Daily Exercise Journal - October



  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Oct 1 - 35 minutes tennis
    Oct 2 - 60 minutes fitness course including: ab crunches, bench push-ups, tri dips, donkey kicks, dog leg lifts, inside leg lifts, once accross the monkey bars, hanging crunches, lost my pedometer, backtracked half mile, found it, and continued on.
    Oct 3 - 40 minute walk with a friend, I have to step it up tomorrow.
    Oct 4 - 45 minute run
    Oct 5 - 40 minute walk w/ dog in the cold misty cloudy air. Did I say it was COLD? Really... I don't have my thick winter blood yet, and not enough fat left to keep me warm either.
    Oct 6 - 15 minutes step aerobics, 20 minutes strength training - both at home
    Oct 8 - 30 minutes tennis w/ Mr C & leg curls 100, wrist curls 100, pelvic lifts 100, toe touch & ceiling reach 100.
    Oct 9 - 60 minutes fitness course including running, ab crunches, push ups, donkey kicks, dips, 1.5 times accross the monkey bars, hanging leg raises
    Oct 10 - 45 minute bike ride, 20 minute shooting baskets
    Oct 11 - 60 minute fitness course, 45 minute walk w/ friend
    Oct 12 - Rest
    Oct 13 - 55 minute walk w/ dog
    Oct 14 - 65 minute dog walk, push ups, hanging crunches, dips
    Oct 15 - Tennis w/ Mr C, walking 20 minutes on treadmill - yuk
    Oct 16 - 60 minutes fitness course, 40 min walk w/ dog
    Oct 17 - 50 minutes raking the front yard
    Oct 18 - 60 minutes dog walk, 45 minute fitness course including ab crunches, push ups, dips, donkey kicks
    Oct 19 - 20 minute dog walk - not much today, but at least I got everything on my to-do list done :o)
    Oct 20 - 40 minute walk
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    October 1----100 minutes walking with dogs---100 minutes walking with a friend
    October 2---2 hours walking with frisky poodles---45 minutes walking with hubby
    October 3----3 hours walking with my darling poodles----30 minutes line dance practice
    October 4--90 minutes walking with dogs---2 hour line dance class---1 hour walking with a friend
    October 5---30 minutes at the gym at the hotel----enough walking around inside and out to equal more than 22,000 steps
    October 6---60 minutes stationery bike---20 minutes treadmill---enough other walking to equal 24,000 steps
    October 7--40 minutes treadmill----20 minutes stationery bike--enough walking to equal 24,000 steps
    October 8---80 minutes walking by myself----100 minutes walking with the frisky poodles
    October 9---3 hours walking with poodles---20 minutes line dance practice
    October 10---2 1/2 hours walking with poodles---4 1/2 hours line dancing
    October 11--3 hours dog walking--2 hours line dance---2 1/2 hours walking with a friend
    October 12---2 1/2 hours dog walking---4 hours line dancing
    October 13---3 hours dog walking----30 minutes working in the garden
    October 14---3 hours dog walking
    October 15---3 hours dog walking----20 minutes line dance
    October 16---3 hours dog walking
    October 17---almost 3 hours dog walking ---4 1/2 hours line dance
    October 18--200 minutes dog walking---2 hours line dance class---18 minute walk with hubby---40 minutes weight training
    October 19---145 minutes dog walking----4 hours line dance (dancing one class, teaching the other)
    October 20--218 minutes dog walking---40 minutes weight training---40 minutes riding new recumbent bike

