Hostess Brands more Twinkies!



  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    OMG! Why do the clean eaters have to come in here and poo poo all over foods they choose not to eat?

    If people like the food, then they should learn to eat the food in moderation. Just because you have no self-control, doesn't mean the food is evil!

    Twinkies are good, but I haven't had one since I was a kid. I will, however, miss the Hostess chocolate cupcakes. Om nom nom!

    I heart you!

    I do however have a serious problem with the cupcakes. The group of ladies here at work that supplies our snack table go to the hostess store and bring back loads and loads of the cupcakes. It takes actual work on my part to not eat like 5 a day. It's sad but true.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    How's the US Postal Service and their union doing these days?

  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    good riddance

    The government should have banned Twinkies years ago

    Actually, it should ban the cows they get the cream for the Twinkies from! Milk is bad for you!!!!!!!!

    I live on milk. They ban cows, I'll black market it. lol. I have never broken a bone and had very few cavities, and I'm clumsy, crazy, and eat lots of chocolate. I like to think its the milk. I think it does my body good. No matter what ppl want me to think.

    The cow isn't to the crap hormones the food industry/government forces farmers to put in them to make them meatier so they can make more money. Fresh real milk, which no one has unless they're getting it from the utter themselves, is the only good milk.

    You know, I've thought about trying raw milk, because it is readily available where I'm at (I'm extremely blessed to have access to a lot of farm fresh food), but I'm not so sure. I've heard horror stories about ... udder puss. :sick: I just can't get myself to give up pasteurization. I'm normally a big fan of natural and unadulterated.

    Yes, we are going completely off topic. :tongue:

    I agree, the idea of fresh milk scares me. I like eating healthier, but I like a happy medium. I do not really care if the milk is pasteurized or has hormones. I realize they say it can cause cancer. Everything these days does. I want to feel better inside, and be happy. Milk has not hurt me yet. When it does, then I'll stop. Until then, I love milk. And cows actually. Love me some steak.

    Also, I do not believe in "banning" everything. Let ppl do what makes them happy, if its unhealthy, its their life. Why start with food banning if you were going to attack unhealthy things? Why not start with smokes (norm and green), drugs, pharmaceuticals, alcohols, sex, tv, video games, cell phones, cars, and even dirty dollar bills. So much we could attack.

    Ever seen Demolition man (movie)?

    "I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think; I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind of guy who likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I WANT high cholesterol. I wanna eat bacon and butter and BUCKETS of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked with green Jell-o all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener""

    Those dollar bills have traces of cocaine on them! Hell yes we should ban them!

    Cocaine is actually not as big of a deal as the worldwide pharmaceutical abuse and the ugly chems they put in them. plus, cocaine is not the worst thing on a dollar. Those things travel trough strip clubs. Theres another dirty place, lets ban them too. Lets ban arguing and crying as well, its bad. And public farting, sneezing...helk speaking.

    lets ban life. Its just to messy and scary.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Won't break my heart. I've never even eaten a Twinkie before.

    Wha-what-what?! Get your butt to the store and have one! Make it a part of your cheat day. You will not be sorry.

    Zingers are better by far, but my feelings won't be hurt... i can't remember the last time i had a hostess product.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Time to start stockin up!! Twinkies in EVERYONES stockings this xmas!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    good riddance

    The government should have banned Twinkies years ago

    Actually, it should ban the cows they get the cream for the Twinkies from! Milk is bad for you!!!!!!!!

    I live on milk. They ban cows, I'll black market it. lol. I have never broken a bone and had very few cavities, and I'm clumsy, crazy, and eat lots of chocolate. I like to think its the milk. I think it does my body good. No matter what ppl want me to think.

    And there wouldn't be black market Twinkies had they been banned? Some people have no capacity for logic. :noway:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Poorly Run Company + Corrupt Union = 18,000 without a job now

    I am sorry, but you cant blame the union. The workers and the union kept taking pay cuts while the CEO and other execs gave themselves 300% raises a couple of months before they filed for bankruptcy.

