An observation about MFP posters...



  • And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection and body language. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    And I'm really dense because I had no idea there was such a thing as an ignore button. Seriously... learn something new every day.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    MFP Posters are f**king awesome...Especially my friends..
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Honestly, even the people who think they are the "innocent victims" can be just as ugly as anyone else with their comments. Just watch the comments that follow - people will come in here, and agree with you about all the "meanies", and turn around and throw around insults.

    One of the biggest problems I have with people who complain about how bad things are, is that most of the time the examples they use about someone being mean or snarky just turn out to be about another poster who simply didn't agree with their comment. In the land of MFP, not agreeing makes you and a-hole, bully, snark, or meanie! Some people's kids! :grumble:

    Yep. It's usually the "kind, supportive, caring folk" who run around reporting every thread and poster they don't like. If you say you really enjoy Thanksgiving one of those "kind, caring" people will report you because you don't understand how hard it is to try to control your eating. Yep. No lie.

    The internet is like life. Not everyone is nice. But for some reason people expect the thousands and thousands of members here to all be their friends and love them.

    Not once have I ever heard anyone walk into their office and proclaim, "You know.. not everyone here is a nice person!" Of course not, that would be crazy. But for some reason people expect it here.

    :laugh: Very good point! :drinker:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    please show me where this actually happened...... cause it didnt - or it was between friends and therefore didnt happen to you and isnt actually your problem, like you said - its against the terms of service and Steve and the mods would have yanked that before anyone could gasp.
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    The empty vessel makes the loudest sound - William Shakespeare :)

    Most people are very very very nice.

    Love this ^^and agree.

    Yes. To the OP. You just missed them. Site ain't any different imo. Same ol ppl stirring the same ol pot . Welcome back..and gl on your new mission for fitness.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    In the 'good ole days' about 18 months ago, I was told to shut your fat face fatty. I think they managed to stick the word fat in there a few more times than that, but the message is the same.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    please show me where this actually happened...... cause it didnt - or it was between friends and therefore didnt happen to you and isnt actually your problem, like you said - its against the terms of service and Steve and the mods would have yanked that before anyone could gasp.

    It was you yoovie! You called me a fat pig! Don't you remember? You kept saying my personal photo reminded you of a fat pig. =\
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    please show me where this actually happened...... cause it didnt - or it was between friends and therefore didnt happen to you and isnt actually your problem, like you said - its against the terms of service and Steve and the mods would have yanked that before anyone could gasp.

  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Plus, it's all subjective. One person's funny joke is another person's cruel jab. Watch:

    "So you think that avatar of a beloved children's character abusing cookie dough like it was heroin is funny do you? My son died of a heroin overdose, I don't think it's something to joke about. I wish rude people like you would just get off this site. <report>"

    So watch who you side with. I prefer the company of people who can take a joke without getting their knickers in a twist.

    Ex-junkie here. I think that picture is HILARIOUS! :laugh:
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    OP, that's the primary reason I stay out of the forums. People can be so ugly. I think it's just a sign of the disease that is poor living; i.e. bad diet, lack of exercise, etc.. Everything seems to take on a negative spin when someone feels bad about themselves. When we feel bad physically or emotionally, even someone else's joy can be perceived as negative. I just try to avoid threads that could bring negative comments. It's hard to bite my tongue when someone is acting like a clown. lol!

    I too stay out of forums. I'm afraid that someone will make a harsh remark towards me and deter my weight loss. I know I should not give them the "power" but I do!

    If one person's snarky remark is enough to cause you to miss your goals, there are other things you should be focusing on darlin.

    I think she aknowledged that.
    I know I should not give them the "power" but I do!

    Just out of curiosity - do you have the same job as Sigourney Weaver on Galaxy Quest? Youd be great at it.

    Thanks. :flowerforyou:
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Plus, it's all subjective. One person's funny joke is another person's cruel jab. Watch:

    "So you think that avatar of a beloved children's character abusing cookie dough like it was heroin is funny do you? My son died of a heroin overdose, I don't think it's something to joke about. I wish rude people like you would just get off this site. <report>"

    So watch who you side with. I prefer the company of people who can take a joke without getting their knickers in a twist.

    Ex-junkie here. I think that picture is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

    Ex-cookie dough addict here. I think that picture is HILARIOUS TOO!
  • And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection and body language. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    And I'm really dense because I had no idea there was such a thing as an ignore button. Seriously... learn something new every day.

    Ignore button doesn't work when someone quotes a post...useless function...on that note...
    please show me where this actually happened...... cause it didnt - or it was between friends and therefore didnt happen to you and isnt actually your problem, like you said - its against the terms of service and Steve and the mods would have yanked that before anyone could gasp.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    please show me where this actually happened...... cause it didnt - or it was between friends and therefore didnt happen to you and isnt actually your problem, like you said - its against the terms of service and Steve and the mods would have yanked that before anyone could gasp.

