May Day Challenge! Take 2!



  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Today is my 6th wedding anniversary, and I weigh about 25 lbs less than I did when I said "I do" to my darling husband. What a great feeling. :)

    Congratulations! What a great accomplishment!

    Thank you! :smile:

    Congrats on #6. I just celebrated #33 last week! :smile:

    Congratulations! 33 years -- that's wonderful! :smile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, today was a better start than yesterday in terms of putting off the workout. It's week 3 day 2 of the P90X series and I was suppose to complete the Plyometrics dvd but b/c I didn't feel like putting my bum knee through all the brutal jumping today I substituted the Jillian Michael's Blast Fat/Boost Metabolism dvd for Plyo. While Jillian has you doing quite a bit of jumping she does break it up and add in some kickboxing and floor work. All in all it was a great workout and 50 minutes later I'm done.
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    Good morning everyone! Just checking in! Not doing so great on my personal goal to watch my sodium this week! (Well, I guess technically I am watching it--watching the number go way up:laugh: ). But I'm doing great with my water and exercise. I've been doing my Turbo Jam videos, and I've found a few that I really like--Lower Body Jam, 3T, Fat Blaster, and Cardio Party 2 (I like 2 better than 1 or 3--don't know why?). I also bought The Biggest Loser Cardio Max this weekend. I've only done it once--wasn't all that impressed. I guess after doing the cardio workouts on Turbo Jam, The Biggest Loser was kind of disappointing. Oh well. It's something else to mix it up so I don't get bored. I still occasionally pull out the ole Shred (especially when I don't have a lot of time)--it's always a good work out!! Hope everyone is having a great week!! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies! Today is week 3 day 3 of the P90X series and 59 minutes later the shoulders & arms dvd is complete. Instead of doing the ballistic stretching during the breaks I did speed jump rope as a means of getting my heart rate up and getting in a tad bit of cardio. I'm also happy to announce that there was no procrastination today. My alarm clock went off and I got right up and got the workout in. It may have been b/c I knew I had to be in a training all day so the likelihood of me completing the workout once I get off of work is pretty slim. Nonetheless the workout is complete and I am happy.

    My May Day challenge ladies haven't been posting ladies. I really hope this doesn't mean you all have fallen off the bandwagon and haven't been working out or eating healthy. Come on ladies, I know life challenges will sometimes throw us curve balls but please do not let it derail all the progress you all have made.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm not going to lie, I jump off the bandwagon, kept running to try to catch up but eventually just stopped but now I'm back and getting my butt in gear. Saying I'm busy doesn't even begin to cover how much work I have to do. I'm going to try to eat right and exercise when I have a spare moment but they are few and far between lately. Two and half more months till May! We can do this!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Drove 12 hours yesterday to come visit my family since I had an unexspected vacation
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Chocolickkyss- I read your posts (and everybody else's:wink: ) everyday.

    Ever since I was informed that I was hosting our league's middle school music festival, I've been super busy. Not only am I preparing high school and middle school groups (and solos) to perform at 3 (total) festivals, I am also in charge of inviting schools, finding judges, scheduling performances, arranging food for 20+ adults and 100+ students, and all the other minutia that goes with it. It's making life interesting. The fact that I can still smile, laugh and have fun with my kids tells me that I'm doing SOMETHING right! (Either that, or I don't know enough to be stressed:laugh: ) If you don't hear from me much between now and March 31, it's because of the festivals. I promise to stay on track, and to keep reading posts, but I may not have much to say!

    Today was weigh in for my school's Biggest Loser challenge. I weighed at 13 lbs LESS than I started at 6 weeks ago. Sounds great, right? Well, when we weigh in at school, it is mid-day, fully clothed. Needless to say, I do NOT wear the exact same clothes every Wednesday! (It was too warm to wear the sweater that I started in today, FINALLY!:happy: ) But, I have 1 more month until final weigh in, so if I can drop 5 more lbs, that'll put me at 10% of my starting weight lost. Not bad, even if a couple pounds of it is clothes.

    Tomorrow night is my monthly "Girls' Night Out" with my MIL, a few of her friends, and DD. We are going to the Texas Roadhouse. So yesterday I started researching some of their entrees. Quite a few are listed on here already, so I looked over those, and looked on a couple other websites (since they didn't have NI listed on theirs:grumble: ). I've planned out my whole day, and even with a roll, I will only be over by 7!:noway: That's a LOT better than last month's GNO (over by 1000:angry: ).

