When did you know it was over?



  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    I knew it was over when he drove me to having a nervous breakdown.
  • beatpig
    beatpig Posts: 97 Member
    When her and I had different ideas of where we wanted to be in five years. My wife and I compliment each other, not compromise.
  • Back in the day I dated a girl and I knew it was over when I went to hold her hand and she pulled it away like she got electrocuted. She then said, "Look, I don't want to go out with you anymore and I can't even think of what made me go out with you in the first place."

    I mean, I would have gladly taken, "It's not you. It's me."
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    When alcohol became more important than me?
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    My ex and I split up after eight years of marriage. I knew it was over when he sat on the end of our bed crying because he thought a supposed one night stand was pregnant with his child and he didn't know if he could handle not being a part of it's life. I told him, "Look you moron ... you have three kids IN THIS HOUSE to whom you aren't a father; why should another one be any different?" I told him to leave and never looked back. That was 13 years ago.

    Remarried, wildly happy, and wouldn't change a thing.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    6 month relationship ended when his baby momma called me and informed me that she had recently given birth to their SECOND child I had no idea about........
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    When, after 3 years, I FINALLY got up the nerve to ask him if he was ever going to cut his hair (it was shaggy and thin and...just ick) and he got defensive and mad. We took yet another "break", and it was the first time I felt OK without him. A week later, he called me up to see if I wanted to come over, and I knew an ultimatum had to be given: basically, GET TO KNOW ME (seriously, after 3 years!) or I have to go. He admitted he couldn't change, and I summoned all my strength and walked out. I am now happily married to a man I am my complete self with and knows me inside and out and loves me still, flaws 'n all.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Now I'm in a happy relationship.

    But with my last boyfriend - we'd been together for almost a year (I broke up with him about a week before our first anniversary). I started feeling it wasn't getting anywhere about a month or so before - that was because he said he was going to move abroad at some point while I wasn't interested in doing that, and I knew I didn't love him so much anymore. It took me about one week or two since deciding I should break up with him until I finally did.

    And I'm really glad I did, because really, I don't think he was all that great in retrospect, and if we didn't break up I wouldn't have met my love. :)
  • Not bad Jimmy, not bad at all... but I'm sorry, you still don't win.

    When I called her parents to tell her she was coming home and I couldn't take her drug/alcohol problem anymore, even if it did help her cope with the pain from cancer.

    And they said, "What cancer?"

    *keeps heavyweight belt right where it belongs*

    I am still not sure that beats seeing a mexican third baseman giving her a liver massage with his fungo bat....

    I love a good Jaws-style, you show me yours I'll show you mine, ex-off!

    Ah you caught your woman cheating, happens ALLL the time! I had to continually try to get her to breathe again during her seizures (ok those were real I found out).

    Plus I'm pretty sure she cheated on me too. But that was the least of my worries, what with all the vicodin I had to steal for her....


    You :"THINK" she was cheating huh? So you never actually saw his piston firing in her well-lubricated cylinder? No, sorry bro.....I had the pleasure of the drug induced bull****....and in actually catching her red handed, parked in a field behind the barn on my granddads farm. You lose.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    When I found a drawer full of makeup and lingerie that didn't belong to me and all kinds of women's clothing hidden in the back of his car.... But turned out the other woman was actually HIM - he had a whole cross-dressing thing going on and would be all over town doing the grocery shopping etc in drag... It took a bit for him to get all the way out of the closet but when he finally admitted to his actively bisexual transgender lifestyle, it was pretty much done....
  • MsMarlaMae
    MsMarlaMae Posts: 144 Member
    I am filing for divorce this week. We've been together since 1999, married since 2007. *We* knew going in would be tricky as I was always into women, and men not so much. But we are best friends, great partners and an amazing team. He never minded me having a girlfriend "on the side" as it were and that worked for a few years.

    A couple years ago we hit a real rut, I wanted to travel, he didn't. I want to be an activist, he doesn't. I want to do volunteer work, he's not interested. I wanted a baby, he didn't. As always he said, "go.. do.. don't do without just because I don't want". So for everything but the baby I did.... but that leads to a separation in lives, and the longer time went by I realized I just didn't love him the same anymore and my interest in men (any man) was completely gone.

