What was your clique in HS, and are you still the same?



  • misfitswayoflife
    misfitswayoflife Posts: 134 Member
    emo-ish kids ( emo wasn't big n my school) and the kids who were "too cool" to participate in anything. eating disorders/suicide were common. And artsy people. NO I'm definately not the same..
  • kuzurichan
    I was on my own - bullied and whatnot, because being a geek/nerd back then was a reason for getting beaten up and shunned. But it made me stronger, and I'm definitely NOT the same. :)

    Pretty much this, though without the husband.
    Total outcast.

    Yup, still the same. No friends (except on the Internet).

    But I do have husband and family who love me how I am, so that's something.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    o god

    I was the yearbook editor
    the sports photographer for yearbook and the newspaper and photo editor
    i was a cheerleader for awhile, then dance team before I fell in love with yearbook.
    I was National Honor Society, Beta, Arts Academy and Rally.
    I was the girl that hung out with all the groups of people and didnt realize there were cliques. I did sit with the cheerleaders/dancers and football/soccer/baseball players for lunch, but in my defense, I was used to being around them most often and started my highschool career as friends with them as 11-12 year olds - so it wasnt that I was popular, I was just - sticking with my friends LOL

    I loved everyone and I was the geek everyone loved back.
  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    Total nerd but mingled in all the crowds. I still hang out with all types. :)
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    We hung out on the path and smoked. In other words, we were the cool kids. :smokin:
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I didn't fit into a clique, you'd think being a jack of all trades would put you in with everyone but it just makes you feel like you don't fit in anywhere. Used to be self conscious about it because in HS people judge you for not "fitting in"... now all I ever hear are compliments for being so varied in the things I am passionate about and goals I have.

    Band geek (marching, symphonic, jazz)
    Science Olympiad
    National Honor Society
    Senior Class Officer
    Varsity volleyball player
    Subtly religious
    Math nerd
    Prom queen


    Where's the clique for that?
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    I didn't fit in anywhere. I was in the Science Club and Choir, I was on Cheer Squad and Swim Team, I was in Drama and band, NJHS, honors classes. I partied with the jocks and the stoners and went to raves and sit-ins and had study sleep-overs. I was a dancer and theater junkie. ... I was a jock, nerd, hippie, artsy girl who basically got along with evryone.

    Still am. Not much has changed according to my friends and family.
  • Terree83
    I didn't really fit into a "clique".. wasn't "cool" enough to hang out with the insanely popular kids, but didn't fall in with the nerds either. My friends and I were just kind of there!
    I was the biggest female jock, though.. I played sports all year round, and always took the guys on in PE on the basketball court.

    Oh yeah.. and I'm pretty much the exact same today!
  • lawre028
    lawre028 Posts: 40 Member
    I was in the stoners/headbangers/trouble makers group. I used to hang in the smokers area, pick up a group of "friends" and skip class until school let out. Now, 26 years later, I am a tee- total er. I pretty much follow rules, and get pissy with those that don't. lol So, No, Not the same at all.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I always hung out more so with the 'metal heads' and stoners of my school. Most of my friends were either in guitar club or just really liked skipping school and smoking and whatnot.

    That being said, nearly all of them did graduate highschool so we weren't too rebellious or anything. More like intelligent rebels.. I took my 12th grade classes over the summer so during my senior year I had ALL electives and didn't have to really bother attending much unless I felt like it. People I hung out with used to 'tree' the freshmen, bring liquor to school, etc. All sorts of stupid stuff.

    I do still attend a lot of metal shows, though I don't befriend many people at all nowadays. Mostly stick to myself so I don't hang out with any particular clique.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Mostly a loner, which was just the way I liked it. No one bullied me because they could see I was happy with my situation. I reveled in the fact that I didn't fit in. I loved being unique, and enjoyed the privacy.

    I did have a couple of friends whom I sat with during lunch. 2 of them were my ex-ESL class buddies, and one shared a common interest (video games and anime -- back then, it was hard to find other girls who were into video games).

    I'm still kind of the same. I'm not the antisocial kind of a loner; I'm the kind who likes hanging out with people with a common interest, but when such people cannot be readily found, TOTALLY doesn't mind being alone. I know how to keep myself entertained. And I still love being different!
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 219 Member
    Not many friends because I was too full of myself and my brains. Super science club nerd. haha.

    Oh wait, I am still a nerd? But I have more nerdy friends/classmates with me now.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    I was raised in The Bronx, New York and forced to move to Florida when I was 14. I started my freshmen year in the middle of a semester..it was a huge culture shock to be surrounded by kids with TV family lives. Naturally I gravitated more towards the other relocated "inner city urban kids" and spent most of my time cutting class to smoke blunts and drink quarts of Old English beer with my bff I made who was from Brooklyn, in the baseball dugouts during lunch (all while trying to hide from the truancy officer). I was that girl with the slicked back ponytail, doorknocker earrings, dark red/brown lipstick and baggy clothes. I was pretty much friendly to everyone, but didn't feel I had anything in common with most of the kids.

    Obviously, as an adult I've changed my views and am friends with all types of people. But my bff from high school is still my bff today. :tongue:
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Math nerd
    Prom queen
    Where's the clique for that?

    I don't believe half of these stories and this is one of them... you can't be a "nerd" and prom queen at the same time. You're just one those golden kids who had it all.

    There's a huge difference between not being in a clique because everyone likes you and you transcend groups, vs., not being in a clique at all, because you don't fit into any group!

    Personally, I stayed invisible. In school I associated with a few people in the music department, but never got to the level that would count as a clique or group.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I was the kid who hung out with everyone..
  • Briteblu
    I loved reading everyones comments!

    Man...I hated HS and don't miss it at all! I would say I was a very shy, wall flower, individualist but friendly lol.
    I hung out with the same few people throughout HS (not popular, but not unpopular). I wouldn't even really say they were friends, cause we never hung out outside of school. I had the same bf during high school, who was somewhat popular himself (not sure how I got him lol). I dont think many people knew my name cause I was always known as "so and so's gf with the long hair" (I had REALLY long hair almost down to my waist and was skinny like a pole). Around senior year I came out of my shell a little but that was just skipping school A LOT!

    Now.. I am sooo not that person! I'm more outgoing, open, and confident. I was a late bloomer but finally came into my own and was kinda wild in my 20's lol. Toned it down since I had my son a few years ago though. :happy: :wink: :tongue: :drinker:
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I was the floater...i got along with everyone but mostly kept to myself....

    HS was a jail and I was doing my time one day at a time....and was focused so intently on making it out that I never really attached to any specific clique...

    but I didn't NOT get along with any specific clique.
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    Mostly nerd group here.

    Don't miss a single day of high school. Only talk to three people from those days still...don't really care what happened to the rest..hope their good, but not really worried about it.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    If a movie were to be made about my high school experience, my character would be an 'extra' somewhere in the background.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Loner/Computer geeks

    Still the same. :bigsmile: