How do you feel about stay-at-home parents?



  • I stay at home and my husband likes it that way. There are a lot of times where I miss working simply because I made decent money. I hated my job, but that extra income would make a huuge difference in our lifestyle right now.

    I do like being able to stay home though. It makes eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis much more easier. Our home is a lot cleaner these days and I have time to make good, homemade meals for my family. My step son also gets a lot more "jess time" (my name's Jess). My husband seems happier too. It was me before that was the bread winner and it has done wonders for his ego to be working. I am less stressed out and he is less stressed out.

    I do some work through Amazon at home to make some extra cash. It's pretty easy to get bored staying at home with a 4 year old staying with us every other week. There is only so much cleaning and cooking and working out a person can do.
  • marvelprime
    marvelprime Posts: 91 Member
    I have one of my friends whose a stay at home mom and she's managed a way to make money doing office type work while taking care of her four year old daughter. It saves her tons of child care costs, she can effectively schedule herself since she's her own boss. I think it's awesome and doesn't deserve any negativity it gets.

    As far as I go, I could definitely be a stay at home dad if need be.

    With my ex, I always managed to work different shifts so there was no need for a stay at home parent.
  • mcjmommy
    mcjmommy Posts: 148 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom and I do love it. I'm a little unusual because I'm an older mom - we were married for 11 years before we had kids. I worked full time right up until my oldest was born.
    I have NEVER missed work in the 5+ years I've been home. My husband is really supportive and helpful with the kids when he is home. Not every day is easy, but even on the worst ones, I'd rather be home with my kids than at a job wondering what my kids are doing :)
    Just because I love it, doesn't translate into "everyone should do it my way." My oldest son's kindergarten teacher is a working mom and she's awesome and I'm so thankful for her!
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I love it! I stay at home and have since my kids were babies! They are 13 & 15 now.. I actually loved it so much.. I asked my kids about home schooling.. one said yes, the other said no.. so thats what we do!

    I love getting up and cooking hot breakfast for both kids & hubby (breakfast is at 5am, and 6am - no reheats! Fresh meals both times) I love packing hubby a hot lunch for work and fixing my daughter a hot meal at home. I love having hot suppers and a hot snack for my daughter when she comes home from school.. I love having fresh laundry, and warm towels when showers are over for everyone.. I make fresh biscuits and bread daily and 90% of the time, everything is home made.

    Ive been called the "ultimate 1950's wife and mother" and honestly, i wouldnt have it any other way. This *IS* my job and i am so damn blessed to actually have a job that i LOVE unlike the many other people that work simply for the paycheck.. my paycheck is a loving supportive family.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I'm a SAHM. I don't envy my husband anymore for being able to "escape", however, while my son was going through the terrible twos, you bet I did. Honestly, I don't love it, and I don't hate it. I do love the fact that I get to be with the kiddo all the time, but it does get very boring, very quickly. That being said, I certainly don't miss holding down an office job.

    I do know, however, that my husband is completely envious of me. If it was feasible financially (my husbands makes FAR more than I ever would), he would stay at home and I would work. His missed a few milestones, and I know he hates that.

    I don't judge any other mother for her choice to stay at home or not. Every mother, or father, does what's best for THEIR family, and I have absolutely no business to judge their choices, even if they differ from mine. My husbands parents both worked and he went to daycare. He turned out great. My mother was a SAHM. I turned out great (contrary to popular belief). As long as a child is raised with love, be it by one parent, two parents, or a loving guardian, that child will turn out absolutely fine.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm thrilled that we are in a position for my wife to stay at home (and has since 1999). She would say the same (most of the time).
  • I enjoy staying home. I have a small home daycare, so I do contribute money wise but I am still there if my kids need to be picked up from school early/have days off/are sick. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have a group of friends that I go out with a few times a month and then I go to the gym every night, so no I don't feel like I'm isolated or envious of my hubby. I do miss having a "normal" job, but if we had to put 3 kids in daycare, pay for gas weekly, my clothes, etc, I would probably be making less than what I do now. It's not for everyone but it has worked for us.
  • Just_One_Me
    Just_One_Me Posts: 66 Member
    I am blessed ! I get all the kodak moments . I will have time to go back to work once my lil one hits 6 but for now......... I GET THE BEST PART OF THEM GROWING UP ! ! ! ! BEST MEMORIES ! !! ! ! And my husband appreciates it , which is a big plus. I have an 11, 10 , 9, 4 and almost 1 year old . all my childre are different and I'm glad I can stay home and teach and learn who they are before they grow up. Anyway , Im a stay at home mom and I know I will have my turn to work outside the home so Im cherrishing every moment of this ! =)
  • I work part time so it is a little different, but I never feel like my husband sees my non-monetary contributions to the household. I think he probably resents me being home. But he wouldn't admit it because it was an arrangement that we discussed and agreed upon together.
  • I love it! I stay at home and have since my kids were babies! They are 13 & 15 now.. I actually loved it so much.. I asked my kids about home schooling.. one said yes, the other said no.. so thats what we do!