    every day
    100 warrior 3 poses and a timed plank

  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    0/1 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/2 - 30 min. walking on treadmill - 15 min. at 3.8 mph and 15 min. at 4.0 mph
    10/3 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/4 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/5 - rest day (went shopping for some new clothes that fit instead of walking)
    10/6 - 2 hours of hiking steep trails and 10 min. walking
    10/7 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/8 - 70 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/9 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/10 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/11 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/12 - 75 min. bike ride (15 miles); Finally got to try out my new bike!
    10/13 - 70 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/14 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/15 - 65 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/16 - 30 min. walk on treadmill, 4.0 mph
    10/17 - rest day - ran out of time...just not enough hours in the day
    10/18 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/19 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/20 - 105 min. hiking (5 miles)
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    10/01 rest day with lifting 15 pound weights
    10/02 walked 15 mins
    10/03 aerobics for 60 mins
    10/04 aerobics for 37 mins
    10/05 walked for 30 mins
    10/06 55 minutes of Walking
    10/07 4 mile walk w/ Walk Away the Pounds
    10/08 Rest day
    10/09 Walk Away the Pounds DVD 55 mins
    10/10 50 mins walking
    10/11 50 mins walking
    10/12 rest day
    10/13 Walk away the pounds DVD 5 big Miles
    10/14 90 mins of Aerobics
    10/15 60 mins of Aerobics
    10/16 rest day
    10/17 40 min walk
    10/18 10 min walk
    10/19 30 min walk
    10/20 90 mins with Walk Away the Pounds
    10/21 55 min walk
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    0/1 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/2 - 30 min. walking on treadmill - 15 min. at 3.8 mph and 15 min. at 4.0 mph
    10/3 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/4 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/5 - rest day (went shopping for some new clothes that fit instead of walking)
    10/6 - 2 hours of hiking steep trails and 10 min. walking
    10/7 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/8 - 70 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/9 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/10 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/11 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/12 - 75 min. bike ride (15 miles); Finally got to try out my new bike!
    10/13 - 70 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/14 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/15 - 65 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/16 - 30 min. walk on treadmill, 4.0 mph
    10/17 - rest day - ran out of time...just not enough hours in the day
    10/18 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/19 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/20 - 105 min. hiking (5 miles)
    10/21 - 65 min. walk, 3.5 mph
  • carol162m
    carol162m Posts: 169 Member
    Oct 1- Mon Walked 54 minutes with my 3 dogs.
    Oct 2- Tues Treadmill 30 mins, Circuit 24 Mins, Walking 3 dogs 42 mins
    Oct 3 Wedn Rest Day
    Oct 4 Thurs Walked 45 minutes with my 3 dogs
    Oct 5 Fri Cleaned house 102 mins, walked with my three dogs 12 mins
    Oct 6 Sat Walked with my 3 dogs 42 mins
    Oct 7 Sun Walked with my 1 dog 10 mins
    Oct 8 Mon Walked with my 3 dogs 42 mins
    Oct 9 Tues Rest Day
    Oct 10 Wedn 48 mins walking with my three poochies against cold winds
    Oct 11 Thurs 54 mins walking with my 3 poochies, 24 Mins Planet Fitness Circuit machines, 24 mins Treadmill, 6 mins Bike
    Oct 12 Fri 25 Mins Planet Fitness Treadmill, 20 Minutes Circuit Machines, 6 Min Stationary Bike
    Oct 13 Sat 54 Mins Walking 3 poochies
    Oct 14 Sun 78 Mins Walking 3 poochies
    Oct 15 Mon 24 mins treadmill, 24 mins Circuit Machines, 12 mins Stationary Bike
    Oct 16 Tues 60 mins Walking with my 3 doggies and a friend
    Oct 17 Wedn 54 mins Walking with my 3 doggies
    Oct 18 Thurs 24 mins Planet Fitness Treadmill, 24 mins Planet Fitness Circuit Machines
    Oct 19 Fri Rest Day!
    Oct 20 Sat 24 Mins Treadmill, 24 Mins Planet Fitness Circuit Machines, 12 Mins Stationary Bike, 48 Mins Walking 3 doggies
    Oct 21 Sun 60 mins walking 3 doggies
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member

