Thanksgiving Help....dreading the Food Pushers!



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I have another solution.

    Let me come along, too, but don't tell your family I'm coming. There'll be less food for each person so you eat less. :bigsmile:
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    I have another solution.

    Let me come along, too, but don't tell your family I'm coming. There'll be less food for each person so you eat less. :bigsmile:

    This is the best suggestion yet! LOL Meet me at my mom's at 1:00. :)
  • Yolanda4160
    Yolanda4160 Posts: 170 Member
    Wow!! This is a lifestyle change, not a diet, and one day of indulgence and enjoyment will not de rail the whole process. I would be OFFENDED if I had prepared a Thanksgiving feast and someone brought a Lean Cuisine. Don't do that!! Talk to your hostess and plan a couple of healthy choices together. Get a good work out in, take a little of your favorites, fill up on veggies, and enjoy the company. Talk a lot--you won't have time to put food in your mouth!! Sheesh, people. This is a holiday, and a time to be thankful. Enjoy it!!

    Well lucky for me, my family are NOT food pushers and they support my lifestyle and the choices I make. My husband's aunt is fully aware that I am bringing it and they are not offended at all. Reason for the Lean Cuisine--- so I can log!!! I cannot log their recipes! How do I know how many calories are in their butter smothered food ?! Everyone has their own choice to make. Glad everyone was ripping my decision apart with their criticisms and judgements while I carried on about my day happily :huh:

    Actually, just as an FYI, you can log it. I do it all the time with recipes. If you really wanted to do that, just ask them for their recipes and build them out on here. You can indicate how many portions each recipe makes and then when you are logging your meals it works like any other food.

    my family don't write down their recipes. It's "a handful of this, or a pinch of that" etc. And I really don't want to estimate. I just wish everyone would respect MY decision and leave it alone already. Thanks everyone and have a nice day tomorrow.
  • cmeroar68
    cmeroar68 Posts: 40 Member
    I have not read all the repsonses you have I am sure you have gotten a ton of advice of which now you get to choose which to follow. And now here is my suggestion. After getting a plate of food, of the healthiest you can pick, tell your mom you'd be happy to take a smidge of '____' home to eat on Friday and Saturday, because you are stuffed now. Don't take too much, and then just toss it when you get home. I know, I know, there are people starving all over the world, but this way you won't hurt your mom's feelings and if you don't take too much, it's no crime!
    Good luck tomorrow. You've made a great decision to change how you eat and look at food! Keep it up!
  • RockstarPunch
    RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
    Options: #1 : Say you've gone Vegan (this will limit your food options significantly)
    Option #2: Run a couple miles tomorrow morning and flush your body with water pre and post meal
    Option #3: Take a spoon full of each item and consider that your meal (youve tasted it all and no one is offended)

    From personal expierence and coming from a warm food family and culture the Worst thing you can do is call someones food fattening and tell them to cook something else, This IS offensive (even for those vegans and vegetarians who are limited) so in order to keep the peace and not be the talk of the hairshop or local grocer you can politely......

    Option #4 : Make a nice green dairy free dish of your own
    Option #5: Eat before hand and nibble monderately in between coffee and tea
    Option #6: Make visits to different Thanksgiving dinners and stay for a limited time to spread holiday cheer and leave with in an hour of each

    The thing with changing is that you also have to be considerate to an extent, you cant chuck family and common manners because you have decided to improve a piece of yourself. You will always as a living being have areas of improvement and if you chuck people ( become selfish to an extent and hurt feelings) by the time your done improving you'll be quite lonely. So I'd say when contemplating food approach take a vegetarian approach (the polite ones not the radicals lol)

    1. Pack (bring a dish)
    2. Hydrate (fluids)
    3. Be polite

    Sidenote: I just wanted to say also Veggies and Fruit have calories too so think moderation. Dont over do it on anything (including fruit and veggies) and it helps to eat off the little 6inch diameter plates.

    Progress is the key not perfection* So breathe and take it one moment, one decision and one meal at a time....

    Thanksgiving should not be a day of PANIC its a day of sharing and if you don't want to focus on eating you can also volunteer to feed someone else (Food Banks, Soup Kitchens, some Churches, Shelters .....They can ALWAYS use the extra food and can use Volunteers who dont mind serving :)