    If I stop now, I'll never reach my destination!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I read the posts every day, just don't always have time to answer. I'm still here, and still trying. Hope all of you are likewise! Here's to smart choices!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies! Today is week 3 day 4 of P90X and I was suppose to complete the Yoga dvd but since I'm not a fan of Yoga I usually complete Cardio X. However, I woke up so energized I decided to put in the Plyometrics dvd and rock it out. In addition to, "Bringing It" like Tony Horton said I had a very hardy breakfast and I feel absolutely great.
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    This has NOT been a good week for me as far as my food choices are concerned. Well, the meals themselves haven't been bad, just the lack of willpower--darn Valentine candy/strawberry cake/taco salad/well, you get the point. I'm starting over today slightly more determined to not make bad choices. I've done well up to this point to allow myself a piece of candy and stop with just one piece, but this week I've just not been able to do that. On a more positive note, I've still been exercising--took the day off from my DVD's yesterday (Wednesday evenings are really busy at my house with 3 kids, church, etc.), but I did walk 1 1/2 miles on my break at work. My knees are really bothering me today, so I may have to take it easy with the high impact stuff for a few days. Okay, I've rambled enough...just checking in. Hope everyone is having a better week than me! :ohwell:
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    This has NOT been a good week for me as far as my food choices are concerned. Well, the meals themselves haven't been bad, just the lack of willpower--darn Valentine candy/strawberry cake/taco salad/well, you get the point. I'm starting over today slightly more determined to not make bad choices. I've done well up to this point to allow myself a piece of candy and stop with just one piece, but this week I've just not been able to do that. On a more positive note, I've still been exercising--took the day off from my DVD's yesterday (Wednesday evenings are really busy at my house with 3 kids, church, etc.), but I did walk 1 1/2 miles on my break at work. My knees are really bothering me today, so I may have to take it easy with the high impact stuff for a few days. Okay, I've rambled enough...just checking in. Hope everyone is having a better week than me! :ohwell:

    This week has been really bad for me also! I'd like your support also. I've been eating candy, chocolate, had a burger today.
    My only saving grace is that I am still working out. I went swimming today and have been running 3 days a week. Still, its no excuse to do badly in the food dept. I feel your pain though. I could be doing better but somehow this weekend has really thrown me off my balance of everything. My sleep sucks. I had nightmares last night and had very bad sleep. I really don't know what to say, except, hopefully we will do better this weekend and then next week. Good luck!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Well, Girls' Night Out is over. I stuck to my plan, one roll, 6 oz steak (I'm not a big fan of "a big slab of something dead" so this was good!), and a sweet potato plain. Did I mention only 1 roll?:ohwell: Then, they ask "Anyone want dessert?" I calmly say, "No thanks." But my daughter wants some ice cream. No problem, right? Wrong. She ate MAYBE 3 bites, and then was done. As I sit there repating the mommy mantra, "Do not finish your child's food. Do not finish your child's food." But MIL is paying for it, we shouldn't waste her $$, I'm already dealing with the guilt of her "friends" quitting the event so this additional guilt (self imposed, NOT from her!!!!) causes me to eat the stupid ice cream:explode: I was doing it. I was succeeding in eating out without going crazy overboard. Now I am at LEAST 300 over! (Couldn't find the NI for the ice cream, so I chose Haagen Daz.) I know in my brain that that is still within my maintenance calories, and that all it will do is maybe keep from losing a WHOLE pound (in theory).

    On the bright side, the ice cream was good, but not good enough to do again any time soon!:laugh:

    P.S. A CHILD has ordered this ice cream, WHY would you bring out a salad bowl full of ice cream for them?!:grumble: Sorry, that got me, too. The amount of ice cream sent out for a child was ridiculous, but they had no desserts on the kids' menu.

    Ok, done. I promise:wink:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Start weight: 131 lbs (12/18/09)
    Dec. 25: 129.5 lbs
    Jan. 1: 130 lbs
    Jan. 8: 127 lbs
    Jan. 15: 126.5 lbs
    Jan. 22: 126 lbs
    Jan. 29: 124 lbs
    Feb. 5: 124 lbs
    Feb. 12: 124 lbs
    Feb. 19: 124 lbs
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 125 lbs

    Still maintaining and I am seeing some definition in certain places so the toning appears to be coming along as well. Don't feel great b/c TOM started a whole week early but I'm going to get the workout in anyway.

