Ladies, when you're at the gym...



  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    nope because i'm there to sweat and work my butt off. it irritates me when i see women with full makeup and not a drop of sweat. seriously i want to say to them what's the point all you're doing is taking up space - go home makeup girl

    See, there have been a few times where I have gone in full makeup, once after work, and once after a lunch date. I sweat a ton those days, and ended up wiping some off. but as far as the girls who refuse to sweat? i agree. dumb.

    it's one thing to show up in makeup (i used to go after work - professional work setting with full day face) then either wipe it off before you workout or well sweat it off. it's a whole 'nother story to spend 2 hours AT the gym in full makeup and leave in full makeup (without hitting the locker room to reapply full face).
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Feeling much better about this now! Im fairly new to this gym, and since one of the better looking guys added me to facebook, its been weighing on me a little bit more then a few weeks ago, since he's seen my pics of me looking amazing, and then its so different when im at the gym. not sure why I let the guy who I see check his abs out in the mirror 6 times in a hour bother me in this way.

    you're there to workout not hook up. if he's looking for someone who doesn't like the way you look while working out at the gym then forget about the guy. superficial will only get you so far in life.

    meh....he added me after he's seen me a few times at the gym. dont know him, havent spoken to him.

    well then there's your answer - he's fine with the way you look at the gym. :)
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    i wear 0 make up at the gym and look horrid, lol, don't care if i look pretty or not. but that doesn't stop the older men there from hitting on me... agh
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I go to the gym before work (I'm there at 5am) so I go without makeup-it doesn't bother me cause I'm there to work out not to look good or impress anyone. If I go after work, I'll wash my face at the gym so I get my makeup off cause I know I'm going to sweat and I hate the feel of sweat and makeup mixing. So yeah, I'm one of those girls that just doesn't care
  • aprilgreen25
    I do understand where you are coming from, although I am not a make-up wearer in the first place. My uncomfortableness comes from not working out as hard as the person beside or behind me. I constantly find myself glancing at the speed on their treadmill or elliptical, and feeling like I am not doing good enough. I have been working out at the same gym for 3 months now, and in the last 6 months have already lost 43 pounds, so I don't know why I let this bother me.
  • Leah2975
    Leah2975 Posts: 65 Member
    i wear 0 make up at the gym and look horrid, lol, don't care if i look pretty or not. but that doesn't stop the older men there from hitting on me... agh

    LOL i wish, the old men still hit on me, or just get right on a machine next to me and ill see them staring in the mirror. uber-creepers
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I enter in Beast Mode and then leave accordingly. It would be a waste of my time to walk in feeling less than awesome, because I would be too worried about others and not focused on my workout.

    Here is what I think when I see people at the gym.

    Fit person: "Wow, I want to be like you one day"
    No-so-fit-person: "Good for you for taking care of your health"

    The end.

    Love this!
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    I don't care what people think of me at the gym. I am there to get my shiz done!
  • marinebiologist_girl
    I always feel like the "fat girl" but I can ignore it - some kickass music and I get right in the zone.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I don't wear makeup except for like once a week if I go out so it's not an issue at the gym.
    I walk in straight from work and put on whatever t-shirt I grabbed that was clean and basketball shorts.
    Ten minutes in my face is bright red, my hair has curled from being damp, and I'm pouring sweat. Not attractive AT ALL. Do I care/ Hell no. You wanna look at me, I'm used to it because of the tattoos on my legs, so I don't even notice anymore. I actually did meet my boyfriend at the gym, back when I used to work there though haha. I do occasionally get pissy when super thin girls in the locker room look at me. I've lost over 15lbs but they don't know that, they just see a fatty when they have never had to work to keep the weight off. Then I remember my health means more because I earned it, and I walk away. End of story.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    i wear 0 make up at the gym and look horrid, lol, don't care if i look pretty or not. but that doesn't stop the older men there from hitting on me... agh

    LOL i wish, the old men still hit on me, or just get right on a machine next to me and ill see them staring in the mirror. uber-creepers
    LOL agh you dont want THESE men creepin' on you, trust me.. maybe a certain type of older men its endearing but the men @ my gym are just creepy with the things they say
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    Does anyone else feel not so pretty at the gym? I mean, most of the time im makeup-less. Now, i dont look horrible without it, but just, not as good. There are always so many people, and sometimes I feel self-concious! Does anyone else get this?

