An observation about MFP posters...



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection and body language. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    And I'm really dense because I had no idea there was such a thing as an ignore button. Seriously... learn something new every day.

    You know... I remember that thread. A horrible person made a statement about people in general and one individual, who was not even the OP, decided that it was aimed specifically at her, and suddenly everyone who disputed her irresponsible, illogical, and ignorant claims were attacking her and calling her a 'fat pig'. Several of the people that she claimed were attacking her reported that individual including myself, but that didn't stop her from latching on a statement that wasn't even directed at her and claiming she was being verbally abused by the group.

    Sometimes, it's a matter of perception.

    whoa, what a poo storm
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    There was a squirrel in my backyard yesterday. It was not that cute.

    Does it have the same smelly breath as your cat...try the interdental brushes???

    Or you could care about it, give it a cuddle and add it to your friends list?

    Oddly enough, its breath smelled like nuts


    Pine nuts smell sooooo fresh, did you give it a drink of water???

    I tried but it kept running away from the hose. Darn wily critter.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If each of us reported every snarky post and if the forum monitors took it seriously, we might fight the good fight and WIN! :)

    (And by snarky I mean purposefully hurtful, shallow, argumentative and rude. We know the difference between that and a sensitive disagreement.)

    I'd personally rather the mods spent their time removing potentially dangerous posts than be your personal decorum police....I think I'll pass on joining this movement.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection and body language. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    And I'm really dense because I had no idea there was such a thing as an ignore button. Seriously... learn something new every day.

    You know... I remember that thread. A horrible person made a statement about people in general and one individual, who was not even the OP, decided that it was aimed specifically at her, and suddenly everyone who disputed her irresponsible, illogical, and ignorant claims were attacking her and calling her a 'fat pig'. Several of the people that she claimed were attacking her reported that individual including myself, but that didn't stop her from latching on a statement that wasn't even directed at her and claiming she was being verbally abused by the group.

    Sometimes, it's a matter of perception.

    whoa, what a poo storm

    hahaha what a good bit of terminology ` poo storm` gonna save that one for a rainy day!

    There will always be haters and lovers and then you have the inbetweeners, I know which one I would rather be.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    There was a squirrel in my backyard yesterday. It was not that cute.

    Does it have the same smelly breath as your cat...try the interdental brushes???

    Or you could care about it, give it a cuddle and add it to your friends list?

    Oddly enough, its breath smelled like nuts


    Pine nuts smell sooooo fresh, did you give it a drink of water???

    I tried but it kept running away from the hose. Darn wily critter.

    Couldn`t finish without asking about the poor little wily he/she OK after the hosing?

    Always remember what goes around comes around :-)
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    If each of us reported every snarky post and if the forum monitors took it seriously, we might fight the good fight and WIN! :)

    (And by snarky I mean purposefully hurtful, shallow, argumentative and rude. We know the difference between that and a sensitive disagreement.)

    I'd personally rather the mods spent their time removing potentially dangerous posts than be your personal decorum police....I think I'll pass on joining this movement.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If each of us reported every snarky post and if the forum monitors took it seriously, we might fight the good fight and WIN! :)

    (And by snarky I mean purposefully hurtful, shallow, argumentative and rude. We know the difference between that and a sensitive disagreement.)

    I'd personally rather the mods spent their time removing potentially dangerous posts than be your personal decorum police....I think I'll pass on joining this movement.

    I find that comment shallow and argumentative. If I join this movement do I have to report you?
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    If each of us reported every snarky post and if the forum monitors took it seriously, we might fight the good fight and WIN! :)

    (And by snarky I mean purposefully hurtful, shallow, argumentative and rude. We know the difference between that and a sensitive disagreement.)

    I'd personally rather the mods spent their time removing potentially dangerous posts than be your personal decorum police....I think I'll pass on joining this movement.