    Blame this on the Corporate officers of the company, not the union or the workers - they had already made enough sacrifices.

    This is Corporate GREED.

    Actually you can blame the union. How many people would kill for a job right now, while the union went on strike for better pay and benefits.

    The majority of industries/sectors that are heavily unionized aren't doing so hot; auto manufacturing, public education, public services etc etc

    They did not strike for BETTER benefits, they were on strike to maintain their current benefits. There is a big difference between the two.

    Exactly. At least 1 other person understands what Corporate GREED is.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Won't break my heart. I've never even eaten a Twinkie before.

    Wha-what-what?! Get your butt to the store and have one! Make it a part of your cheat day. You will not be sorry.

    Gross, she isnt missing anything.

    Its just a twinkie... *shrugs shoulders*
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    There already is a black market for milk.
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    That strike really backfired! Now you all don't have jobs! Unions = fail.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Won't break my heart. I've never even eaten a Twinkie before.

    Wha-what-what?! Get your butt to the store and have one! Make it a part of your cheat day. You will not be sorry.

    Zingers are better by far, but my feelings won't be hurt... i can't remember the last time i had a hostess product.

    I agree that Zingers are better than Twinkies, but I *do* buy Wonder bread more often than other brands of bread. I grew up on Wonder bread. I will surely miss it. I guess Sara Lee will be getting our bread business.

    More than anything, I will miss the Wonder thrift stores. In the thrift stores, they had lots of products you couldn't find in other stores and for half the price. You could get 2 loaves of Texas Toast for two dollars, or 12 hamburger buns for $1. You can't beat that.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    There already is a black market for milk.

    my hero
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    My dad works there. He was out on a route when I called him to tell him this morning. He wasn't just "Out with a picket sign" he was doing his job regardless of what was going on. He was going with the rest of his employees and waiting in line outside just in case someone called in sick and he could get a couple hours in. It's bad. I feel so bad for those people that have to just go out and start over again.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    There already is a black market for milk.

    This is true. There have *also* already been raids. The Feds think they are all powerful because they steal our money and have bigger guns. They even raided an Amish farm! It makes me sick.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    I havent heard of anything like that going on here in St Louis and my husband passes by the Hostess plant several times a day.

    He said people are picketing and the news hasnt reported any type of vandalism or anything. From what I understand NO ONE here in St Louis is crossing the picket line though. They are steadfast about the Corporate people that gave themselves HUGE raises all the while asking the workers to lose their pension and take a larger pay cut and other benefit cuts.

    They should have outed the CEO and other Corporate officers.

    This is reason enough to never buy hostess again.....sick of corporate greed! is outrageous that these corporations who provide a product that we buy actually expect to see a profit.


    That is such an ignorant comment. If they wanted to see a profit, then they shouldn't have given themselves 300% raises while they sit in their fancy offices and such.

    I can't believe how many people agree with the scum of the earth Execs and the slime ball of a CEO.

    You mean scummy unions destroying everything they touch

    Sorry, but I am a believer in unions and protecting the employees from Corporate GREED.

    My dad was part of the UMWA and then UAW union for years and years.

    I live in a very large unionized area of the country, not a right to work state where they can fire you for sneezing wrong.

    Total balderdash-- "fire you for sneezing wrong." How do you people come up with this crap?

    So sick of the class warfare of people like if there's something wrong to be wealthy. "Corporate Greed" means that this company was successful and made money....and employed bunches of people along the way who weren't satisfied that THEY weren't as rich as the owners.

    Tough tarts.

    I live paycheck to paycheck with barely a pot in which to pee-- raising a slew of kids.....never in my wildest dreams would I begrudge anyone for being richer than me.

    Personally, I don't know how people like you can sleep at miserable it must be to be so pissed that somebody else has more than you.

    That is what I right to work state is. I lived in one in Virginia for 15 years..............I saw many, many people get fired from their jobs for no reason what so ever. Just because someone at the company wanted to get rid of them. You don't have to have a reason to fire someone in those right to work states.

