May Day Challenge! Take 2!



  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Start weight: 182
    Dec. 25: 182
    Jan. 1: Didn't weigh in
    Jan. 8: 180
    Jan. 15: 177
    Jan. 22: 178
    Jan. 29: 175
    Feb. 5: 174
    Feb. 12: 174
    Feb. 19: 171!:love:
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 165!!!

    I could hardly believe the number on the scale this morning! After the first weigh in, I went back into my bedroom, told my husband what it said, walked BACK into the bathroom, weighed again, got the same number, so I weighed a 3rd time. (The 3rd time was to save the weight into the memory.) I was amazed! I don't feel like I've been doing SUPER good (especially since I haven't done any "real" working out all week. Just playing with the kids, etc.), although I have done really well on sodium this week. I haven't checked all the other posts yet, but I hope everyone is having a good day!
  • rebecca413
    Start weight: 208.3
    Dec. 25: 206
    Jan. 1: 202.3
    Jan. 8: 200
    Jan. 15: 197.8
    Jan. 22: 195.6
    Jan. 29: 193.8
    Feb. 5: 192.6
    Feb. 12: 192.2
    Feb. 19: 189.2
    Feb. 26:
    March 5: Mini goal - 188
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 174

    Yay! Three pounds lost this week. Last Friday I committed to being diligent about tracking exercise and calories and it paid off! So happy! I hope to continue the streak this week, but I've got a few tough events ahead. Tonight is a formal sit down dinner/dance for a charity, so no menu choices there. I haven't eaten too much today, so hopefully I won't go way over my calories. Then tomorrow I'm taking a French/Italian cooking class with friends and can't imagine that it's going to be a healthy meal. So, with the exception of those two events, I'm once again committing to logging every calorie I eat!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Ok, so it's been a long day. I TOTALLY meant to mention this when I checked in earlier, but alas, I forgot. How I could forget, I don't know, but anyway. . .

    I got into a pair of jeans that I haven't worn since early 2002 today!:noway: :love: :bigsmile: It's been 8 or more years since I wore these jeans, and while they do give me a slight "muffin top," I was comfortable enough to wear them to school today! Ok, so it helps that my other pair of jeans is getting saggy in the backside, and I was getting kinda disheartened about wearing them. I mean, I want to look good, ya know? So I tried these on, and they fit! So I'm thinking that the other pair is going to go BACK to the cousin who gave them to me in the first place. They were a great goal for me at the beginning of the school year, but I'm in need of a smaller goal now! (That's right, in August I could not fit into the jeans that I just shrunk out of!) Not that I'm excited about this or anything.:laugh:

    Well, gotta go pick up the kiddos. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    One more, and then I promise I'm done for a little while!

    Challenge for this week: EXERCISE!!!!!! 30 min of step Monday thru Thursday (I'm out of town Saturday and Sunday, and Friday I will be in meetings all day and into the evening.) and an additional 30 minutes of "games" on the Wii all 4 days. Shoot, I'll be at my sister's house, and she has a Wii, so I will go ahead and do it Saturday and Sunday too!

    Additional challenge: (has nothing to do with weightloss) Organize my ever growing pile of papers at school. About the time I have it under control, I fresh batch comes in, and for the past couple weeks I've been slacking on them because I've been focussed on other things. Those things are now pretty much under control, so now I will dig out of my pile of papers!

    Here's to us:drinker: and continued progress!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Starting Weight: 137
    Jan. 1: 137
    Jan. 8: 135
    Jan. 15: 134
    Jan. 22: 134
    Jan. 29: 135
    Feb. 5: 135
    Feb. 12: 134
    Feb. 19: 133.5
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 129

    Only a half but I'll take it! Hope you all have a greast weekend!
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Starting weight 195 June 2009
    Goal weight: 125
    Jan. 1: 189
    Jan. 8: 184
    Jan. 15: 178
    Jan. 22: 174
    Jan. 29: 173
    Feb. 5: 174
    Feb. 12:169
    Feb. 19: 168 ~ That's cool, I'll take it!
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 162

    See you guys next week!
    : )
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    You ladies are doing EXCELLENT with your weight loss. It looks like you all will be hitting your goal weight by April 30, 2010. I can't believe we started this challenge in January and we're almost in March. Spring will be here before we know it and WE ALL want to fit comfortably into our clothes so keep working ladies, WE CAN DO IT!