    Not pretty? AT THE GYM

    You just described about 95% of the human population.

    As for wearing makeup to the gym, I guess it's a choice, but for me personally, I don't like the feeling of wearing makeup to the gym only to have my face get all warm and sweaty so that I end up looking like a clown afterwards

    Then again, the only local gym i've been to was a woman's gym, so ... can't say i've had much of a reason to doll myself up to get sweaty and burn calories/
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Not in the least. I'm there to work out hard and sweat which I do.

    I actually laugh at the girls who are all done up and look pretty while they're "working out" because they aren't working hard enough to break even the barest glisten on their foreheads. I mean god forbid a bead of sweat appears and ruins their perfectly applied make up or *gasp* gets on their pretty up-do!

    The only time I have ever worn make up at the gym was when I worked out in the afternoon because I didn't wash my face pre-workout.
  • StephieF87
    StephieF87 Posts: 60 Member
    I agree with SocWkrBee, get your beast mode on and forget the rest!!:laugh:
  • jealous_loser
    I don't wear make up, like, ever. Maybe on special occasions or something. I don't like it getting into my eyes.

    All that being said, I go to the gym to lift heavy stuff, I get sweaty gross, but that's all part of it. When I come home it doesn't really stop my boyfriend from trying to get some, ahahaha.
  • NakedLunchTime
    I don't wear makeup except for like once a week if I go out so it's not an issue at the gym.
    I walk in straight from work and put on whatever t-shirt I grabbed that was clean and basketball shorts.
    Ten minutes in my face is bright red, my hair has curled from being damp, and I'm pouring sweat. Not attractive AT ALL. Do I care/ Hell no. You wanna look at me, I'm used to it because of the tattoos on my legs, so I don't even notice anymore. I actually did meet my boyfriend at the gym, back when I used to work there though haha. I do occasionally get pissy when super thin girls in the locker room look at me. I've lost over 15lbs but they don't know that, they just see a fatty when they have never had to work to keep the weight off. Then I remember my health means more because I earned it, and I walk away. End of story.

    Congrats on your weightloss, but maybe those "super thin girls" in the locker room aren't actually looking at you like you think they are. You probably are completely wrong about what they are thinking. I am thin, have been my whole life. I work out, have for years. I NEVER think badly about anyone, no matter their size at the gym. I admire anyone that puts in work because I know how hard it is to keep at it. It is offensive that you think that but your not hurting anyone else but yourself thinking that people feel that way about you while at the gym.

    * OP: I work out at home, but I used to wear makeup to the gym when I went because I came from work, and I feel that because I was sweating, it made me look worse than none at all!! lol
  • bella24xo
    bella24xo Posts: 177 Member
    thisssss is one of the biggest things that annoys me at the gym. i go right after work so i have my make up on but i will be the first person to admit i dont give a crap what i look like while im there or after. i concentrate on sweating and working out so i cant stand the girls with their long *kitten* hair down attempting to work out! it drives me NUTS:sad:
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    This reminds me of that episode of Sex and the City, when Miranda met that guy at the gym. When he finally came over and she was all gussied up he was disappointed! He said that I like her when she was sweaty and stinky from working out.

    LMAO. I forgot about that one!!
  • scarletgenesis
    I always feel like the "fat girl" but I can ignore it - some kickass music and I get right in the zone.

    Same here, but my trainer is working me hard and said I'm working harder than most of her clients. There are only a few men around my age at the small gym I go to, and the only time they look at me is to offer encouragement or when we're trying to see who is using what weights, etc. There is some socializing at my gym, but it tends to all be AFTER workouts when people are sweaty, red, and exhausted. I like the environment there. I specifically chose this gym because it wasn't a meat market. Some people are encouraged by that, but it just made me feel self conscious. Here, the only person i talk to more than a few seconds while working out is my trainer.
  • NakedLunchTime
    thisssss is one of the biggest things that annoys me at the gym. i go right after work so i have my make up on but i will be the first person to admit i dont give a crap what i look like while im there or after. i concentrate on sweating and working out so i cant stand the girls with their long *kitten* hair down attempting to work out! it drives me NUTS:sad:

    I totally agree!! I would DIE with my hair down...ew..sweaty and gross, just no! lol