    Best Yet! I love it!!!!!!
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    10/1 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 110 or 68%
    10/2 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 109 or 67% 35 min weights
    10/3 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 108 or 67%
    10/4 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 110 or 68% 35 min weights
    10/5 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 112 or 69%
    10/6 Tried out Endomondo on my new phone. My daughter said I'm learning, but we walk not run. :laugh:
    At least the coffee I brought back was right.
    10/7 Early coffee walk :wink: 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 120 or 74% more incline
    35 min weights
    10/8 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 108 or 67%
    10/9 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 112 or 69% 35 min weights
    10/10 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 112 or 69%
    10/11 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 113 or 70% 35 min weights
    10/12 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 114 or 70%
    10/13 Early walk to get coffee, Shopping, then we went to a cookout.
    10/14 Coffee walk :happy: 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 25 min treadmill :heart: 122 or 75%
    35 min weights
    10/15 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 28 min treadmill :heart: 111 or 69%
    10/16 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 70% 35 min weights
    10/17 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 70%
    10/18 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 72% 35 min weights
    10/19 30 min treadmill,20 min ex-bike, Vo2Max test, 30 min treadmill :heart: 71%
    10/20 30 min coffee walk, shopping, REST of the day off.
    10/21 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 75% 35 min weights
  • rbene07
    rbene07 Posts: 143 Member
    10/1 - Walk university campus 20 min
    10/2 - Walking a work event 30 min
    10/3 - Walking a work event 30 min, bike 45 min
    10/4 - Bike 45 min
    10/5 - Rest day
    10/6 - Rest day - soaked in spa waters
    10/7 - 90 min walk
    10/8 - Walking university campus 25 min (w/full load of books)
    10/9 - Bike 30 min
    10/10 - Bike 45 min (must get to the gym tomorrow!)
    10/11 - Treadmill 15 min Bike 25 min weights 35 min (Yeah!)
    10/12 - Bike 50 min
    10/13 - Treadmil 20 min Housework 30 min weights 35 min
    10/14 - Rest Day
    10/15 - Walk university campus 20 min
    10/16 - Bike 35 min
    10/17 - Treadmill 30 min weights 35 min
    10/18 - Rest day
    10/19 - Bike 30 min
    10/20 - Treadmill 30 min
    10/21 - Bike 40 min weights 40 min housework 60 min
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    October 1----100 minutes walking with dogs---100 minutes walking with a friend
    October 2---2 hours walking with frisky poodles---45 minutes walking with hubby
    October 3----3 hours walking with my darling poodles----30 minutes line dance practice
    October 4--90 minutes walking with dogs---2 hour line dance class---1 hour walking with a friend
    October 5---30 minutes at the gym at the hotel----enough walking around inside and out to equal more than 22,000 steps
    October 6---60 minutes stationery bike---20 minutes treadmill---enough other walking to equal 24,000 steps
    October 7--40 minutes treadmill----20 minutes stationery bike--enough walking to equal 24,000 steps
    October 8---80 minutes walking by myself----100 minutes walking with the frisky poodles
    October 9---3 hours walking with poodles---20 minutes line dance practice
    October 10---2 1/2 hours walking with poodles---4 1/2 hours line dancing
    October 11--3 hours dog walking--2 hours line dance---2 1/2 hours walking with a friend
    October 12---2 1/2 hours dog walking---4 hours line dancing
    October 13---3 hours dog walking----30 minutes working in the garden
    October 14---3 hours dog walking
    October 15---3 hours dog walking----20 minutes line dance
    October 16---3 hours dog walking
    October 17---almost 3 hours dog walking ---4 1/2 hours line dance
    October 18--200 minutes dog walking---2 hours line dance class---18 minute walk with hubby---40 minutes weight training
    October 19---145 minutes dog walking----4 hours line dance (dancing one class, teaching the other)
    October 20--218 minutes dog walking---40 minutes weight training---40 minutes riding new recumbent bike
    October 21----3 hours walking dogs----50 minutes stationery bike

    every day
    100 warrior 3 poses and a timed plank

  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    yesterday: rest day
    today: 4.5 hours (elliptical with arms 2 miles/30 mins, strength training 45 mins, rowing 1 mile/11.5 mins, stair machine 1 mile/14 mins, c25k week4 30 mins/2 miles, cross trainer 20 mins/2 miles, yoga level 101 60 mins, H.E.A.T. circuit training and running laps 60 mins/2.5 miles)
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,178 Member
    Oct. 1 - Walked 14 minutes, back exercises (including crunches) & did push-ups.
    Oct. 2 - Rest Day
    Oct. 3 - Back exercises (including crunches) & did push ups.
    Oct. 4 - 30 min. dancing, 1 hour aerobics class
    Oct 5 - Push ups
    Oct. 6 - Rest Day
    Oct. 7 - 1 hr. Zumba class
    Oct. 8 - back exercises (including crunches & planks) & push-ups, 1 hour dancing
    Oct. 9 - 1 hr. Aerobics class, 45 minutes dancing
    Oct. 10 - back exercises (including crunches & planks), push-ups, 15 min. walk, 1.5 hours playing raccquetball
    Oct. 11 - 1 hr. aerobics class
    Oct 12 - 40 crunches & 40 puah-ups (really tired & sore today)
    Oct 13 - Rest Day
    Oct 14 - 1 hr. Zumba class
    Oct 15 - Rest Day
    Oct 16 - Rest Day
    Oct 17 - 15 min. walk
    Oct. 18 - 21 - Nothing...
    Hope to do better this week...
  • GIAngel222
    GIAngel222 Posts: 227 Member

    Treadmill - warm up - walk for 2 min than ran 1 mile

    1) Barbell Dead Lift - 10 reps, 4 sets - 60 lbs
    2) Bent Over Barbell Row - 10 reps, 4 sets - 50 lbs
    3) Assisted Pull-ups - 10 reps, 4 sets - 65 lbs
    4) Backwards Pushup- 8 reps, 4 sets - Own weight
    5) Seated Cable Rows 10 reps, 4 sets - 20 lbs.