    I just purchased the Insanity workout and it should arrive btwn 2/26 - 3/2 so I'm really excited about starting that program. In addition, I'm seriously considering taking an 8 week beginner pole dance class. It is great exercise and it will definitely help me keep getting my sexy on.

    Well I'm about to head to the gym. I'll report back once the workout is complete.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! Where did this day go. I've been out the house since 8:30 am and am finally able to relax. Today is week 3 day 6 of the P90X series and I'm suppose to do Kenpo X but since Kenpo X is a kickboxing dvd I've decided to switch it ouf for my Saturday morning kickboxing class. I love this class b/c the instructor has soooo much energy and he keeps it fun. In addition to the kick *kitten* kickboxing class I did 30 minutes on the elliptical.

  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    You ladies are doing EXCELLENT with your weight loss. It looks like you all will be hitting your goal weight by April 30, 2010. I can't believe we started this challenge in January and we're almost in March. Spring will be here before we know it and WE ALL want to fit comfortably into our clothes so keep working ladies, WE CAN DO IT!

    I just purchased the Insanity workout and it should arrive btwn 2/26 - 3/2 so I'm really excited about starting that program. In addition, I'm seriously considering taking an 8 week beginner pole dance class. It is great exercise and it will definitely help me keep getting my sexy on.

    Well I'm about to head to the gym. I'll report back once the workout is complete.

    Insanity looks SO fun! I'm currently on my 1st round of P90 (day 34) -- I plan to progress to P90 Masters, then P90-X, and hopefully after that be in good enough shape to try Insanity. :laugh: Definitely let us know how it is when you get it!
  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    Start weight: 170
    Jan. 1: 171
    Jan. 8: 170
    Jan. 15: 172
    Jan. 22:170
    Jan. 29:171
    Feb. 5:168
    Feb. 12:168
    Feb. 19:168
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 145!!! (Graduation Day)

    Sorry I've been MIA on the weigh ins. The last two weeks have been really bad, like eating out all the time because I'm to tired to cook or go to the store to pick up things to eat at home. No exercise what so ever because I don't have time. I've been staying up till 2am to get all my homework done and then getting up at 6am to get to all my classes. I've felt really gross throughout the two weeks and so now I'm back to healthy eating. Good news is that I maintain my weight :happy:
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Jan. 1: 168lbs
    Jan. 8:
    Jan. 15:
    Jan. 22: 168lbs
    Jan. 29: 166.8lbs (TOM)
    Feb. 5: 166.6lbs (TOM)
    Feb. 12: 166lbs
    Feb. 19: 167lbs
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 150lbs (hopefully!)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening ladies! Since it was a beautiful day in Georgia I was able to pull myself out the bed despite the horrible cramps and go for a walk around the local park and 35 minutes later the workout is complete. I still don't feel well but I have to get it together b/c I'm reporting to the office tomorrow, so, it's going to be an early night.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Getting ready to head back to Bama on Tuesday after one last night with my neice and granny. I miss my hubby and dog and want to get back to normal
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today feels like the first day of school since I'm returning to the office after working from home for the past 3 months. I wanted to check in before I hit the road to begin my drive since things may be very hectic and I might not be able to check in as frequently.

