May Day Challenge! Take 2!



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Morning my "May Day Challenge" buddies! I will be heading to the gym for my kickboxing class soon but wanted to give my buddies a shout out. My first official week back in the office is over and it has been an adjustment. I iron my clothes for the week on Sunday afternoon and at least begin thinking about lunches and snacks so I can have everything packed and ready to go every evening. My day has been starting around 5 am. I try to immediately eat breakfast so I can have about 45 minutes for the food to digest before beginning my workout. Once the workout is complete I hop in the shower so I can be out the door btwn 7:15 - 7:30 am. Provided there's no traffic I can get to work in about 40 - 45 minutes which leaves me a little time to post on MFP threads before beginning my work day. I thought I was going to have time to check the threads during lunch but I've been working through those (eating at my desk) b/c we've been sooooooo busy. After 3 months of working from home my entire team is trying to get back into a rhythm. My mornin routine has been working but I've been EXHAUSTED by the time I get off work and have not wanted to check any threads. I'm sure this will change once my body adjusts to the new routine AND the weather warms up.

    I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SPRING! Well I'm off to get my kickboxing on. I'll check back in once the workout is complete.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Well, I got a new outfit today! Ended up at Burlington Coat Factory. I got a jacket, pants, 2 shirts, and a pair of shoes for less than $60! The jacket and pants were size 14, TWO sizes smaller than the last clothes I bought! The shirts were larges, unfortunately due to 2 children, I don't know if I'll ever be able to get a medium button down (too much "gap" between the 2nd and 3rd buttons:blushing: ). Most interesting of all is that the shoes were a half size smaller than the last pair I bought!:noway:

    It felt good to not have to go to the "women's" department to find a blouse that would fit. Maybe I'll go get measured for new "foundation garmets" over spring break!

    I hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Well, my day has started. I have eaten breakfast, ironed work clothes for the week and gotten 30 minutes of stretching in. Since Sunday's are my designated rest day I decided to really take it easy so its only stretching for me today. I still have grocery shopping on the "to do" list so I'll be getting dressed soon to head out the door and get that done.

    I had a wonderful time out in about yesterday. Since Macy's was having a "One Day" sale I was able to buy a new pair of Calvin Klein jeans for $8.00, how great is that. Also, I decided to see if I could fit into a size "4" jean and my goodness they fit AND fit well. I don't believe I've ever been in a size 4 anything so that was amazing. At my largest I was a size 12 and 14 and as of late have fluctuated btwn a size 6 and 8. While I don't think I'm a true 4 yet (the jeans were 1% elastic) it definitely felt good.

    Lisa: Congrats on not only finding great bargains ($60.00 for a jacket, slacks, 2 shirts and shoes) but being able to purchase them in smaller sizes. Its such a great feeling and sometimes the motivation we need to keep the workouts and eating clean going. Keep up the great work.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    went to work with hubby yesterday and my body is KILLING ME today. We left our house @ 3am and did not get home until almost 8pm I feel like I did nothing but workout yesterday, I hurt all over.
    I am hoping the unusual workout and the lack of appetite will help me show a loss on the scale.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today is week 1 day 1 of the Insanity program and according to the wall calendar that came along w/the dvds I was suppose to complete my fit test. So, I got up at 5 am, ate breakfast, allowed my food to digest (don't know if I gave it enough time b/c I feel a bit nauseous) and then popped in the dvd. Shaun T begins w/a warm up that consists of joggin, jumpin jacks, heismans, 1-2-3-'s, butt kicks and high knees (I wish I could properly explain the exercises for those that might not know what I'm talking about but don't really know how). Ok, now my heart is pumping but we haven't even started the fit test yet (jeepers creepers). We do a brief but well deserved stretch and it's on to the fit test. Each exercise is performed for a minute w/a quick break in between before beginning the next one. Here are my results:

    Switch kicks (2 kicks=1 rep): 50 reps (100 kicks total)

    Power jacks (similar to jumpin jacks but a squat is incorporated): 57

    Power knees (can't describe): 80

    Power jumps (jump in the air and land in squat position): 32

    Globe jumps (jump to the right, land in squat position; jump back, land in squat position; jump to the left, land in squat position; jump to the front, land in squat position = 1 rep): 8 reps (32 jumps total)

    Suicide jumps (start in real low squat position, jump into plank position, jump back into real low squat position, jump up): 12

    Push up jacks (push up but instead of keepin legs together when you lower your chest to the floor you jump them out like when completing a jumping jack....difficult to explain AND difficult to complete): 20

    Low plank oblique (can't describe): 40

    This fit test was about 30 minutes total and I'm exhausted. The official program begins tomorrow and I really hope I can keep up.

    It's time to get dressed and head to the office.

    Have a great day
  • yharmon
    yharmon Posts: 68
    Well, rough weekend, food wise. I have to get myself back on track. I still lost one pound and a few inches. I've just been very tired from lots of late nights, 4:00 am workouts, and busy days. Anyway, I'm going to get back on track today and do better this week.

