Team UK - February 2010



  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I'm back on track today after a bad weekend :angry: I had a really good night Fri and Sat but the nights knocked on to yesterday where I ate WAY too much, not really bad things, but too, too MUCH! I feel like a fat lardon today, it aint good!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend, I'm definitely 100% going to kick my butt this weekend with exercise and food!

    Mikhaila xxx
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Hi all, Hope you've all had a good weekend. I've had a so-so weekend food wise, Friday night I went out with my mum and had 3 vodkas with lime and lemonade, although I dont think the cals in that is too bad but on Saturday I went to a chinese restaurant with my dad and had so much lovely chinese food :smile: but I dread to think how many calories I consumed in just 1 meal!! Never mind, I went to the gym yesterday and have been good up until and after Saturday so I should be ok come weigh in *Crosses fingers*

    So, a new month, what goals do you have for March? x
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hello all - hope you all had a good weekend? Mine wasn't too bad, managed a trip to the gym Saturday morning. It completely tired me out for the rest of the day! Food wasn't too bad...we did go to Wagamama's for lunch on Saturday, but I don't think that was too bad. Hard to say for sure whilst the sodium is still working it's way through. Spent a couple of hours in the garden on Sunday, which I'm feeling today! Managed to keep the alcohol consumption down to just half a bottle of wine spread out over Saturday and Sunday!!

    I did manage to lose a pound last week, so I'm hoping if I can have another 'good' week that I can shift another one and finally be at a healthy weight (according to BMI). Fingers crossed!

    I got my blood results back today. Nothing horrible in there. My potassium is slightly higher than it should be, but the doctor says it's nothing to worry about because it's probably because I eat a banana most days. She also said it could be because I was tense when they took the blood (I was very tense!). Apparently that releases more potassium in to the blood stream. The bad news is that due to their being no other underlying explanation for my symptoms I most probably have Fibromyalgia syndrome, and it is a case of managing the symptoms as there is no cure. Getting my head round that a bit at the moment.

    Hope you guys are all ok - hope you all have a good week.

    Erika x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    Hello everyone!! Please join me on March 2010... sorry its a bit late! Busy day in the office but i havent forgotten about my MFP Buddies!! x x x
  • seorasmc
    seorasmc Posts: 1
    OK so i'm new. I got the app for my iphone first as it was recommended by Scooby ( ) on one of his videos and I started well but lost it after about 1 week into a family holiday, home cooking and all that, so i'm going to try my best to get back on track now and would appreciate any tips or advice from all of you....yeah so thats it and Hi btw ;)
  • Nickfield1
    Hi All,

    Just picked up on the Team UK thread so I thought I drop in and say hi, been on MFP for just over a week and loving it.

    The Iphone app is fantastic and helps me through the course of the day no end.

    Started off at 235lbs and my target is 190lbs I have lost around 8lbs so far just through watching what I am eating and a couple of bad days but hey I dust myself off and start the next day a fresh, and think positive..

    Target for this month would be to lose another 3lb,
