Count bites not calories



  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    About as smart as a box of rocks. Seriously, lame idea and you'll figure out why in the end...because it *will* end.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Please continue with what you are thinking works for you, and please keep us posted weekly on how this is working for you. You might be on to a new plan here that works and you can market it "36 with 20".
    If I drink soup do I count that as a bite?
    Are you adding supplements to your diet to ensure that you are getting the needed vitamins and minerals?
    Are you being monitored by a healthcare professional?

    I have been doing this for over a year and find that this is one of the simplest ways to count calories, you can scan the bar codes on foods, you have a database to draw from, and you can save repeated meals.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Haven't been in the forums for ages.

    I needed cheering up, and this thread has certainly made me laugh!
  • TozzatheHatcher
    TozzatheHatcher Posts: 18 Member
    Hey, less negative comments folks! I don't expect to see that kind of thing on MFP. - even if you disagree, try using positive language eh.

    I see there has been quite a jumpy reaction to the bites not calories suggestion.

    We're all experimenting on here trying to find something that works healthily for us.

    Although it isn't right for me, I can see what you're trying to do - it is about re-educating yourself to savour good food and not just put empty calories in your mouth. By becoming aware of bites, which is a very tangible thing rather than this invisible calorie thing, I can see how you can re-adjust your attitude to food.

    I would say, however, that this is a method should perhaps be for a short while - once you've learned the message about what is a good portion size and good content then you can stop counting. I think it is the counting aspect that freaked everyone out!

    Enjoy cooking, eating and feeling the benefits of nutrient high food.

  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Sorry some people have been rude about it but they are right. There's no way you are eating enough calories. Once you lose the weight and start eating normally again it's just going to come right back. Not to mention you are robbing your body of nutrition. Please do this the healthy way instead.
  • estherwhetstone
    estherwhetstone Posts: 61 Member
    When obese people have gastric bypass surgery they are only allowed to eat approximately 5 to 10 bites a day for 6 months. They are told to do this by the doctor. If it's ok for them then it's ok for me. I love my new founf energy and hated that sluggish feeling after eating a big volume of food.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    When obese people have gastric bypass surgery they are only allowed to eat approximately 5 to 10 bites a day for 6 months.

    is this true?
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    When obese people have gastric bypass surgery they are only allowed to eat approximately 5 to 10 bites a day for 6 months. They are told to do this by the doctor. If it's ok for them then it's ok for me. I love my new founf energy and hated that sluggish feeling after eating a big volume of food.

    Yeah, clearly you're the same as someone who's had gastric bypass surgery. :indifferent:
  • Hadunka
    Hadunka Posts: 59 Member
    you can not be serious. Such a stupid idea!!
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    How about the better question....why CAN'T you bring yourself to count the calories?
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Get help.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    When obese people have gastric bypass surgery they are only allowed to eat approximately 5 to 10 bites a day for 6 months. They are told to do this by the doctor. If it's ok for them then it's ok for me. I love my new founf energy and hated that sluggish feeling after eating a big volume of food.

    Being 35 pounds overweight and being overweight enough to qualify for gastric bypass surgery are so so so very different that this comparison holds no water.

    It's like saying dogs and dolphins are both mammals, so you should be able to keep a dolphin as a house pet in your swimming pool.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    When obese people have gastric bypass surgery they are only allowed to eat approximately 5 to 10 bites a day for 6 months. They are told to do this by the doctor. If it's ok for them then it's ok for me. I love my new founf energy and hated that sluggish feeling after eating a big volume of food.

    I'm sorry- at what point did you say you were under the direct supervision of a doctor while using this newfound wonder diet?
  • Hadunka
    Hadunka Posts: 59 Member
    What???????????????????? Such another stupidity
  • Hadunka
    Hadunka Posts: 59 Member
    no, this is not true...
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I'm happy for your progress.

    I wouldn't recommend doing this.

  • estherwhetstone
    estherwhetstone Posts: 61 Member
    A book is a great idea!!! Thanks for not shouting me down like everyone else is doing :smile:
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    When obese people have gastric bypass surgery they are only allowed to eat approximately 5 to 10 bites a day for 6 months.

    is this true?

    I'm going to say no, based on this -

    Sounds like a lot more food than 5 to 10 bites a day.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    When obese people have gastric bypass surgery they are only allowed to eat approximately 5 to 10 bites a day for 6 months. They are told to do this by the doctor. If it's ok for them then it's ok for me. I love my new founf energy and hated that sluggish feeling after eating a big volume of food.

    Those who are candidates for WLS have SO much more to lose than you...

    Also, count calories, but eat throughout the day (small meals) instead of three big meals.

    You are in charge of your weight loss, but help your body help you by treating it nice, okay?
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Holy crap. You need help.
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