    Today is week 4 day 1 of the P90X series and is dedicated to the recovery process. I was suppose to complete the Yoga X dvd but I'm not feeling Yoga at all so opted out of that. I completed 3 miles of the Leslie Sansone "5 mile Fat Burning Walk" dvd for a total of 36 minutes. My hope is that i'm not exhausted upon arriving home this evening so I can complete the Cardio X dvd but I wont commit to it until I see how I feel. The TOM is still kickin my tail.

    Nonetheless, a workout has been completed for today and if I'm able to get an extra one in this evening great but if not I've done something for today.

    Have a great day!
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    You ladies are doing EXCELLENT with your weight loss. It looks like you all will be hitting your goal weight by April 30, 2010. I can't believe we started this challenge in January and we're almost in March. Spring will be here before we know it and WE ALL want to fit comfortably into our clothes so keep working ladies, WE CAN DO IT!

    I just purchased the Insanity workout and it should arrive btwn 2/26 - 3/2 so I'm really excited about starting that program. In addition, I'm seriously considering taking an 8 week beginner pole dance class. It is great exercise and it will definitely help me keep getting my sexy on.

    Well I'm about to head to the gym. I'll report back once the workout is complete.

    I saw the Insanity workouts on TV again this weekend, and I really want to get them!!!! Let us know if you like them!
  • jzbaby626
    Don't know what that is all about! Have been keeping my calories in check so i am assuming it is water weight because i have been over on my sodium a lot. :frown:

    Start weight: 143.6
    Dec. 25: 143.6
    Jan. 1: 143.6
    Jan. 8: 143.6
    Jan. 15: 143.6
    Jan. 22: 143.6
    Jan. 29: 142.6
    Feb. 5: 141.6
    Feb. 12: 141.6
    Feb. 19: 142.8
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 132
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Challenge for this week: EXERCISE!!!!!! 30 min of step Monday thru Thursday (I'm out of town Saturday and Sunday, and Friday I will be in meetings all day and into the evening.) and an additional 30 minutes of "games" on the Wii all 4 days. Shoot, I'll be at my sister's house, and she has a Wii, so I will go ahead and do it Saturday and Sunday too!

    Ok, so I didn't get in exercise in at my sister's house this weekend. Not REALLY surprised at that. (Unless, of course, you count chasing 3 kids 5yo and under! Oh, and cleaning up the HUGE mess they made with the toys!:laugh: )

    However, This afternoon I got 42 in on the Wii Fit Games. After the kiddos are in bed, I'll do the 30 minutes of step on there. I can do that while I watch the Olympics!:wink: I WILL get my exercise in.

    I did a few of the yoga exercises on there today. I watched the video for "yoga breathing" and discovered that it is EXACTLY what I teach my music kids! So, I now am thinking that a yoga breathing video may be in order for them.:laugh: Hehehehe The boys are gonna greatly dislike it! Maybe I will split up the girls and guys (instead of being split 7th grade and 8th grade) and do it that way. Less embarassing for them, maybe? Now to find a good video. Anybody have suggestions for good yoga breathing videos?

    As far as my non-weight related goal, I got most of my non-financial paperwork cleared up. The $$$ is gonna take longer, though.:grumble:

    Here's to good decisions!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Got the 30 minutes of step in! That makes a grand total of 1 hr 13 min for the day! Yea me!:drinker:

    Now, off to bed.:yawn: Here's to another good day tomorrow!:drinker:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! I don't have a lot of time since my work day has begun but I wanted to check in w/my ladies before the day got away from me. I got up at 5 am this morning and rocked out the Cardio X dvd of the P90X series. This is week 4 day 2 of the P90X series and since it's considered the recovery week I'm changing up my routine a bit.
  • OliveCulona
    Hey All!!! So i'm at a plateau... I've decided to step up my intense cardio to 45mins/day and increase cals A LITTLE BIT. Hopefully this change is just what my body needs to become a fat burning machine again!! Any suggestions for breaking this dreaded plateau?? I'm stuck at 173.4 for the past 3 weeks!?

    Great job to all of you sticking to your NEW and healthly lifestyles!!!! :)