    We went to therapy, I came out to my family as gay, he and I cried and cried, and then we cried some more. Then we decided to file for divorce. We still share a home, and a life as we slowly, and very carefully separate. We have always been best friends, and are determined to stay that way. Despite the hurt, regret and sadness we both share.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    When I saw he had the entire collection of Twilight books. Should have hidden those before I came over!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    When I saved up over $350 by selling off some of my favorite things to get a tattoo and he made me cancel the appt the day before it was supposed to happen, then didnt appreciate that I spent every cent of it on gifts for him instead.

    When his ex he once left me for was suddenly his best friend after I'd known he'd been talking to her again for months and hiding it from me.

    When he got jealous of every guy I associated with, and still expected me to be ok with him being best friends with his ex.

    When we both started looking at each other's phones...and we both knew it was happening and still snuck around doing it.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    When I saw he had the entire collection of Twilight books. Should have hidden those before I came over!

    Yea, that'd do it.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    When I started wondering if a) maybe sex isn't supposed to be a humiliating chore b) maybe I don't have to keep doing this for the rest of my life.

    I was totally right.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I’m starting to find the “when did you know” relationship threads tedious, so just for balance I thought we’d address the opposite end of this issue. For those of you who are divorced (or have ended a “serious” relationship), when did you know it was time to end things? How long after that did you actually do it? How long has it been since you broke things off?

    For the record, I'm happily married, although I did end my fair share of relationships before meeting my husband. I just have a realistic streak.
    Well, I should have known after the first month when everything turned to ****, but then I wouldn't have my son, so it's not all bad. I remember being in the car with him and telling him I wanted to break up and then he cried and I don't even remember what he said, but I felt bad and we didn't break up. But I knew then it was never going to last. We stayed together for another miserable year, and after he basically abandoned my son but thought he could still have sex with me, that was enough. When he realized he couldn't worm his way back in, he started sleeping with one of our mutual friends. That was...about 8 years ago now. Only one serious relationship since then and he broke it off completely unexpectedly.
  • With my ex-husband? Well, let's see...oh, wait, it's over?

    We've been divorced for four years and he still haunts my daily existence.


    I forgot to say that I am VERY happily remarried...and the ex still NEVER goes away.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I am filing for divorce this week. We've been together since 1999, married since 2007. *We* knew going in would be tricky as I was always into women, and men not so much. But we are best friends, great partners and an amazing team. He never minded me having a girlfriend "on the side" as it were and that worked for a few years.

    A couple years ago we hit a real rut, I wanted to travel, he didn't. I want to be an activist, he doesn't. I want to do volunteer work, he's not interested. I wanted a baby, he didn't. As always he said, "go.. do.. don't do without just because I don't want". So for everything but the baby I did.... but that leads to a separation in lives, and the longer time went by I realized I just didn't love him the same anymore and my interest in men (any man) was completely gone.

    We went to therapy, I came out to my family as gay, he and I cried and cried, and then we cried some more. Then we decided to file for divorce. We still share a home, and a life as we slowly, and very carefully separate. We have always been best friends, and are determined to stay that way. Despite the hurt, regret and sadness we both share.
    Good for you; I hope it works out well for you guys.
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Not bad Jimmy, not bad at all... but I'm sorry, you still don't win.

    When I called her parents to tell her she was coming home and I couldn't take her drug/alcohol problem anymore, even if it did help her cope with the pain from cancer.

    And they said, "What cancer?"

    *keeps heavyweight belt right where it belongs*

    I am still not sure that beats seeing a mexican third baseman giving her a liver massage with his fungo bat....

    I love a good Jaws-style, you show me yours I'll show you mine, ex-off!

    Ah you caught your woman cheating, happens ALLL the time! I had to continually try to get her to breathe again during her seizures (ok those were real I found out).

    Plus I'm pretty sure she cheated on me too. But that was the least of my worries, what with all the vicodin I had to steal for her....


    You :"THINK" she was cheating huh? So you never actually saw his piston firing in her well-lubricated cylinder? No, sorry bro.....I had the pleasure of the drug induced bull****....and in actually catching her red handed, parked in a field behind the barn on my granddads farm. You lose.

    Yeah, but did he ever make the majors???