    Yoovie, just because you are still on page 6, doesn't mean I have forgotten about you saying that I look like a fat pig. Mean.
  • And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    please show me where this actually happened...... cause it didnt - or it was between friends and therefore didnt happen to you and isnt actually your problem, like you said - its against the terms of service and Steve and the mods would have yanked that before anyone could gasp.

    Ha HA! That's the trick right. :wink: I couldn't show you where it was happening if "Steve and the mods" yanked it. But that doesn't mean it wasn't there for the brief time it took me (or someone else) to catch it. And if it was yanked and someone else didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't exist for the brief moment in time. I'm certainly not making anything my problem... just making conversation.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    please show me where this actually happened...... cause it didnt - or it was between friends and therefore didnt happen to you and isnt actually your problem, like you said - its against the terms of service and Steve and the mods would have yanked that before anyone could gasp.

    Ha HA! That's the trick right. :wink: I couldn't show you where it was happening if "Steve and the mods" yanked it. But that doesn't mean it wasn't there for the brief time it took me (or someone else) to catch it. And if it was yanked and someone else didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't exist for the brief moment in time. I'm certainly not making anything my problem... just making conversation.

    If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.

    please show me where this actually happened...... cause it didnt - or it was between friends and therefore didnt happen to you and isnt actually your problem, like you said - its against the terms of service and Steve and the mods would have yanked that before anyone could gasp.

    Ha HA! That's the trick right. :wink: I couldn't show you where it was happening if "Steve and the mods" yanked it. But that doesn't mean it wasn't there for the brief time it took me (or someone else) to catch it. And if it was yanked and someone else didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't exist for the brief moment in time. I'm certainly not making anything my problem... just making conversation.

    If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

    HEY! who you callin a tree!?!?!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    It's been that way since I joined. It seems to mostly be the members following some strict diet protocol, whether it's vegan or Paleo or eat X grams of protein, and the "look at my abs! If you don't eat like me you'll be skinny fat and never look good naked" crowd.

    Those that are really just here to improve/maintain weight and health are usually pretty supportive.

    There are paleo people like this? Where? I've been here over a year and haven't found any like that...and I've been looking for them. Please provide a list of names so I can send them FRs.

    Ha Ha

    I think most of the original people that made my ignore list were paleo folks who made the most ludicrous claims that I refuse to see anything they type ever again. :laugh:


    is this `twitch` a nervous thing cos you `twitch` a lot on here??
  • And for the record, I was referring to the people who call someone "a fat pig" (as one poster said she was called) or something along those lines. I also saw someone told "to get off their fat lazy a** and work out." Perhaps that was an inside joke, hence the reason I wouldn't report anyone, I think that's up to the OP to handle if necessary. I totally get that people are sarcastic and that text reads wrong without proper inflection. There are some comments that are unmistakeable in their meaning.
    please show me where this actually happened...... cause it didnt - or it was between friends and therefore didnt happen to you and isnt actually your problem, like you said - its against the terms of service and Steve and the mods would have yanked that before anyone could gasp.

    Ha HA! That's the trick right. :wink: I couldn't show you where it was happening if "Steve and the mods" yanked it. But that doesn't mean it wasn't there for the brief time it took me (or someone else) to catch it. And if it was yanked and someone else didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't exist for the brief moment in time. I'm certainly not making anything my problem... just making conversation.

    If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

    Only if a leprechaun fart blew it over.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    My cat's breath smells like cat food and he only weighs 12 pounds!
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Honestly, even the people who think they are the "innocent victims" can be just as ugly as anyone else with their comments. Just watch the comments that follow - people will come in here, and agree with you about all the "meanies", and turn around and throw around insults.

    One of the biggest problems I have with people who complain about how bad things are, is that most of the time the examples they use about someone being mean or snarky just turn out to be about another poster who simply didn't agree with their comment. In the land of MFP, not agreeing makes you and a-hole, bully, snark, or meanie! Some people's kids! :grumble:

    Yep. It's usually the "kind, supportive, caring folk" who run around reporting every thread and poster they don't like. If you say you really enjoy Thanksgiving one of those "kind, caring" people will report you because you don't understand how hard it is to try to control your eating. Yep. No lie.

    The internet is like life. Not everyone is nice. But for some reason people expect the thousands and thousands of members here to all be their friends and love them.

    Not once have I ever heard anyone walk into their office and proclaim, "You know.. not everyone here is a nice person!" Of course not, that would be crazy. But for some reason people expect it here.

    This exactly. It constantly amazes me that people seems to think that on the internet everyone should be hearts and flowers. If you dont like someone skip there post. If you dont like the topic in a thread dont read it .It s really very simple

    and yet it constantly amazes me that people seem to think that on the internet you can be flat out rude just because its the "internet" and people shouldnt have feelings. Regardless, its a form of bullying and its not okay. Just goes to shows one character AND I try to keep off the forums for this very reason. Treat others how you want to be real life OR on the internet...period.