    I love getting up and cooking hot breakfast for both kids & hubby (breakfast is at 5am, and 6am - no reheats! Fresh meals both times) I love packing hubby a hot lunch for work and fixing my daughter a hot meal at home. I love having hot suppers and a hot snack for my daughter when she comes home from school.. I love having fresh laundry, and warm towels when showers are over for everyone.. I make fresh biscuits and bread daily and 90% of the time, everything is home made.

    Ive been called the "ultimate 1950's wife and mother" and honestly, i wouldnt have it any other way. This *IS* my job and i am so damn blessed to actually have a job that i LOVE unlike the many other people that work simply for the paycheck.. my paycheck is a loving supportive family.

    You're awesome! I need to seriously step up my sahw game.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I feel that Stay-At-Homes should take advantage of the fact that they're home & get involved with new hobbies, learn an instrument, write a book, exercise, dance, learn to draw or paint, etc. They have a lot of time to cultivate some wonderful skills & activities that can make them truly happy, & I feel like they don't take advantage of that as much as they should (or at least, you don't hear about it).

    If I became a SAHM (never will, though :wink: ) I would DEFINITELY be spending all of that time fulfilling intrinsic motives in my life! I do that now, but I would have much more time for it all as an SAHM.

    Do you even have kids? I'm not trying to sound rude but seriously who would be taking care of the kids and household while you are "taking advantage of new hobbies"?
    Actually, I've picked up loads of new hobbies while being a SAHM. Granted, I have one child, and he's ridiculously independant, but still, it's inaccurate to assume that all SAHMs have no time for anything other than cleaning, cooking, and child rearing.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm going to be a SAHM for about 6 months after my son is born. The first 3 months are paid, but the last 3 are "work at home months." I'm looking forward to it, but I know it's going to be hard and a big adjustment.
  • I used to be a single mother for 3-4 years working non-stop and all that jazz.

    I got remarried and I was able to stay at home for the last 4 years with my son.

    I am grateful for the time I have got to spend with my littlest one but as for ever doing it again.....

    No F**king way!!! I love my kids but I loved my sanity more. And I have been hit with guilt about money whenever I want to go out and shop. We share all finances and my husband has told me not to feel guilty because of all the mom stuff I do that makes up for it.....blah, blah, blah,.

    When you are used to being the only breadwinner, it is very hard to swallow when you no longer bring in any income at all. I still do everything I did before I got remarried but some of us women were just not made to be at home. I am much happier when I am productive outside the home.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I am a SAHM, and I am so thankful to have the ability to do so. My DH works third shift and some crazy hours at that, so not having a job outside the home definitely helps with us having family time and alone time together. I love the time with DS, not so much all the cooking and cleaning that goes alone with it, but I am definitely getting better! And DH is very appreciative of what I do, which definitely helps on the rough days when DS is acting crazy.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I wasn't a SAHP, but I stayed home to do "home stuff" for about 6 months. Worst thankless 6 months of my life. I LOVE having a job. Staying at home is hell if you ask me.
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    My situation is little unique. I was a SAHM for the first 2 years on my daughter's life and loved it. Then I became a mix out of SAHM/WAHM/WOHM. I'm self-employed and whenever I have clients (which really can wary from month to month), I turn into WAHM/WOHM. I enjoyed the first two years but now I would really like to work. I think I would be a better mom being WOHM. I need the interaction with people, not just playdates with other moms, but in a professional manner. Being SAHM/WAHM/WOHM and a student has really drained me so I'll be at home only until my daughter goes to school next year.

    Yes, sometimes I do envy my husband for working OOH but I am the one who gets so many memories with our DD that he doesn't. There are pros/cons to both I guess.
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    My wife and I are both self employed and work from home most of the time so we actually were both SAHP and I wouldn't have changed it for anything.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I loved it!!! I would do it again! My three kids are all in sports and when I was at home they were able to do other activities as well.
  • I am a stay at home dad... And... I love it........2 wonderful children. They keep me quite busy...
  • I never got the chance to when I was raising my boys, now grown men 28. and 27. I have adopted 2 girls one is now 6 and the other one is 3 I have been staying home for almost 2 years with the youngest, She had a lot of issues when we got her and to help her adjust I started staying home. I LOVE it, I love being able to be here with her and give her the balance she needs right ow and she is SO much company, I also like the freedom of being able to pick my 6 years old up from school and to have a schedule I can bounce around to spend time with the girls. I also have 4 grandkids, 2 I keep every day for half of each day, the other two I keep when their parents need me to. However.....I do miss my ME time, time with adults and talking with adults, my independence and my own money. Even though I monogram, sew and make hairbows and other little girl items I find it very hard to put the time into it that I need to. I guess with everything positive we have to sacrafice something.