    Start weight: 151
    Dec. 25:
    Jan. 1:
    Jan. 8: 151
    Jan. 15:150
    Jan. 22:149
    Jan. 29:146
    Feb. 5: 145
    Feb. 12: 144
    Feb. 19: 143
    Feb. 26: 142
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 127

    That's figuring 1.5 lbs per week. Decide, Commit, Succeed!!!!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I have seen people mention the push up challenge and the sit up challenge, so I decided to check them out. ( and there is also one for squats and they are working on one for pull ups) After reading through all the info, I've decided to give them a try. I'm going to give the sit up challenge a try. I will do the initial test tonight and start either tomorrow or Wednesday. I thought about doing both the sit ups and the push ups at the same time, but decided that baby steps are the way to go!:laugh:

    Anyone care to join me? It's kind of like the C25K program, in that if you don't feel like you did well on that week's program you can always repeat the week and get stronger before going on to the next week. I'll keep you up to date on how I'm doing and my thoughts and feelings as I go on!:wink:

    I hope everyone is having a good week! I have FINALLY found my last judge for the music contest.:drinker: I talked with my superintendant today, and she assured me that my job was safe for next year (our district has to do a "Reduction In Force" and today was the day she had said she would let everyone know by). Great news! (First time since graduating college that I have not had to look for a job during the spring!!) Hopefully nothing will cause that to change. *Fingers crossed* So, all told, it was a pretty good day.:flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today is week 1 day 2 of the Insanity program and I completed the Plyometrics Cardio Circuit. This dvd totally kicked my butt. I started out pretty strong but by the time we were doing the suicide drill 2 (hop into plank position, complete 4 push ups, 8 mountain climbers, jump back up) I was about pooped. Then after the suicide drills to the ski abs and the in and out abs had my shoulders and abs burning. I can still feel the burn as I type this post but I'll be back at it tomorrow giving it my all.
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    I have seen people mention the push up challenge and the sit up challenge, so I decided to check them out. ( and there is also one for squats and they are working on one for pull ups) After reading through all the info, I've decided to give them a try. I'm going to give the sit up challenge a try. I will do the initial test tonight and start either tomorrow or Wednesday. I thought about doing both the sit ups and the push ups at the same time, but decided that baby steps are the way to go!:laugh:

    Anyone care to join me? It's kind of like the C25K program, in that if you don't feel like you did well on that week's program you can always repeat the week and get stronger before going on to the next week. I'll keep you up to date on how I'm doing and my thoughts and feelings as I go on!:wink:

    I hope everyone is having a good week! I have FINALLY found my last judge for the music contest.:drinker: I talked with my superintendant today, and she assured me that my job was safe for next year (our district has to do a "Reduction In Force" and today was the day she had said she would let everyone know by). Great news! (First time since graduating college that I have not had to look for a job during the spring!!) Hopefully nothing will cause that to change. *Fingers crossed* So, all told, it was a pretty good day.:flowerforyou:

    The situp and pushup challenges look great! I'll join you! Are you going to start this week on the situp challenge?
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    The situp and pushup challenges look great! I'll join you! Are you going to start this week on the situp challenge?

    I just did the starting test for the sit up challenge. I did more than I thought I would! 40!!:noway: The instructions say to count how many you can do without stopping and with good form. At about #35 I was starting to think "This is a good number, I could stop now." But I decided that I could a couple more, then I was so close to 40 (a nice even number) I decided I could make it. At #39 I really didn't know if I could do that last one, but I muscled through (S-L-O-W-L-Y) and made 40.

    At 40 sit ups it recommends that I skip weeks 1 and 2 and go straight to week 3 and start in column 2!:noway: I'll give it a try. If I can't make it through, I can always jump back to week 1!

    I thought about going ahead and doing the push ups, but I couldn't do even 1 "regular" pushup so I decided that I would start that next week with one of the alternatives for push ups. Maybe after a couple weeks of the "alternative" I'll be able to do a couple regular ones, and then I can really start that challenge.

    Well, tomorrow is my first festival of the season. I have 11 soloists and 5 ensembles going. It'll be fun! Then on Thursday I will start the serious business of figuring out the schedule for the festival I am hosting at the end of the month. Oh fun fun fun.
  • rebecca413
    So, I was traveling last weekend and I'll be away again this weekend (Spring Break - yay!), so here's my combined mid-week weigh-in:

    Start weight: 208.3
    Dec. 25: 206
    Jan. 1: 202.3
    Jan. 8: 200
    Jan. 15: 197.8
    Jan. 22: 195.6
    Jan. 29: 193.8
    Feb. 5: 192.6
    Feb. 12: 192.2
    Feb. 19: 189.2
    Feb. 26:
    March 5: 187.2 (Mini goal - 188 met!!)
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 174

    See y'all in a week and a half!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today is week 1 day 3 of the Insanity program for me and I completed Cardio Power & Resistance and I'm just about toast. I mean between completing the power jacks, log jumps, 1-2-3 jumps, high knees and vertical jumps during the warm up phase and the power jumps, belt kicks, hit the floor, hurdle jumps, globe jumps and 8 hop squats as part of the actual workout its a wonder I can even walk. I must admit, I'm cursing at Shaun T all through the workout but so happy that I continue to push through it (w/my own inserted breaks of course) that all is forgiven at the end of the 39 minutes.

