The number one reason I wont date someone



  • Gurlyknockout
    Gurlyknockout Posts: 115 Member
    I wont date someone that is 2 out of the 3.

    1.) Taller
    2..) Smarter
    3.) Makes more money

    One is fine but my ego can't handle two.

    gosh those 3 are how i likey my men ;)

    LOL Yup!! thats how I like them too... and in that order :)
  • FloridasFinest
    I wont date someone that is 2 out of the 3.

    1.) Taller
    2..) Smarter
    3.) Makes more money

    One is fine but my ego can't handle two.

    gosh those 3 are how i likey my men ;)

    Me too!!

    Right there with ya ladies! lol

    I'm not a fan of smokers!!! Just gross!
  • Gurlyknockout
    Gurlyknockout Posts: 115 Member
    Happily married lady of 6yrs here!

    BUT when i did date I could not date...

    Short men - (anything below 5'9). I can’t even stand next to a short guy without getting wearied out. I had a stalker that was short and it freaks me out. So no I can't.

    Smoker - yeah Ex smoker here and I don’t wish to be tempted nor can I stand the smell. Not something I wish to have to go through again.

    Cocky - omg I can stand a better than thu type of person.

    Raciest - Sorry making fun of another’s race is not funny. It just shows me how stupid and narrow minded of a person you are.

    Motivated - Needs the want to do things better them self, learn more, do more. I can't stand a guy who wants to sit around and watch movies all day everyday.

    Non Christian - yeah big no no

    wow that just showed me that my standards are high and that I am pretty much screwed if my marriage falls through lol and/ or that I’ve had a lot of dud dudes in my life. Lol I think a little of both!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    If I was in the dating scene (which I'm not), my biggest no-no would be smoking. I have no problem with smokers, but I'm not going to date one.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    can't be obese, or insane about their weight or looks
    no christian fundamentalists
    has to have located her vagina, perverted a plus
    fully admitted to herself she doesn't know sheit about men, (you know the type guys)
    someone that can point out Afghanistan on a map
  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220
    I wont date anyone with more legs than I again....never
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    He can be shorter than me, but I haven't found a man who is. (I'm not very tall.) He can be skinnier, too. That doesn't bother me.

    But my big no no's physically are:

    1. Mustache
    2. Comb over or bald only on the crown of the head. (A fully shaved look is more attractive.)
    3. Hygiene (Bathe on occasion, brush your teeth once in awhile, wear clean clothes sometimes.)


    1. Dumber than me
    2. Irresponsible with money
    3. Jobless in the long term
    4. Giant Man Child (Video games and fantasy movie obsessions are okay, but not if you're okay replacing actual social interaction and physical contact with anime and World of Warcraft.)
    5. Coward (If you like a girl, ASK her out. She may reject you, but there's also a chance she's waiting for you to make a move.)
  • nettersaurus
    I can't date someone who is "prettier" than me. If it takes you longer to get ready and you're more worried about how you look, it's definitely a no go.
  • Claudiatrim
    If she smokes...that's a no go. Don't care if she looks like Beyonce'. There's nothing sexy about kissing an ashtray.

    I am with you on that one.
    I could list several turn-offs (not tall, too skinny, no sense of humor, low hygiene etc), but my number one reason not to date someone is if he smokes. We can be friends, you can still be a nice person, but there is no way I am ever getting sexually involved with a smoker. The smell of smoke simply gets me sick.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Won't date a man who speaks 'B1tch'!. Can't stand them.
  • banshishi
    banshishi Posts: 197
    Shorter than me...that includes when I am wearing high heels... it just doesnt seem right to me and makes me feel awkward.

    this was the one rule that the ladies had that ever eliminated me from their selection.

    I have never understood why it makes me feel that way, just does...its not that I deliberately set my attraction node to taller it just is...There is someone for everyone my sister, who is taller than me, prefers short men. Probably a good job and she is nearly 6'

    i'm sorry if you took my comment as some sort of negative statement towards you. It wasn't. You like and want what you like and want, and that's cool. I wasn't trying to change your mind or anything.

    All I was saying is that as a shorter guy, this was the predominant strike against me (or so I was told... maybe it was something else, and they just said they didn't date shorter guys because that was their easiest out). I didn't like being eliminated based on something I had no control over, but that doesn't mean I didn't understand the preference.

    Oh no its cool, I didnt take it that way. Just me acknowledging that its a personal, albeit common quirk. I didnt take it in a negative light at all.
  • tragicpixie
    Yeah - I forgot about racism and religion.

    - Racism is a total turn off for me. It's just not funny or cute or whatev. Should have ditched the last guy I dated when he didn't know about Emmett Till but I gave him a pass because most people don't but STILL, it's not hard to Google: and after that it's def not something to joke about.

    - Religion. No fundies. I've had one too many failed relationships that boil down to scarring at the hands of religious extremists. Ditto for if you were raised in a cult. (Yeah, clearly I know how to pick 'em!) This includes fundie atheists: fundamentalism in any form is stupid. I like guys who are open minded and humble enough to admit when he/"people" can't know stuff.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I won't date anyone that I suspect might tell my wife.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Yeah - I forgot about racism and religion.

    - Racism is a total turn off for me. It's just not funny or cute or whatev. Should have ditched the last guy I dated when he didn't know about Emmett Till but I gave him a pass because most people don't but STILL, it's not hard to Google: and after that it's def not something to joke about.

    - Religion. No fundies. I've had one too many failed relationships that boil down to scarring at the hands of religious extremists. Ditto for if you were raised in a cult. (Yeah, clearly I know how to pick 'em!) This includes fundie atheists: fundamentalism in any form is stupid. I like guys who are open minded and humble enough to admit when he/"people" can't know stuff.

    I actually put in my profile on a dating site that if the "n" word is part of their vocabulary, I'm not interested. Emmet Swimming took their name from Emmett Till, because a boy should be swimming in a river, not dying in it.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    I won't date anyone that I suspect might tell my wife.

  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    No teeth? No problem. LOL

    Isn't that a bonus?
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    #1 reason...IF HE'S MARRIED. It's sad when I honor his vows more than he does. Yep, that's a no no for me :)
  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member
    facial hair.... I don't mind the 5 o'clock shadow but an intentional facial hair pattern would be a deal breaker for me.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I'm married, but if I was dating, I wouldn't date a Republican. Too many arguments waiting to happen.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    If he's not at least my equal or closer to the potential I recognize in myself in most things.

    I don't settle. Sure, it means I am single for very long stretches at a time, but I have amazing relationships and when we do outgrow each other we both leave feeling great about it.