Fruit Makes you Fat



  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    You're sourcing the Daily Mail?! Go smack yourself upside the head.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    you might like this little ditty about that particular rag:

    Yep, because of course all the non-human primates that eat fruit are all obese...
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Makes perfect sense. Having Diabetics for parents and a Hypoglycemic son, I have always tried to do 1 fruit to at least 2 veggies, and with my son he doesn't eat fruit unless he has a complex carb (usually cheese and crackers) to digest with it so his insulin levels don't spike. He over produces insulin, so double what is required to manage his sugar levels.

    ^^^THIS^^^ Yes--many people have a real problem with fructose. The obese and Type II diabetics need to watch their fructose intake carefully. Diabetes researchers often now refer to obesity and Type II as essentially one disease, calling it "diabestity" since morbid obesity carries with it an extremely high rate of Type II diabetes. They believe that a "toxic" reaction to fructose is part of the picture. I actually went back and read the entire Daily Mail article today. It is a bit sensationalistic (do they do anything else???) but here is a small part of the article that has some truth to it: I am familiar with the research at the University of Colorado that they mention:

    "As Ursula Arens, of the British Dietetic Association, points out: 'Too many nutritionists would jump up and down if the public picked up the message that eating an apple wasn't good for them.'

    Yet one possible guideline emerged after a recent study at Colorado University. Scientists looked at 4,500 people with no history of high blood pressure and discovered those who ate more than 74g of fructose a day increased their risk of the condition by up to 87 per cent.

    Though this is the equivalent of ten apples or 30 oranges, you'd need only just over three large smoothies to top this figure (one smoothie contains around 23g of fructose."

    They should have put that information at the top of the article instead of burying it at the bottom and running with the headline distortion. Interestingly, instead of focusing on the source of excessive fructose (which is sugar consumption) they make people think that eating fruit is the problem, when it is almost certainly not in the normal amount of fruit that most people eat. It is the SUGAR. One piece of "Carrot Cake a la Mode" at the Keg restaurant has 130 grams of fructose (260 grams of sugar). It also has, about 2,400 calories if I remember correctly. I'm surprised they don't have people lapsing into diabetic comas right on the spot. :frown:
  • No no no! Fruits are healthy and don't make you fat! I eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day. It gives you energy, cleans your body and keep your metabolism high..

    Remember that energy is not only measured in calories!

    Your cells can be measured in MHz as sound waves. Your body must replace cells regularly. A healthy body's cells emit 75-90 MHz. A body, for example, suffering from cancer emits only 30 MHz and a dead body, as you may guess emits 0.
    Most fresh unprepared vegetables emit up to 250 and fresh unprepared fruits emit 95 MHz.
    Meat, burger, pizza, yogurt etc. emits 0 MHz. Therefore, fruits and vegetables are important every day! Plus they contain important vitamins and minerals.

    So eating vegetables and fruits is a natural way to keep your whole body young and healthy because you build new cells up with food that contains lots of energy :-)
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    No no no! Fruits are healthy and don't make you fat! I eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day. It gives you energy, cleans your body and keep your metabolism high..

    Remember that energy is not only measured in calories!

    Your cells can be measured in MHz as sound waves. Your body must replace cells regularly. A healthy body's cells emit 75-90 MHz. A body, for example, suffering from cancer emits only 30 MHz and a dead body, as you may guess emits 0.
    Most vegetables emit up to 250 and fruits emit 95 MHz.
    Meat, burger, pizza, yogurt etc. emits 0 MHz. Therefore, fruits and vegetables are important every day! Plus they contain important vitamins and minerals

    So eating vegetables and fruits is a natural way to keep your whole body young and healthy because you build new cells up with food that contains lots of energy :-)

    But .. But .. Pizza is mostly fruit and vegetables ...
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    you might like this little ditty about that particular rag:

    Yep, because of course all the non-human primates that eat fruit are all obese...

    Humans are the only mammals who do not possess uricase, the enzyme responsible for helping other creatures to eliminate uric acid from their bodies. The only way we have of eliminating uric acid is to send it through the kidneys. We have the gene for producing uricase but it is non-functional. The reason why this is important is that metabolizing fructose, raises uric acid levels and that elevated uric acid is responsible for a whole host of problems. According to the University of Colorado researchers, it sets off a cascade of inflammation, fatty liver, impaired liver function, obesity,Type II diabetes, hypertension, gouty arthritis, gout, cardiovascular disease, renal disease and failure. They also note that what was once considered to be "elevated" uric acid levels are now considered to be "normal". They believe that the rise in sugar consumption (especially during the last three decades) is responsible. In 1900, it is estimated that the average American ate less than five pounds of sugar a year. It is now, something like 150 pounds per person per year. :noway: This rise in sugar (sucrose) consumption tracks perfectly with the increase in obesity and Type II diabetes. We've got a problem, folks, and the problem is NOT fruit---it is the ridiculous consumption of sugar.