Read this and then make jerky comments.



  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Everyone gets it, there is a search button.

    The point is, what if they don't want to read an old post? What if they want to have their own, NEW conversation about it?

    It's like if I text my friend and say "What do you think about (random subject)" and instead of answering me, they text me a copy of a conversation they had with another friend about the same subject.

    Not everyone wants to live through others. Let people have their own experiences, if it bothers you....scroll down. :)
  • schparks
    schparks Posts: 74 Member
    i'd rather just make jerky
  • jamacattack
    jamacattack Posts: 94 Member
    I was expecting something about beef jerky. Wow, disappointed.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
  • sespinoza0614
    OMG....You are too FUNNY!!!!! LMBO!!!!!!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member

  • mdonovan
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    It never ceases to amaze me how many people do not possess knowledge of things that many of us consider common knowledge. Examples (and yes, I have encountered these people myself...sad but true):

    1. A lady who could not understand what "fats" were in her diet (and thus could not figure out what a low-fat diet consisted of).
    2. MANY parents of babies/young children who do not even own a thermometer.
    3. People who do not realize that tylenol, ibuprofen, and aspirin are completely different medications.
    4. People who do not realize that many beverages contain sugar and then can't figure out why they aren't losing weight when they are drinking 6 or more cans of soda per day.
    5. Many people simply do not know what a portion size is supposed to be. (Most of us were probably in this category when we started our MFP/weight loss/healthy lifestyle journey. I know I was!)
    6. I knew a man who, upon waking in the morning with severe chest pain, proceeded to drink a cup of coffee and smoke a cigarette. Fortunately, when the pain didn't go away he called 911. Turned out he was having a massive heart attack.
    7. (Probably TMI) A lady who, when asked if she had been having diarrhea, replied "I don't know." She wasn't joking--she had no clue what the term meant.
    8. A lady who was not computer-savvy was trying to use her new computer. Keep in mind this conversation was over the phone. She was having multiple windows open on her screen and couldn't figure out how to make them go away. Every time she clicked on the "X" in the corner, another window would open. After much discussion (on my part) and tears (on her part), we determined that she was RIGHT clicking her mouse rather than LEFT clicking it. She just assumed that the right button was the correct one. (This person happens to be my mother-in-law, a very intelligent person. She is now much more tech-literate, and I love her to pieces. We laugh about this now).

    The point is, you can't assume how much ANYONE knows about ANYTHING. Maybe people start new threads because the search function isn't bringing up anything that they feel speaks to their issue. Maybe they don't know what the push-pins and locks mean next to those topics at the top of the list (maybe they assume the lock means they are only accessible by certain people, or that they need a password to see those). Maybe they are new to discussion boards, or just don't have time to search through weeks and months of old posts. Who knows? If you don't feel like answering a particular question for the umpteenth time, don't. Move on to something else. If you find yourself responding the same way repeatedly and often to these kinds of posts, make a document you save on your computer. When you see that topic again, copy and paste it from your saved document rather than type it all out again. Either way, there's no need to bash people or be sarcastic (sarcasm doesn't always translate well, even when in person). What may seem obvious to one person is a brand-new revelation to someone else. Doesn't mean they are stupid, they just don't know. Let's try to be helpful, remember that we were once new to all of this too, and try to bring each other up rather than put each other down.

    This is great :)

  • carcona
    carcona Posts: 19 Member
    I am sorry, I disagree. Jerks can be very funny and even endearing, jerks can also be not funny and just plain mean, this depends on your point of view, sensitivity level, warped mind etc... but as stated earlier if you don't like it move on! Noone if forcing anyone to be here (and being sarcastic can be fun and great:)

    Loved the whole original message!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Interesting posts here (multiple ones). This is a recurring issue here at MFP.

    I've made many attempts to use the "search" feature myself over the past 1 1/2 years. Maybe I'm doing something wrong because it rarely gives me the information I'm looking for, except for a few of the "stickies" when I can find them. Those can be really helpful. I'm a researcher by profession and have no issues accessing a wealth of information in other places online, in my company's web server, or even in actual libraries, but when using MFP's search function I invariably get links to discussions/topics that occurred 6-12 months ago and don't meet my needs, or the search terms are buried in the posts and it's frustrating to read through 18 pages of random comments to find a few kernels of helpfulness...if that is the experience others have, they may think it would be faster/easier to start a new thread about a very over-discussed topic.

    Personally, if I feel frustrated at repetitive threads, I just don't respond, there are plenty of other people who are more knowledgeable than me. I just don't see any reason to be purposely snarky if someone is genuinely in need of help.

    *Edited to add: sorry, this was very wordy. I forgot my lunch and I am hungry so my brain isn't working too well right now! :blushing:
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I am sorry, I disagree. Jerks can be very funny and even endearing, jerks can also be not funny and just plain mean, this depends on your point of view, sensitivity level, warped mind etc... but as stated earlier if you don't like it move on! Noone if forcing anyone to be here (and being sarcastic can be fun and great:)

    Loved the whole original message!
    I kind of agree in some cases. People could use more sense of humor around here some days...everyone is so sensitive and overly defensive!
  • marinebiologist_girl

    Do you stand in the library and slap books out of peoples hands while screaming "DON'T READ THAT BOOK. I'VE ALREADY READ IT. LET ME SUMMARIZE IT FOR YOU!" Probably not. But if you do, I'd enjoy watching this. Please let me know.

    This is funny and glorious analogy. I agree 100%.
    Haha, classic.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    what are we talking about