barbells at gym



  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    No barbells... no gym.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    lol @ people who think barbells are necessary for strength training.

    Necessary? No. Efficient? Hell yeah.

    Yes, there is a huge difference between "This workout is more efficient than that one" and "This is absolutely necessary."

    You might not NEED barbells for strength training, but if you joined a gym to do strength training, and they have none... Then that's a completely different story. I'd switch gyms.
  • jhalton
    jhalton Posts: 85
    I'm not sure what your goals are, but I would want a gym that had barbells. You could buy your own. I found mine on Craigslist pretty cheap. The importatnt thing is you are at a gym and trying to exercise!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    lol @ people who think barbells are necessary for strength training.

    lol @ people who post things like this without being strong.
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    lulwut? do they actually call themselves a gym?
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Barbells are the one thing I could do completely at home save squats I do those at home too but without a squat rack they are not as heavy as they should be.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    So how does one get from the machines to the free weights? Some of the attitude in this thread is what's keeping some of us on the machines. When I joined my gym I didn't know how to use the machines. I don't have any idea where to even start with free weights.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    So how does one get from the machines to the free weights? Some of the attitude in this thread is what's keeping some of us on the machines.

    a mob like personality has invaded this site. It is all this macho nacho "lift heavy" stuff. There is nothing wrong with lifting heavy, but a lot of these folks would have total beginners who have never lifted anything heavier than a fork, grunting max weight in the squat rack.

    Beginners to weight lifting can spend a solid year "lifting heavy" with only dumbbells. Dont get sucked into this "I'm so cool cuz I talk chit about lifting heavy crap.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    So how does one get from the machines to the free weights? Some of the attitude in this thread is what's keeping some of us on the machines. When I joined my gym I didn't know how to use the machines. I don't have any idea where to even start with free weights.

    What attitude? You limitations are in your head. Ask a trainer to show you what you do not is their jobs.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So how does one get from the machines to the free weights? Some of the attitude in this thread is what's keeping some of us on the machines. When I joined my gym I didn't know how to use the machines. I don't have any idea where to even start with free weights.

    It's really not that much different, but it's harder. You'll have to use lower weights because the machines helps support and guide you. You're using isolated muscles instead of your whole body.

    For instance, doing the "shoulder press" machine, I was able to do 50 pounds. I was sitting in a chair with my back supported and only had to push the weight up, so I was only using my arms and shoulders.

    Doing an overhead press at home with a barbell, I started at 35 pounds, and I'm up to 50 now (going to try for 55 on Friday). But instead of sitting in a chair and pushing up, I lift the bar from the floor to my shoulders, then up over my head, while standing and keeping balance. I'm using my arms and shoulders and back and legs and abs, etc. It's working the whole body.

    Same goes for other muscle groups. The leg press works the legs and bum similar to a squat, but the squat works the whole body.

    The difference using all those extra muscles makes to your body? Amazing:
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    So how does one get from the machines to the free weights? Some of the attitude in this thread is what's keeping some of us on the machines. When I joined my gym I didn't know how to use the machines. I don't have any idea where to even start with free weights.

    What someone else said - ask the trainers.

    Or, do like I did and google stuff (I went with stronglifts 5x5 but you can use any decent youtube video), and the next day walked into the free weights section and did the one exercise I looked up the night before.

    Next time, I looked up a new one, and did the old one I felt comfortable and the one I looked up the night before.... etc.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Unless the OP has joined Curves, I'm thinking this has all been a mistake/misunderstanding.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    lol @ people who think barbells are necessary for strength training.
    I lol @ people who lol @ people
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    lol @ people who think barbells are necessary for strength training.

    I'm with this guy. He looks pretty ripped.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    So how does one get from the machines to the free weights? Some of the attitude in this thread is what's keeping some of us on the machines.

    a mob like personality has invaded this site. It is all this macho nacho "lift heavy" stuff. There is nothing wrong with lifting heavy, but a lot of these folks would have total beginners who have never lifted anything heavier than a fork, grunting max weight in the squat rack.

    Beginners to weight lifting can spend a solid year "lifting heavy" with only dumbbells. Dont get sucked into this "I'm so cool cuz I talk chit about lifting heavy crap.

    Wow, I must have missed the posts where people were saying "Load that barbell up and squat 300lbs right now!!" Oh wait, that didn't happen.
    I'm pretty sure that people where offering advice to someone who specifically asked what to do since his gym had no barbells.....leading me to assume that he expected to have use of barbells during his strength training routine. And then several people said that barbells were not necessary, but efficient for strength training. How is that bad? I must be missing your point, because I seriously cannot see a problem.
    And several of the people on this thread of routinely offered solid advice about lifting programs, how to get started in strength training, and offered examples of what has worked for them. I have yet to see any of them offer any unsafe advice, like you have suggested.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    See here:

    With the basic barbell routine you can pretty much perform all the exercises listed, or if not a variation of it, with dumbbells...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Wow, I must have missed the posts where people were saying "Load that barbell up and squat 300lbs right now!!" Oh wait, that didn't happen.

    This. Sometimes you get people who get into pissing contests about how much they lift, but everyone who lifts understands that no one starts as a powerlifter, and any time someone asks, "What is heavy?" the answer is "Heavy is relative to your abilities."
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Is there something about this gym that makes you really want to join it?

    I mean I joined a gym that has no pool because it costs me $20 a month instead of $60. I am not sure what would have me join a gym that had no barbells...
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    NO, you dont need barbells to get a great workout but...................

    turn around and walk out of that gym!!! Exercise is best when you have multiple options and not having barbells can limit what you can do.

    Hell, in the extra bedroom in my apartment I have a bench, squat rack, 450 pounds of free weights and several pairs of dumbells...sounds like I have more in my apartment than your gym has, lol.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    lol @ people who think barbells are necessary for strength training.

    Necessary? No. Efficient? Hell yeah.

    Yes, there is a huge difference between "This workout is more efficient than that one" and "This is absolutely necessary."

    You might not NEED barbells for strength training, but if you joined a gym to do strength training, and they have none... Then that's a completely different story. I'd switch gyms.

    I'll agree with this guy. Still good idea to switch gyms. Though the equipment isn't necessary (and I'd argue the efficiency of using weights vs body weight), an ill equipped gym can't be a good gym.