    I think you just called into question the actions of mods. Strike worthy btw.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    If each of us reported every snarky post and if the forum monitors took it seriously, we might fight the good fight and WIN! :)

    (And by snarky I mean purposefully hurtful, shallow, argumentative and rude. We know the difference between that and a sensitive disagreement.)

    I'd personally rather the mods spent their time removing potentially dangerous posts than be your personal decorum police....I think I'll pass on joining this movement.

    I find that comment shallow and argumentative. If I join this movement do I have to report you?

    I will have to report you first for making negative and hateful statements about members.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    If each of us reported every snarky post and if the forum monitors took it seriously, we might fight the good fight and WIN! :)

    (And by snarky I mean purposefully hurtful, shallow, argumentative and rude. We know the difference between that and a sensitive disagreement.)

    I'd personally rather the mods spent their time removing potentially dangerous posts than be your personal decorum police....I think I'll pass on joining this movement.

    I find that comment shallow and argumentative. If I join this movement do I have to report you?

    Why oh why!?!??
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I love the snark that goes on here. It gives me hope that when I'm ready to bust out Snarky Quirkytizzy, it will be well received.

    Plus, it makes me laugh. And weight loss is usually so unfunny it's depressing. The funny here makes it way better!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If each of us reported every snarky post and if the forum monitors took it seriously, we might fight the good fight and WIN! :)

    (And by snarky I mean purposefully hurtful, shallow, argumentative and rude. We know the difference between that and a sensitive disagreement.)

    I'd personally rather the mods spent their time removing potentially dangerous posts than be your personal decorum police....I think I'll pass on joining this movement.

    I find that comment shallow and argumentative. If I join this movement do I have to report you?

    I will have to report you first for making negative and hateful statements about members.

    Oh, cr*p!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    You have left me no option but to unleash the popcorn, sit back, relax and watch the mods delete!

    Thanks for the entertainment :laugh:
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I think the best thing to do is to ignore the bad and listen to the good, like life really.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If each of us reported every snarky post and if the forum monitors took it seriously, we might fight the good fight and WIN! :)

    (And by snarky I mean purposefully hurtful, shallow, argumentative and rude. We know the difference between that and a sensitive disagreement.)

    I'd personally rather the mods spent their time removing potentially dangerous posts than be your personal decorum police....I think I'll pass on joining this movement.

    I find that comment shallow and argumentative. If I join this movement do I have to report you?

    I will have to report you first for making negative and hateful statements about members.

    Oh, cr*p!
    You can both consider yourselves reported. Disagreeing with me falls in to the potentially dangerous category I previously mentioned.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    If each of us reported every snarky post and if the forum monitors took it seriously, we might fight the good fight and WIN! :)

    (And by snarky I mean purposefully hurtful, shallow, argumentative and rude. We know the difference between that and a sensitive disagreement.)

    Who is this "we" that holds the key to how all statements should be read?

    I think that "we" is directly related to those people and the "they said mean things" people.
  • zewolf77
    zewolf77 Posts: 173 Member
    When I joined here.. the person that referred me told me this: "It's a great site. There are helpful people. Stay away from the forums as much as possible."
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    When I joined here.. the person that referred me told me this: "It's a great site. There are helpful people. Stay away from the forums as much as possible."

    and yet... here you are :laugh: :laugh:
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Opinions are scary.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    If each of us reported every snarky post and if the forum monitors took it seriously, we might fight the good fight and WIN! :)

    (And by snarky I mean purposefully hurtful, shallow, argumentative and rude. We know the difference between that and a sensitive disagreement.)

    I'd personally rather the mods spent their time removing potentially dangerous posts than be your personal decorum police....I think I'll pass on joining this movement.

    I find that comment shallow and argumentative. If I join this movement do I have to report you?

    I will have to report you first for making negative and hateful statements about members.

    Oh, cr*p!
    You can both consider yourselves reported. Disagreeing with me falls in to the potentially dangerous category I previously mentioned.

    You are being reported for flame-baiting because you must surely be trying to incite a fight with such nonsensical statements like you being dangerous.