    I'll check back in when it's complete.
  • yharmon
    Good morning! Weigh and measure day!! I really thought I wouldn't see a loss this week due to high stress, little sleep, and missed workouts but I lost 1 pound and 2.75 inches. Not bad. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

    Start weight: 151
    Dec. 25:
    Jan. 1:
    Jan. 8: 151
    Jan. 15:150.6
    Jan. 22:149.2
    Jan. 29:146.8
    Feb. 5: 145.8
    Feb. 12: 144.6
    Feb. 19: 143.6
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 127

    That's figuring 1.5 lbs per week. Decide, Commit, Succeed!!!!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Starting weight 244.2
    weigh-in Jan.1- 240.2
    Jan. 8: 237.4
    Jan. 15: 235.2
    Jan. 22: 231
    Jan. 29: 228.2
    Feb. 5: 224.6
    Feb. 12: 222.6 (mini-goal 225)
    Feb. 19: 219
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: (205)

    yes!!! a good week. getting in all the water is getting easier and easier. didn't miss exercise at all this week, at least 30 min a day. (in fact, i gotta run; time for me to get to water aerobics) have a good week everyone. -katie
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies and HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Today is week 3 day 5 of the P90X series and the "Legs & Back" dvd is complete. I haven't been doing ab ripper consistently b/c the few times I attempted some of the moves my lower back (where I suffer from arthritis) was really bothering me so I couldn't do the entire routine. Perhaps I'll give it another go once I'm through w/the recovery week b/c I want to continue to lose a couple inches off my waist. I guess losing another 2 inches off my waist (currently 27.5 in) could be my goal to work on for the month of March. Anyhoo, the workout is complete and the weekend can begin.

    Hope everyone's day got off to a great start!

    Katielou: You are kicking butt. You will be at your 205 goal before you know it. Keep up the great work!
  • OliveCulona
    Highest weight: 242 (2002)
    Lowest weight: 162 (2006)
    Starting weight: 184 (12/2/09)
    Started MFP: 1/14/10
    Start weight: 184
    Jan. 1: 184
    Jan. 8: 182.4
    Jan. 15: 179.6
    Jan. 22: 178
    Jan. 29: 177.4
    Feb. 5: 173.4
    Feb. 12: 173.4
    Feb. 19: 173.4
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 155!!!
    Ultimate Goal: *145*

    HELP! Ok, anyone have tips for me to break this plateau? I have my food/exercise diary viewable for friends... I feel like i'm eating most of my exercise calories back and i'm also working out 40-60mins 6/days per week... HELP!!!!!!!
    Send me a message or reply on here... I need some encouragement cause it's frustrating to be the same weight after working my butt off all week! Thanks!
    Great job to everyone who is sticking with the MayDay Challenge!!! WOOHOO
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Checking in!

    Start weight: 197.0
    Dec. 25: 198.8 (+1.8)
    Jan. 01: 196.0 (-2.8)
    Jan. 08: 194.2 (-1.8)
    Jan. 15: 191.0 (-3.2)
    Jan. 22: 190.2 (-0.8 -- also, TOM)
    Jan. 29: 188.6 (-1.6)
    Feb. 05: 188.0 (-0.6)
    Feb. 12: 185.0 (-3.0)
    Feb. 19: 185.4 (+0.4 -- TOM) (16.4 lbs to goal)
    Feb. 26:
    Mar. 05:
    Mar. 12:
    Mar. 19:
    Mar. 26:
    April 02:
    April 09:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: Goal 169

    Ugggh. I am so bloated this morning. Yucky.
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    Start weight: 176
    Dec. 25: 174.6
    Jan. 1: 173.0
    Jan. 8: 171.8
    Jan. 15: 169.0
    Jan. 22: 166.4
    Jan. 29: 165.4
    Feb. 5: 164
    Feb. 12: 162 Just 7 more pounds to my goal!!!
    Feb. 19: 162--blah!
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 155 (changing this from 160--I'm feeling motivated!)

    So this was a really bad week food wise (as I've said earlier). My workouts were my saving grace. At least I didn't gain!!! Hopefully, this next week will be better.
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    This has NOT been a good week for me as far as my food choices are concerned. Well, the meals themselves haven't been bad, just the lack of willpower--darn Valentine candy/strawberry cake/taco salad/well, you get the point. I'm starting over today slightly more determined to not make bad choices. I've done well up to this point to allow myself a piece of candy and stop with just one piece, but this week I've just not been able to do that. On a more positive note, I've still been exercising--took the day off from my DVD's yesterday (Wednesday evenings are really busy at my house with 3 kids, church, etc.), but I did walk 1 1/2 miles on my break at work. My knees are really bothering me today, so I may have to take it easy with the high impact stuff for a few days. Okay, I've rambled enough...just checking in. Hope everyone is having a better week than me! :ohwell:

    This week has been really bad for me also! I'd like your support also. I've been eating candy, chocolate, had a burger today.
    My only saving grace is that I am still working out. I went swimming today and have been running 3 days a week. Still, its no excuse to do badly in the food dept. I feel your pain though. I could be doing better but somehow this weekend has really thrown me off my balance of everything. My sleep sucks. I had nightmares last night and had very bad sleep. I really don't know what to say, except, hopefully we will do better this weekend and then next week. Good luck!

    I'm sorry that you've had a bad week as well, but it is good to know I'm not alone! Here's to a much better weekend and week ahead!!!!:drinker: