So at what weight do women actually respond to a guy?



  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Some men need to "Man Up" and be more assertive. Successful people are not afraid of rejection and continue to push forward.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Good question.

    I was getting rejected with the women I was interested in when I weighed around 240. I still got girls interested in me, but not the type I wanted. Anyways I lost weight 195, changed my style and started getting interest from girls, but nothing more than friendships, nor the type of girl I wanted. So I'll let you know how it works out once I hit 180 and under. :laugh:
  • Mscastillo85
    Mscastillo85 Posts: 66 Member
    So when I was 290 the last girl I approached before starting my weight loss back up literally turned around on walked away without acknowledging me. At 245 I guess things have improved in the sense they'll talk to me for 30 seconds until they come up with an excuse to get away but still. So guys who have lost weight or to all the women out there, when does it actually get better? I mean do I need to be a fitness model or something because that's probably a bit out of reach.

    CONFIDENCE IS KEY NOT COCKINESS. && Please don't associate your weight with why you haven't met someone yet. Thats a lot of pressure. Lose the weight because you want to feel better about yourself. As for that girl shes probably one of the large population of females who loves *kitten* and don't care how they're treated. I have 3 brothers and being a girl I've gone for the typical *kitten* and boy did Iearn my lesson. I had to look into myself and see that I didn't want to be one of those dumb girls. But if you're a good person, have a good loving heart DON'T CHANGE THAT FOR ANYONE. Love yourself unconditionally and it will show and you'll find someone when you least expect it. Trust me it happened to me. Hope this helps. :)

    Not changing is something I really hope I can do but I think I'm already getting pretty cynical about the whole thing. It's like high school except the excuses are more sugar coated. I mean when women are in their 30s shouldn't they of gotten over the whole "guys need to be hot" phase?

    ABSOLUTELY! But you just putting that shows you're a bright guy. These women are the exact same girls I was referring to. They just never changed or realized what REALLY matters. I have single girlfriends big med. and small who say the same about guys. We shouldn't see things as guys and girls. Instead, we need to see them the way they are and thats the person. It's really about what kind of person you are and how you think and preceive things to be. I think as a society we put so much pressure on selves to be "perfect" "hot" and "sexy" "skinny" "built". But what's really gratifying is when my daughter or son comes up to me and says I'm an awesome Mom and thank me for little things and unconditionally love me. My point is love is depper than appearance & true love doesn't care about any of those things I quoted. Anyone who doesn't realize that needs to work on themselves INSIDE.
  • willwillywilson
    Some men need to "Man Up" and be more assertive. Successful people are not afraid of rejection and continue to push forward.

    Not sure it's 100% accurate to say I'm afraid of it but I get what you're saying. For what it's worth I haven't given up on any fitness goals or anything in spite of this one particular area lagging.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    You're walking up to the wrong girls.

    Didn't read, but if you're 'walking up' to ANY unknown girl without some kind of context, it's weird. I don't care what you look like.

    Where are you walking from - across the room? Do you any reason in particular to talk to the girl, other than you've decided she's attractive? Or reason to believe you have anything in common?

    Straight pick-ups are for kids.

    Do stuff you like, so you can meet someone like you.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    look man-I say there is an A for effort. If you don't eat bull**** fattening food all day with a who cares attitude, it makes a world of difference....Just show u care how u look and that makes a difference. I also can't stand guys that count carbs/protein like a bible. It makes me think-get a grip!!
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Some men need to "Man Up" and be more assertive. Successful people are not afraid of rejection and continue to push forward.

    If someone gets rejected you need to move on and on to the next one. Never put ***** on a pedestal.
  • darleyschroeder
    Def were talking the wrong ladies. I am married, but in my single days I did prefer a healthy weight man, but had a couple romances with men who were overweight or obese.
    I think men care a little more about the weight dept than women. She should dig you regardless of your weight! Watch out for the ladies, while they may be quite cute, who want you just for your body. Shallow is great for a while, but gets old.
  • willwillywilson
    look man-I say there is an A for effort. If you don't eat bull**** fattening food all day with a who cares attitude, it makes a world of difference....Just show u care how u look and that makes a difference. I also can't stand guys that count carbs/protein like a bible. It makes me think-get a grip!!

    Didn't really mention carbs/protein so I guess you read my profile or looked at my food log? For the record even though I do high protein/low carb I don't actually worry about either figure. Nor do I care about calories. I avoid foods that I know aren't filling and have little nutritional value. I eat mostly foods that will be more filling and have more nutritional value. Spread those foods out throughout the day and it all seems to work. No counting. Simple.
  • Mscastillo85
    Mscastillo85 Posts: 66 Member
    Some men need to "Man Up" and be more assertive. Successful people are not afraid of rejection and continue to push forward.

    If someone gets rejected you need to move on and on to the next one. Never put ***** on a pedestal.

    Exactly keep it moving and on to the next till you find someone worth your time and effort.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    So when I was 290 the last girl I approached before starting my weight loss back up literally turned around on walked away without acknowledging me. At 245 I guess things have improved in the sense they'll talk to me for 30 seconds until they come up with an excuse to get away but still. So guys who have lost weight or to all the women out there, when does it actually get better? I mean do I need to be a fitness model or something because that's probably a bit out of reach.

    I gotta say that a lot of men are the same way. They see an obese chick and no matter what her level of confidence....they turn the other way.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I didn't read through all 11 pages of responses, so this may be a repeat, but here goes..... If you're overweight and only approach women who are ripped with 6 pack abs, that could be a problem. If you want women to accept you (someone less than perfect), you might try approaching women who aren't perfect yet, too. There are some danged fine women out there, with a beautiful spirit, wonderful personality, maybe even potential life mate material (if that's what you're looking for) that don't have a BMI of 25 or less.
  • willwillywilson
    Thanks for the advice/chat guys and girl! With all the election mumbo jumbo I was trying to avoid the TV and succeeded. Bed time now though! I will say in spite of my cynicism I'll take what I've read to heart and I think deep down I do feel like thing swill eventually perk up. The real benefit from getting fit has been getting rid of some health conditions, including beating sleep apnea. I guess the rest will take care of itself.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Personally, whenever any guy approaches me and i get the "their hitting on me" vibe, I get flustered and make up excuses to get away. But you could be Hand Sculpted by Greek Gods and i would still try to get away.

    So maybe some of the girls you are approaching are like that.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    u are doing great then....and by the looks of your photo, u dnt look fat to me man!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Its not the weight. You're either walking up to the wrong girls, or its your approach. For me if a guy uses a "pick-up" line, I probably won't acknowledge him. If a girl is going to meet a guy she likes a romantic story behind it, for example...Bumping into each other and dropping all her papers, grabbing the napkin at a coaster, maybe you hold the door for her. Something gentleman and chivalry like. Not random walk-ups. This will only for certain types of girls, just like pick-up lines might work for a certain type. Don't judge the girl on her looks either, like don't pick who you talk too. Talk to us all. Who knows, the girl of your dreams might be struggling with weight or wearing sweat pants that day.
  • tamba01
    tamba01 Posts: 110 Member
    Confidence has alot to do with it. But that being said, women differ as to what they like. I prefer men with a little meat on their bones, some women prefer skinnier guys. When I was younger I preferred skinnier guys. But being confident and being able to hold a good conversation goes a long way.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I don't know what their problem is.You look good to me! :blushing:
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Its not the weight. You're either walking up to the wrong girls, or its your approach. For me if a guy uses a "pick-up" line, I probably won't acknowledge him. If a girl is going to meet a guy she likes a romantic story behind it, for example...Bumping into each other and dropping all her papers, grabbing the napkin at a coaster, maybe you hold the door for her. Something gentleman and chivalry like. Not random walk-ups. This will only for certain types of girls, just like pick-up lines might work for a certain type. Don't judge the girl on her looks either, like don't pick who you talk too. Talk to us all. Who knows, the girl of your dreams might be struggling with weight or wearing sweat pants that day.

    Wow I was off in la la land. That is supposed to say, Grabbing the same napkin at a restaurant...time to go to bed..yikes.
  • Mscastillo85
    Mscastillo85 Posts: 66 Member
    u are doing great then....and by the looks of your photo, u dnt look fat to me man!

    I'm sorry totally off subject but WTH IS THAT ON YOUR PROFILE PICTURE?!