    Treadmill - walk for 5 mins and then ran for 15 mins -
    Burned 493 calories

    Walked 5 miles in 1 hour and 45 minutes plus was on my feet from 9:30 - 1:30
    Burned 671 calories

    Treadmill walked for 5 minutes and ran for 10 - 1.35 miles
    Elliptical for 22 minutes - 2 miles
    Burned 399 calories
  • carol162m
    carol162m Posts: 169 Member
    Oct 1- Mon Walked 54 minutes with my 3 dogs.
    Oct 2- Tues Treadmill 30 mins, Circuit 24 Mins, Walking 3 dogs 42 mins
    Oct 3 Wedn Rest Day
    Oct 4 Thurs Walked 45 minutes with my 3 dogs
    Oct 5 Fri Cleaned house 102 mins, walked with my three dogs 12 mins
    Oct 6 Sat Walked with my 3 dogs 42 mins
    Oct 7 Sun Walked with my 1 dog 10 mins
    Oct 8 Mon Walked with my 3 dogs 42 mins
    Oct 9 Tues Rest Day
    Oct 10 Wedn 48 mins walking with my three poochies against cold winds
    Oct 11 Thurs 54 mins walking with my 3 poochies, 24 Mins Planet Fitness Circuit machines, 24 mins Treadmill, 6 mins Bike
    Oct 12 Fri 25 Mins Planet Fitness Treadmill, 20 Minutes Circuit Machines, 6 Min Stationary Bike
    Oct 13 Sat 54 Mins Walking 3 poochies
    Oct 14 Sun 78 Mins Walking 3 poochies
    Oct 15 Mon 24 mins treadmill, 24 mins Circuit Machines, 12 mins Stationary Bike
    Oct 16 Tues 60 mins Walking with my 3 doggies and a friend
    Oct 17 Wedn 54 mins Walking with my 3 doggies
    Oct 18 Thurs 24 mins Planet Fitness Treadmill, 24 mins Planet Fitness Circuit Machines
    Oct 19 Fri Rest Day!
    Oct 20 Sat 24 Mins Treadmill, 24 Mins Planet Fitness Circuit Machines, 12 Mins Stationary Bike, 48 Mins Walking 3 doggies
    Oct 21 Sun 60 mins walking 3 doggies
    Oct 22 Sun 30 Mins Planet Fitness Treadmill, 30 mins Planet Fitness Circuit machines, 12 Mins PF Stationary Bike, 48 mins
    walking doggies.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    10/1 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 110 or 68%
    10/2 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 109 or 67% 35 min weights
    10/3 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 108 or 67%
    10/4 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 110 or 68% 35 min weights
    10/5 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 112 or 69%
    10/6 Tried out Endomondo on my new phone. My daughter said I'm learning, but we walk not run. :laugh:
    At least the coffee I brought back was right.
    10/7 Early coffee walk :wink: 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 120 or 74% more incline
    35 min weights
    10/8 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 108 or 67%
    10/9 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 112 or 69% 35 min weights
    10/10 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 112 or 69%
    10/11 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 113 or 70% 35 min weights
    10/12 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 114 or 70%
    10/13 Early walk to get coffee, Shopping, then we went to a cookout.
    10/14 Coffee walk :happy: 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 25 min treadmill :heart: 122 or 75%
    35 min weights
    10/15 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 28 min treadmill :heart: 111 or 69%
    10/16 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 70% 35 min weights
    10/17 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 70%
    10/18 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 72% 35 min weights
    10/19 30 min treadmill,20 min ex-bike, Vo2Max test, 30 min treadmill :heart: 71%
    10/20 30 min coffee walk, shopping, REST of the day off.
    10/21 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 75% 35 min weights
    10/22 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 71%
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Oct 1 - 35 minutes tennis
    Oct 2 - 60 minutes fitness course including: ab crunches, bench push-ups, tri dips, donkey kicks, dog leg lifts, inside leg lifts, once accross the monkey bars, hanging crunches, lost my pedometer, backtracked half mile, found it, and continued on.
    Oct 3 - 40 minute walk with a friend, I have to step it up tomorrow.
    Oct 4 - 45 minute run
    Oct 5 - 40 minute walk w/ dog in the cold misty cloudy air. Did I say it was COLD? Really... I don't have my thick winter blood yet, and not enough fat left to keep me warm either.