    So you have no problem with the CEO of the company your working for giving himself a $500,000 raise, while asking you and all of your co-workers to take a $2.00 per hour pay cut????

    I sleep just fine at night. I am not pissed at people that have more than me. I dislike people that take away from their workers while giving to themselves when no one should have gotten a raise.

    I am upset with the company I work for................They just laid off 120 people and I walked into an HR meeting where they were talking about our Christmas bonuses. You don't do that. If we are that financially strapped, then NO ONE should be getting a bonus, gift cards, holiday parties, etc.

    I don't agree with accepting a bonus when someone else just lost their job. In fact, I will be sending my Christmas bonus back or use it to buy Christmas for someone less fortunate than myself.


    No, I don't need a pat on the back. I am just making it clear that my Karma is clean. I am not a selfish and narrow minded person that hordes my money to make sure to keep other people down so I can look down my nose at them because they do have less.

    I don't mind giving to those who have less than me. I volunteer my time and give my money.

    I have way more than I will ever need.
  • Nitabug36
    My uncle works for Hostess here in Memphis and it's really sad he will be unemployed........
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Exactly. At least 1 other person understands what Corporate GREED is.

    You seem to believe that corporate greed somehow nullifies union greed.

    Here's a clue: both can be at fault at the same time.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Exactly. At least 1 other person understands what Corporate GREED is.

    You seem to believe that corporate greed somehow nullifies union greed.

    Here's a clue: both can be at fault at the same time.

    Begone with you AND your logic!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    good riddance

    The government should have banned Twinkies years ago

    Actually, it should ban the cows they get the cream for the Twinkies from! Milk is bad for you!!!!!!!!

    I live on milk. They ban cows, I'll black market it. lol. I have never broken a bone and had very few cavities, and I'm clumsy, crazy, and eat lots of chocolate. I like to think its the milk. I think it does my body good. No matter what ppl want me to think.

    The cow isn't to the crap hormones the food industry/government forces farmers to put in them to make them meatier so they can make more money. Fresh real milk, which no one has unless they're getting it from the utter themselves, is the only good milk.

    You know, I've thought about trying raw milk, because it is readily available where I'm at (I'm extremely blessed to have access to a lot of farm fresh food), but I'm not so sure. I've heard horror stories about ... udder puss. :sick: I just can't get myself to give up pasteurization. I'm normally a big fan of natural and unadulterated.

    Yes, we are going completely off topic. :tongue:

    I agree, the idea of fresh milk scares me. I like eating healthier, but I like a happy medium. I do not really care if the milk is pasteurized or has hormones. I realize they say it can cause cancer. Everything these days does. I want to feel better inside, and be happy. Milk has not hurt me yet. When it does, then I'll stop. Until then, I love milk. And cows actually. Love me some steak.

    Also, I do not believe in "banning" everything. Let ppl do what makes them happy, if its unhealthy, its their life. Why start with food banning if you were going to attack unhealthy things? Why not start with smokes (norm and green), drugs, pharmaceuticals, alcohols, sex, tv, video games, cell phones, cars, and even dirty dollar bills. So much we could attack.

    Ever seen Demolition man (movie)?

    "I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think; I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind of guy who likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I WANT high cholesterol. I wanna eat bacon and butter and BUCKETS of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked with green Jell-o all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener""

    Those dollar bills have traces of cocaine on them! Hell yes we should ban them!

    Cocaine is actually not as big of a deal as the worldwide pharmaceutical abuse and the ugly chems they put in them. plus, cocaine is not the worst thing on a dollar. Those things travel trough strip clubs. Theres another dirty place, lets ban them too. Lets ban arguing and crying as well, its bad. And public farting, sneezing...helk speaking.

    lets ban life. Its just to messy and scary.

    Farts lead to methane, which is destroying our ozone! We absolutely should ban public farting! It's practically second hand smoke!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    That strike really backfired! Now you all don't have jobs! Unions = fail.

    Corporate Greed = FAIL. Not unions. We are supposed to have that right to form unions in this country.

    Yet another right that is going away.