The number one reason I wont date someone



  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    I wouldn’t date someone who was:

    A walking stereotype
    Not kind to animals
    Abusive to women or children
    Or lacked a sense of humor

    What exactly are you trying to say here? :)
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I see where you are coming from, as a short woman I'm not attracted to guys who are my size or smaller. You can't really help who you're attracted to....

    Plus I've always been self conscious about my weight and low self esteem about being fat- I don't think I could emotionally handle my s/o being smaller than me.
  • untouchable86
    some of you guys are so damn shallow! i mean really dirty sneakers and nickelback?! come on!
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    I wont date someone that is 2 out of the 3.

    1.) Taller
    2..) Smarter
    3.) Makes more money

    One is fine but my ego can't handle two.

    that would be a trifecta of the worst kind.

    Seriously are you that insecure that you couldn't date an independant woman that takes care of herself with a genetic disposition of being taller than you???

    I have to say that she got off lucky :bigsmile:
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I wont date anybody that even slightly resembles my ex...thin, blonde and two horns sticking out of her head to go with her forked tongue.

    Pretty sure I know this person or someone who bears the same beautiful personality.
    She-Devil works in my office.
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    Urgh, that is the FIRST thing I notice about men, I don't care how attractive they are if their teeth are not up to mark then it's a HELLS NO! (rotting/brown in clear need of a dental visit etc)

    Has to be off the same intelligence level as me, but in a different field,but also have a sense of humour (I like to have a laugh, but I also love to have intellectual conversations) For example my speciality is nursing/healthcare I often have conversations with my friends partner who has a lot of other knowledge bases, I see it as both developing mines and his awareness of different subjects. Also it's good to have a little debate.

    Can put up with my B*itching every once in a while, I don't do it regularly but at times it is just necessary.

    Still goes to see his friends on a regular basis, as I will mines (not into clingy clingy men).

    Has to be taller than me, doesn't have to be by much, but the height has to be there.

    Mutual respect :)
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    my number 1 reason i won't date someone is - if they aren't my wife.

    Anyway, when I was dating years ago - i dated all types. Taller, bigger, smaller, shorter, small chested, large chested, smarter, um... not smarter. I didn't have any "rules" other than "do I find this person attractive." If the answer was yes, then I took a shot.

    bingo! lol!!!

    I didn't and still don't "date around". I think in general, women want a protector. so yeah, the man needs to be stronger, taller, bigger, make more money, stable in all his ways, and for me, he needs to honor God.

    I'm getting married to the man I love! :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If they're a jerk, if they're a bum, if they hate cats, and if there's no sexual attraction.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Me too on the wife thing....

    But years ago, I was very, very picky about who I dated. I absolutely would not date anyone that would not date me.
    Except for that one girl with the restraining order.
  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    My husband was a good 40+ pounds lighter than I was when we first met (in 2003) and started dating. However, he was very muscular... "ripped" if you will so I felt that protected feeling. Now, almost 9 years later, I actually weigh 5 pounds less than him (his weight has increased, mine has decreased). I didn't really care about body type, as long as he was smart, kind, funny, geeky, and sensitive enough. He's all of that and more. I honestly didn't care about our size difference. still don't (though we are within 5 pounds of one another).

    He was also the complete opposite physically and mentally as the guy I dated before him, so that was a plus ;).
  • mcouturezz
    I wouldnt (because I'm happily in a relationship..) date someone if :

    He has ugly feet
    He's shorter than me
    He's a *kitten* !
    He has a pot belly and careless about it
  • NeonRainbow83
    NeonRainbow83 Posts: 118 Member
    Sense of humour. If he can't make me laugh it's a no go for me.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I wont date someone that is 2 out of the 3.

    1.) Taller
    2..) Smarter
    3.) Makes more money

    One is fine but my ego can't handle two.

    that would be a trifecta of the worst kind.

    1. I am 5'11'' (or just under) barefoot. And I'm a heels kind of girl.
    2. I like to think that I am intelligent (think 1600 SAT- when it was out of 1600, 4.0 through college, and I can change the oil in my own car)
    3. I don't make money but I HAVE money (family money).

    I would like to think these things are GOOD things in the dating realm. but damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess. :-)

    ETA: I wouldn't date someone who didn't have a sense of humor. I love dry wit on a man.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    If he's married, forget it!
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    #1 Smoking - Ugh...completly agree with ashtray comment above.

    #2 Careless about the way you look - Dated someone like this who just let themselves go and 3 years later I could hardly recognize her...the 4th year after many arguments of trying to show her why its better to keep in good shape and she wouldent budge...I hit the eject button.

    #3 No sense of humor - If you cant handle a joke or two without being offended...wont work.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Shorter than me...that includes when I am wearing high heels... it just doesnt seem right to me and makes me feel awkward.

    this was the one rule that the ladies had that ever eliminated me from their selection.

    I have never understood why it makes me feel that way, just does...its not that I deliberately set my attraction node to taller it just is...There is someone for everyone my sister, who is taller than me, prefers short men. Probably a good job and she is nearly 6'

    i'm sorry if you took my comment as some sort of negative statement towards you. It wasn't. You like and want what you like and want, and that's cool. I wasn't trying to change your mind or anything.

    All I was saying is that as a shorter guy, this was the predominant strike against me (or so I was told... maybe it was something else, and they just said they didn't date shorter guys because that was their easiest out). I didn't like being eliminated based on something I had no control over, but that doesn't mean I didn't understand the preference.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    #1 Smoking - Ugh...completly agree with ashtray comment above.

    #2 Careless about the way you look - Dated someone like this who just let themselves go and 3 years later I could hardly recognize her...the 4th year after many arguments of trying to show her why its better to keep in good shape and she wouldent budge...I hit the eject button.

    #3 No sense of humor - If you cant handle a joke or two without being offended...wont work.
    Your reasons are repulsive, I cannot believe #3!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    The number one reason I won't date someone is that I'm married. My husband frowns upon that.
  • guppy1697
    guppy1697 Posts: 148 Member
    my number one reason is if they like nickelback.

    hahaha also a good point :laugh:
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    #1 Smoking - Ugh...completly agree with ashtray comment above.

    #2 Careless about the way you look - Dated someone like this who just let themselves go and 3 years later I could hardly recognize her...the 4th year after many arguments of trying to show her why its better to keep in good shape and she wouldent budge...I hit the eject button.

    #3 No sense of humor - If you cant handle a joke or two without being offended...wont work.
    Your reasons are repulsive, I cannot believe #3!

    Now I'm sad and hurt!

    EDITED for humor.