    Oct 6 - 15 minutes step aerobics, 20 minutes strength training - both at home
    Oct 8 - 30 minutes tennis w/ Mr C & leg curls 100, wrist curls 100, pelvic lifts 100, toe touch & ceiling reach 100.
    Oct 9 - 60 minutes fitness course including running, ab crunches, push ups, donkey kicks, dips, 1.5 times accross the monkey bars, hanging leg raises
    Oct 10 - 45 minute bike ride, 20 minute shooting baskets
    Oct 11 - 60 minute fitness course, 45 minute walk w/ friend
    Oct 12 - Rest
    Oct 13 - 55 minute walk w/ dog
    Oct 14 - 65 minute dog walk, push ups, hanging crunches, dips
    Oct 15 - Tennis w/ Mr C, walking 20 minutes on treadmill - yuk
    Oct 16 - 60 minutes fitness course, 40 min walk w/ dog
    Oct 17 - 50 minutes raking the front yard
    Oct 18 - 60 minutes dog walk, 45 minute fitness course including ab crunches, push ups, dips, donkey kicks
    Oct 19 - 20 minute dog walk - not much today, but at least I got everything on my to-do list done :o)
    Oct 20 - 40 minute walk
    Oct 21 - Rest
    Oct 22 - 40 minutes tennis
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    chest and arms today... barbell chest press 165# 4,4,4,3 155# 5 dumbbell incline press 65# 4,5,5,4 dumbbell decline 45# 8,8,8 dumbbell fly 45# 5,5,4,4 chin up plus 20 6,5,5,5,4 hammer curl 40# 3/30# 6/25# 9/ dumbbell arm curl 40# 3/35# 5/30# 7
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    October 1----100 minutes walking with dogs---100 minutes walking with a friend
    October 2---2 hours walking with frisky poodles---45 minutes walking with hubby
    October 3----3 hours walking with my darling poodles----30 minutes line dance practice
    October 4--90 minutes walking with dogs---2 hour line dance class---1 hour walking with a friend
    October 5---30 minutes at the gym at the hotel----enough walking around inside and out to equal more than 22,000 steps
    October 6---60 minutes stationery bike---20 minutes treadmill---enough other walking to equal 24,000 steps
    October 7--40 minutes treadmill----20 minutes stationery bike--enough walking to equal 24,000 steps
    October 8---80 minutes walking by myself----100 minutes walking with the frisky poodles
    October 9---3 hours walking with poodles---20 minutes line dance practice
    October 10---2 1/2 hours walking with poodles---4 1/2 hours line dancing
    October 11--3 hours dog walking--2 hours line dance---2 1/2 hours walking with a friend
    October 12---2 1/2 hours dog walking---4 hours line dancing
    October 13---3 hours dog walking----30 minutes working in the garden
    October 14---3 hours dog walking
    October 15---3 hours dog walking----20 minutes line dance
    October 16---3 hours dog walking
    October 17---almost 3 hours dog walking ---4 1/2 hours line dance
    October 18--200 minutes dog walking---2 hours line dance class---18 minute walk with hubby---40 minutes weight training
    October 19---145 minutes dog walking----4 hours line dance (dancing one class, teaching the other)
    October 20--218 minutes dog walking---40 minutes weight training---40 minutes riding new recumbent bike
    October 21----3 hours walking dogs----50 minutes stationery bike
    October 22---155 minutes dog walking---55 minute walk with a friend----75 minutes riding exercise bike

    every day
    100 warrior 3 poses and a timed plank

  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    60 Minute Workout at Curves
    40 Minutes Recumbent Bike
    23 Minute Walk to 7-11
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    10/01 rest day with lifting 15 pound weights
    10/02 walked 15 mins
    10/03 aerobics for 60 mins
    10/04 aerobics for 37 mins
    10/05 walked for 30 mins
    10/06 55 minutes of Walking
    10/07 4 mile walk w/ Walk Away the Pounds
    10/08 Rest day
    10/09 Walk Away the Pounds DVD 55 mins
    10/10 50 mins walking
    10/11 50 mins walking
    10/12 rest day
    10/13 Walk away the pounds DVD 5 big Miles
    10/14 90 mins of Aerobics
    10/15 60 mins of Aerobics
    10/16 rest day
    10/17 40 min walk
    10/18 10 min walk
    10/19 30 min walk
    10/20 90 mins with Walk Away the Pounds
    10/21 55 min walk
    10/22 Rest day
    10/23 45 min walk