What do men want?



  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Less hassles and more oral.

    Its a scale, mid point equilibrium that you should all be working towards

    This thread was over before it started.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Always looking sharp.
    Smelling great.
    Sex whenever he wants it.
    Making dinner, all meals really, but dinner is important. and sammich's whenever he needs one
    And, dont talk when sports are on tv.
    and, keep the house clean.

    I mean, that's it. you do those things, and he'll be the happiest man on earth.


    I'll just add: If children are in the picture, stay home and raise them. Don't hand them off to someone else to do all the dirty work. If you raise them right, they'll turn out to be good adults.

    That's all a woman ever needs to do to keep her man happy. The men can do the rest.

    So you're saying the woman shouldn't work?
  • sonjanicole
    Always looking sharp.
    Smelling great.
    Sex whenever he wants it.
    Making dinner, all meals really, but dinner is important. and sammich's whenever he needs one
    And, dont talk when sports are on tv.
    and, keep the house clean.

    I mean, that's it. you do those things, and he'll be the happiest man on earth.

    I do none of these and I still have the happiest guy in the world. So i would say just keep trying different things and seeing if they work for your man, but if you're getting to the point where nothing you do makes him (or yourself) happy then you might need to re-evaluate the situation.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    Always looking sharp.
    Smelling great.
    Sex whenever he wants it.
    Making dinner, all meals really, but dinner is important. and sammich's whenever he needs one
    And, dont talk when sports are on tv.
    and, keep the house clean.

    I mean, that's it. you do those things, and he'll be the happiest man on earth.

    The sex whenever he wants one can be a full time job. Guess thats another reason I'm a stay at home wife. lol

    Though seriously, most mens complaints (my hubs in army & the army guys complaints to him) to each other for failing relationships is not enough sex. Or women that only care about "whats in it for me" or "why is he not do it for me"?

    I've learn spoil to be spoiled. You get out what you put in. Selfish attitudes do not have a place in a partnership. So I make dinner, breakfasts, his lunch for work, snacks cookies for army ppl, whatever he wants he gets. And then it pretty much comes right back at me. I get almost anything I want.

    except a horse. I have not gotten that yet.

    Yeah, I think this is really good advice....but there is a point in time when you do have to question whether he is capable of giving you what you need. I'm there right now with my bf. He has a lot of really, really good qualities...but communication isn't one of them. I don't need a lot, but I do need some....I'm guessing if OP has tried a lot of different things to get her husband's attention, and you're not getting it...then you need to do some thinking. Is it even possible to get what you need from him? I'm sorry, but life is too short to stay in an unhappy relationship. Stay, work on it, fix it...but if it isn't fixable, move on.

    You could try discussing it with him, give him a chance. Consider therapy. But if its really hopeless then its not meant to be. You have to both be happy for it to work. You cant carry the others happiness on worn, sad, unhappy shoulders. Both "batteries" for love and care need to be filled by the other. So if ones not filling, or capable of filling it how you really need, you must think of how to be happy. Even if that means thinking of the unthinkable.
  • dstackable
    Do not do so much make up. be real.
    do somethings for him indirectly to show your kindness even bringing a cup of tea at the true time can be so effective.
    try to fill his weaknesses

    I see you have gotten a lot of answers here, some crazy, some good. Not sure if you are still looking at these, but I think this one you got in the beginning sums it up pretty good. Obviously I'm not a guy. This is me trying though: I don't wear any makeup (except special occasions), just me being me; Keep life simple; I try to be interested in what he is sometimes (sports for instance), and definitely always try to make him feel good about himself. But it takes him appreciating you too :) Just my two cents! Good luck!
  • dalildevil
    dalildevil Posts: 55 Member
    *just shakes my head disgusted*
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    What makes my husband happy:
    1. Keep him supplied in chocolate
    2. Make him laugh
    3. Let him play his video games
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    any minute now...

    lock up in 5...4...3...2...
  • bakenatj
    Well to me it sounds like you are trying to justify a possible separation/divorce. I guess you need to do some real soul searching to see if you want to save your marriage. If you do (which I strongly recommend) you need to express them to him and together start working on repairing your marriage. It's hard for both sides to admit mistakes, but in most cases both parties have to be honest and look at themselves as to why it isn't working.

    I can't speak for every man, but by reading the replies most men really don't want a relationship, but a maid with benefits. Someone to clean the house, do the laundry, make meals and pleasure when needed.

    A true relationship is each partner putting 100% towards their partner. Love is something that is misunderstood in today's world. Love is a selfless act towards another, not thinking that person is hot and being attracted to them. To make a relationship work each must want to do what is best for their partner. If that is the goal of each, you will find a great relationship.

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not delusional and think this happens all the time. We are human, we all make mistakes and tend to be selfish at times. Being able to fix those mistakes and forgive is what will make the relationship work. Let's face it, we have all had fights and if you are in a healthy relationship you are able to get passed the disagreement. Plus making up is pretty fun too! :)

    I can say that in the 14 years (this November) that I have been married to my wife I haven't always done this. I now have found that in doing this it makes something that is so special it is invaluable! I love my wife more than life and am so happy that I am married to her. I truly hope you can turn your relationship with your husband into this. Just remember what love is really about and work as hard as you can and you will find real happiness. Good luck!
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    I'm not a man but I think it's not that complicated. Be excited to see him. Never stop flirting with him. Enjoy being intimate with him. Have reasonable expectations. And it sounds simple but truthfully, just be nice.

    Basically do all the stuff you did while dating.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    well women, what do you wnat?
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    well women, what do you wnat?

    oh no, you just opened pandoras box
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    Well, yall aren't helping a whole lot, some say always look your best, some say not so much makeup. That was one of my concerns, because I'm just a country girl, love my boots, jeans and tees. Don't normally wear any makeup, but I do maybe once a month or so.

    you can "look your best" without make up. But, if you're worried about turning his head, dress up once a week, maybe light makeup, and go out.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    More Oral.

  • rpounds1957
    rpounds1957 Posts: 177 Member
    Wow. So many of the answers have to do with either physical looks or physical acts. Those things for me are just part of the package.

    Personally? I don't want to be cared for. I've been single before . . . I know how to cook, clean, do laundry, take care of the bills, etc., etc., etc. I can do all of those things by myself if I have to. No big deal. Sex? Common guys, in a pinch you can even take care of that yourself. I will say that I appreciate all of those things, but what do I really want?

    I don't want to be cared for. I want to be cared ABOUT. And if you really care ABOUT me, the other things will come naturally.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    well women, what do you wnat?

    If they want a man that can spell, you may be in trouble.
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    Men want a maid in the living room, a cook in the kitchen, and a *kitten* in the bedroom.
  • runforfun78
    To be happy, respected, and have a sexy significant other...
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    A Faerie?