yet), bioshock series, left 4 dead series, etc...
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    Been WoW free now for a year and a half. Spent 3/4 of my day on that thing. Now if I feel the need to play something I have my own character on Wizards 101 and play with my kiddos :)
  • crazyivan19
    crazyivan19 Posts: 14 Member
    Xbox 360 gamer here, but I've been gaming since the Commodore 64 was the new kid on the block.

    Since I really only get 4-5 hours per week to play, I'm a solely singler player gamer now. I was addicted to WoW2 and Quake 2 back in college, so I did get some heavy duty multiplayer time in the past, but it's a solo thing now.

    Currently working through Witcher 2 and Dust (both of which are fantastic), and will most likely grab Borderlands 2 and Dishonored in the coming months. Great to see so many other gamers on here!
  • I play just a bit of everything, started back when the Atari 2600 came out and have not looked back. I enjoy WoW and SWTOR on PC as well as a variety of Steam games both old and new. I play a lot of android games as well as emulated stuff on my Nexus from the golden age of Nes, Snes, and Genesis. Other than that, I am currently I am playing Fear 3 on the 360 and Uncharted 3 on the PS3 and having a great time. I do use the Kinect to do some workouts too. It helps much! I plan to start Dead Space soon as well as the Assassins Creed series next and I still have to finish the first Borderlands and start Arkham City! (I am falling a bit behind due to job hunting) anyways, Game on! Feel free to add me on MFP here, or on XBL (f1cti0nal) or both!
  • You can guess what i play by my name :p

    Been a gamer since i was 4 in 1979 on the old wood grained atarii 2600 (which i still have!)

    Mostly play PC games. Alot of RPG, RTS, and a few shooters like TF2.

    Right now im big into AOE online. Im on steam if anyone wants to hook up.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    If all of you hardcore gamers are looking for a group on MFP, lookup "MFP Gamers" in the Community!
  • OliLloyd
    OliLloyd Posts: 61 Member
    Wow I didn't see that this received so many replies! Whoops.
    It's good to see that a lot of you game, shame not many of you play guild wars 2, as I'd be game to add a bunch of you on there!
  • tokataro
    tokataro Posts: 52 Member
    I bought GW2, but since Dark Souls was released on PC at around the same time, it's been consuming all my gaming time. I also throw in some Borderlands 2 or BF3 when I feel like shooting things in the face.
  • cbo1o
    cbo1o Posts: 55 Member
    I play mostly Black OPs. I have an XBOX 360 and PS3.
  • My favorite consoles have been all the Playstations. But I also love my Gameboys and I collect vintage consoles, too.
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    Right now playing SKYRIM on xbox 360 I LOVE THAT GAME! Here is my list ....atari, sega genesis (still have) , nitendo, nintendo 64, ps2 (still have), xbox , wii and a pc.

    I played Everquest and Camelot on PC Love them but felt like I was disconnected to physical world so i stopped. I have played COD 4 on xbox, we are getting mindcraft for my son for his bday, poker on xbox.


    Xbox Poker
    Xbox Skyrim
    Getting mindcraft
    Might get battleship or battlefield 3
    or new COD BO2
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    I'm bbykitteh on league if anyone wants to play with me :)
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I've just finished Witcher2. Also have Skyrim but waiting till I have no studies to really get back into it.

    My sister has introduced me in to Torchlight2 which took up most of my weekend.
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    Wow I didn't see that this received so many replies! Whoops.
    It's good to see that a lot of you game, shame not many of you play guild wars 2, as I'd be game to add a bunch of you on there!

    I would but my PC cant hadle it ...it's stupid lol
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    I've just finished Witcher2. Also have Skyrim but waiting till I have no studies to really get back into it.

    My sister has introduced me in to Torchlight2 which took up most of my weekend.

    I wish Skyrim was RPG Online game to fight with friends on xbox I love that game
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    *raises hand*

    I prefer to stick to more classic games. I couldn't live without my SNES (yes, I still have an original system that is in perfect working condition). I actually still buy games for it online from time to time. Just got my Williams Arcade Classics game in the mail last week, my husband and I stayed up late on Saturday and got drunk playing 2-player Joust. It was hilarious. I also have my Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Mariokart, Super Mario World... I have a 3rd party NES system to play stuff like the original Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt :)

    I have some games that I like to play from the Playstation/PS2... I like Spyro, Tomba, Midieval, Soul Reaver, Tetris Plus, Primal... just random games.

    I play a few games on the Wii... Twilight Princess, Wii Fit Plus (this is how I get pretty much all my exercise lol), Fortune Street, Animal Crossing: City Folk... I also own a Nintendo DSi but don't play it much. Crossing my fingers for a 3DS for x-mas.

    I used to play the MMORPG Maplestory online til they started changing everything every 5 minutes. My online gaming is basically down to just Pogo.com. I used to play Starcraft online and Diablo loooooong ago but haven't bothered in a while.

    My husband is a much bigger gamer than me. He's easily got about $10k in video games around the house, with everything from the original game boy up to the PS3. The only system we don't own between us is any form of X-Box. We still have a working Gamecube lmao
  • I bought GW2, but since Dark Souls was released on PC at around the same time, it's been consuming all my gaming time. I also throw in some Borderlands 2 or BF3 when I feel like shooting things in the face.

    I'm playing GW2. On Gunnars Hold and in Sarcastic Malevolence guild.