Fruit Makes you Fat



  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    ...better let Weight Watchers know...
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member

    I tell you what. I didn't gain 8 pounds in my 3 months overseas by eating Europe's finest FRUIT... -.-
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm peeling an orange right now. ;) Haha My skinny kids eat about 5 fruits a day. I eat at least 3 a day, love me some fruit!

    Fruit is a very healthy FOOD for children (and it displaces some not-so-healthy choices of sugar-laden food). Fruit juice is not as healthy because it concentrates fructose---not as bad as soda pop but inadvisable for children who are obese. For those who are seriously obese (especially women), in addition to eliminating sugar and grain, some restriction of fruit is a good idea. I limit my intake of fructose (the natural sugar in fruit) to 15-20 grams per day. It has sped up my fat loss. One can of soda (typically sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup) has the amount of fructose that one would get in a dozen oranges. I can't imagine that a child would eat twelve oranges but he/she could easily consume a can of soda pop.
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    My kids don't drink juice or soda. Just water. They even take water in stainless steel canteen things for lunch everyday.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    My kids don't drink juice or soda. Just water. They even take water in stainless steel canteen things for lunch everyday.

    That's great! Fruit juice is just fine in limited quantities for kids who are underweight or normal---it gives them important nutrients like potassium. You have noted that your kids are slim---maybe the fact that they do not drink juice has been one of the reasons why they are slim. Soda is just empty calories. Period. And it does BAD things to teeth (fruit juice is almost as bad for teeth).
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    This article is like totally true when people were put onto the Aushwitz diet back in the days which included no fruit at all they totally lost sick amounts of weight. By the end they all had hip bones showing and a thigh gap. Fruit is evil along with carbs and fat!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Oh poppycock!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    This article is like totally true when people were put onto the Aushwitz diet back in the days which included no fruit at all they totally lost sick amounts of weight. By the end they all had hip bones showing and a thigh gap. Fruit is evil along with carbs and fat!

    I don't think you should go as far as saying that "fruit is evil" but fructose (the sugar in fruit) can be problematic for obese individuals who are trying to shed body fat. I usually limit mine to 15-20 grams per day by eating low-fructose fruits when I eat fruit (usually 2 servings a day). I eat a lot of citrus and peaches---not so much apples and pears which are higher in fructose. If I want an apple or a pear, I will usually just eat half of one. :smile: Fruit is very good for the body and contains a variety of phyto-nutrients that even vegetables do not contain (although many nutrients that are found in fruit are also contained in vegetables).
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
  • quiltergirlar
    quiltergirlar Posts: 35 Member
    That's why the weight watchers diet isn't for me. Free fruits would not equal weight loss for me.
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
  • cmagri11
    This does not make sense what so ever. You eat the correct fruits, not those high in sugar and you will be fine
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    This does not make sense what so ever. You eat the correct fruits, not those high in sugar and you will be fine

    That is sensible advice. Most fruit---because of the water and fiber that it contains, is really not a problem. Those of a normal weight can and should eat fruit freely. However, I would limit it to one or two servings of low-fructose fruit (generally, the "watery" fruits like peaches and berries are lower in fructose) if I was trying to shed body fat. There is disturbing evidence that eating a lot of fructose (sugar is 50% fructose and a can of soda has about as much fructose in it as a dozen oranges) contributes to obesity and other metabolic disorders (like fatty liver and Type II diabetes). Most people do not even want more than a couple of servings of fruit per day anyway. But sugar and high fructose corn syrup (the sweetener in most sodas) work at cross purposes to any plan to reduce body fat.
  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    I eat fruit every single day, several times per day. I've lost 72 lbs rather quickly. Diet and exercise only. I would feel unhealthy if I avoided fruit.
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    geez louise what were they thinking?
  • mommyrox05
    Think that I'm gunna stay with the fruit...even if it does make me fat! :drinker:
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Why is this thread here again?
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Why did someone bump this drivel from last month?
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Why did someone bump this drivel from last month?

    that's something worth chewing on?