What do men want?



  • wjranch
    wjranch Posts: 152
    Bacon, Get sexy for no reason, pick your battles wisely, and of course halftime head

    Aha hahahaha Love it... Keepin' things simple.......
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Is this a trick question?
  • Sex is like air....
    Neither matters until you're not getting any!

    Seriously - Lots of good, bad, and ugly advice. You want to know, ask him.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    I'm a girl and I can guess..

    1. sex
    2. food cooked for them
    3. housework done
    4. wife make money
    5. quite
    6. time to go do stuff alone without any questions

    I didn't say they would get it... lol
  • DeonnPaul
    DeonnPaul Posts: 50 Member
    I agree with paulbarnhart's response. Most of this advice is completely worthless unless your fella is the one who posted it. It is ridiculous to generalize men (or women) to such an extent that we pretend everybody wants the same thing. Not every man wants to sit around watching football while his wife scrubs the floors and makes meat loafs. There are men who seek such an arrangement, but then there are others looking for an intellectual equal as well as a sexual partner. Not all men have communication issues, can't talk about their feelings, and have trouble admitting when something is wrong. It is ridiculous to claim that an entire gender suffers from these problems because of differences in brain chemistry. There are many men who are great communicators just as there are many women who have communication issues. And to use your gender as an excuse for bad behavior? Well, that's just nonsense. Any issues can be met with and changed if that is what a person wants.

    My fella and I have been together for just over a year, and we have a great relationship. We love each other, share interests, are good friends, and communicate freely. Every person deserves to be with somebody who adores them. If you have been trying to please your husband and all to no avail, there are probably serious relationship issues that need to be addressed. If the two of you are a true love match he shouldn't want you to be anything other than yourself. Yeah, my boyfriend loves it that I am a great cook, highly sexual, and don't let our house become a messy nightmare. But he also cooks and cleans, and he loves me just as much even when I am sick and useless or having a bad day. He loves me when I don't clean, don't feel like cooking, and don't want to have sex because I've got cramps. He doesn't expect me to do or be anything other than myself. We love each other as equals with similar goals and lifestyles, and every human deserves that. You are good enough to love and be loved in returned.

    What do you want? What do you expect out of a relationship? If your answers don't match the answers of your boyfriend then there isn't much point in pouring effort into a match that may not be the best for either of you.