    Lisa: Great job w/rockin out 40 sit ups. Keep us posted on your progress.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I need to be honest with myself I have put on 5 pounds but have not changed my ticker until now. I am hoping that this will be an eye opener and I can get things back to my routine. Being out of work has messed things up so I need to get a new one I guess
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    So I did the initial test for the situp challenge last night. I did 50--WOW, I impressed myself (although I'm not sure the last 5 or so were "good form"). I will be skipping weeks 1 and 2 as well and starting on week 3. Yikes! I'm going to start tonight. I'm a little nervous, but I've gotta do something with these abs. I've lost weight and am not far from my goal, but the mid section could still use a lot of work. I'm excited to see how I progress with this challenge!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Hi everyone:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I haven't been on here in a few days and so I haven't been logging my meals.:blushing: Trying to get back on track will weigh in tomorrow to see how I have done with not counting my calories.:frown: My nephew has been home sick for the last few days his fever has been down all morning so I hope he can be back at school tomorrow.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    So I did the initial test for the situp challenge last night. I did 50--WOW, I impressed myself (although I'm not sure the last 5 or so were "good form"). I will be skipping weeks 1 and 2 as well and starting on week 3. Yikes! I'm going to start tonight. I'm a little nervous, but I've gotta do something with these abs. I've lost weight and am not far from my goal, but the mid section could still use a lot of work. I'm excited to see how I progress with this challenge!

    Awesome on the situps! I will start week 3 tonight. I just got home after a LLLLLOOOONNNNGGGGG day at festival. I took 16 events (solos and small groups), and of those 8 got "Superior" ratings. Which is GREAT, but I am so :yawn: . However, I can take 5 minutes to do my situps, and feel a little less guilty about not watching my calories too carefully today. (Hospitality rooms are NOT bastians of healthy eating!)

    Happy "hump" day!:drinker:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    I have seen people mention the push up challenge and the sit up challenge, so I decided to check them out. ( and there is also one for squats and they are working on one for pull ups) After reading through all the info, I've decided to give them a try. I'm going to give the sit up challenge a try. I will do the initial test tonight and start either tomorrow or Wednesday. I thought about doing both the sit ups and the push ups at the same time, but decided that baby steps are the way to go!:laugh:

    Anyone care to join me? It's kind of like the C25K program, in that if you don't feel like you did well on that week's program you can always repeat the week and get stronger before going on to the next week. I'll keep you up to date on how I'm doing and my thoughts and feelings as I go on!:wink:

    I hope everyone is having a good week! I have FINALLY found my last judge for the music contest.:drinker: I talked with my superintendant today, and she assured me that my job was safe for next year (our district has to do a "Reduction In Force" and today was the day she had said she would let everyone know by). Great news! (First time since graduating college that I have not had to look for a job during the spring!!) Hopefully nothing will cause that to change. *Fingers crossed* So, all told, it was a pretty good day.:flowerforyou:

    The situp and pushup challenges look great! I'll join you! Are you going to start this week on the situp challenge?

    I'm gonna try the sit up challenge, will do the initial tomorrow and either start Friday or maybe wait until Monday.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Thursday all! Today is week 1 day 4 of the Insanity program and it's considered recovery day, so, I completed the 32 minute Cardio Recovery dvd. I see now I will be looking forward to Thursdays for the next month since every Thursday in month 1 has been designated as recovery day. I really like this dvd b/c it incorporates a lot of stretching yet there is also some strengthening (squats, lunges, plank etc...). When I was doing the P90X program I couldn't stand the Yoga days ,which is why I substituted it out for Cardio X, b/c the duration was entirely too long for my liking. Cardio recovery is very different and I absolutely love the fact that it's only 30 minutes.

    My exercise is complete for the day and once again I'm glad I climbed out the bed and got it done. I must admit I'm a bit anxious about tomorrow's workout b/c it's pure cardio and when I watched the dvd there were no allotted breaks throughout this dvd and the moves looked insane. I'm sure I'll be taking my own breaks all through this dvd but just thinking about how it's going to kick my butt has me sweating just a little bit....LOL. No pain, No gain right (I'm still convincing myself of that motto)!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Well my Nephew was able to go to school today his fever broke. SO today I am going to head off to the gym to get back on track. Did good on my calories yesterday and played on the WII with him for about a hour that is a workout never really played it before so didn't realize how tired you get. He got it for Christmas guess I should have tried it before. Looks like everyone has had a good day so for so good luck to you all
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    I did day 1 of the situps challenge last night (started at week 3 in the third column--just to give myself a little challenge). It was tougher than I thought to bust out 5 sets of situps, but I made it...WOO HOO :bigsmile: ! I went ahead and started the pushups challenge too. I could only do 1 pushup (:grumble: ) on my initial test, so I started with week 1 in the very 1st column. I made it! I'll do day 2 tonight and probably wait until Saturday to do day 3, then I'm going to get on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule for week 2.