Coffee Quit Day Comes! 3,2,1,..



  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Hey thanks you guys. Yes, i am going to excuse myself for the slip up and remember how far I have come. After all i was under an awful lot of duress at the job, and having a cup of coffee was, well, just a cup of coffee. Truly was some basic survival mose going on. Could have been worse, I did stop at one.

    Luckily the weekend is here so it gives me a couple days to reset.

    Still, a long way from becoming a morning person, ha.. don't know if I will ever experience that. Unless you count waking at 4am, which it is now.. but no, I am going straight back to bed, and staying there for who knows how long.

    One effect I really did notice when I had the coffee, was how thirsty it made me afterward. Definitely got my water in!

    Good to see you back with us missmelfina.

    Hope ya'll have a super weekend.

    Now, back to my pillow!
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    Hi guys!

    missmelfina thanks for stopping by again. It's nice to see a fellow morning person. There aren't many of us. lol.

    TwentyTen, another Monday (Good Luck). Hope you had a restful weekend.

    Maid, hope you had a good weekend also.

    Take care everyone.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Had a great weekend. My daughter and I watched 5 Miyazaki films (My Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, Castle In The Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service...and the newest Ponyo). We love Miyazakis stuff-we own all the other films as well. :bigsmile:
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    I loved Howl's Moving castle(saw it on I.F.C.).. Rain all weekend long here. We watched "Up in The Air" and "The Serious Man."
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Oh does a video marathon sound great. I will have to find some time to park myself on the couch for at least one movie soon. I could really use the down time.

    Maid it sounds like a good time. When my girl was young we did alot of that. Now it is hard to find a movie we both will agree on. She is 17 now, so we agree on very little. :laugh:

    Howl's Moving Castle sounds like a good one to check out. That she might agree to watch with me. I loved Spirited Away! Watched it a few times.

    Thanks for the recommendation guys!

    Now to find the time . .

    BTW , I am so full of green tea it is coming out my ears . :drinker:

    Edited due to typo's :yawn: ... not .. enough.. sleeeep . .
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Oh does a video marathon sound great. I will have to find some time to park myself on the couch for at least one movie soon. I could really use the down time.

    Maid it sounds like a good time. When my girl was young we did alot of that. Now it is hard to find a movie we both will agree on. She is 17 now, so we agree on very little. :laugh:

    Howl's Moving Castle sounds like a good one to check out. That she might agree to watch with me. I loved Spirited Away! Watched it a few times.

    Thanks for the recommendation guys!

    Now to find the time . .

    BTW , I am so full of green tea it is coming out my ears . :drinker:

    Edited due to typo's :yawn: ... not .. enough.. sleeeep . .

    I think she'd really enjoy Howl-I watched it when it came out (I was in high school). Also, if she's be's based on a novel by Diana Wynne Jones (there is a trilogy at the moment not sure if she'll write another-Howls Moving Castle, Castle In The Air, and House Of Many Ways-they are all middle school reading level-I read HMC when I was 10 and loved it. HOMW only came out 2 years ago-I've been waiting a long time).
  • missmelfina
    missmelfina Posts: 30 Member
    I love Kiki's Delivery Service...

    Panic, I don't know that I'm such a morning person now. My boyfriend cooks a lot of heavy food, and tends to let me sleep in, so the organic food and regular sleep schedule aren't helping me out anymore. Lol.
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    missmelfina, I guess that makes -1 morning person. lol.

    Here is something weird. I pretty strict about maintaining my weight. But I'm am down 2 lbs since drinking only green tea. Could it be the tea ? Hmmmmm.

    How is everyone doing?
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    missmelfina, I guess that makes -1 morning person. lol.

    Here is something weird. I pretty strict about maintaining my weight. But I'm am down 2 lbs since drinking only green tea. Could it be the tea ? Hmmmmm.

    How is everyone doing?

    Could be the tea...or the stuff you were putting in it you're not drinking every day. Unless you drank it black...bleh.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    missmelfina, I guess that makes -1 morning person. lol.

    Here is something weird. I pretty strict about maintaining my weight. But I'm am down 2 lbs since drinking only green tea. Could it be the tea ? Hmmmmm.

    How is everyone doing?

    Could be the tea...or the stuff you were putting in it you're not drinking every day. Unless you drank it black...bleh.

    Oh that is interesting. Maybe there is something to it after all.

    I confess, haven't been perfect. I had a small cup yesterday. It's the job's fault, I swear, its just killin me here. Overall at least I can say the habit is gone and having a slip up or two hasn't caused me to throw in the towel. Hearing that it may be responsible for you dropping a couple pounds Panic, will inspire me to stick to it.

    Hey, its FRIDAY. Ahhh, yeah!
  • missmelfina
    missmelfina Posts: 30 Member
    it's ok. I've been awful about coffee lately. Everyone wants to buy me some; how can I say no? XD also, yeah, it's totally the tea. If you drink a lot of it, you eat less, too, particularly, you'll see inches fall off if it's diet green tea.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    it's ok. I've been awful about coffee lately. Everyone wants to buy me some; how can I say no? XD also, yeah, it's totally the tea. If you drink a lot of it, you eat less, too, particularly, you'll see inches fall off if it's diet green tea.

    Good to see ya missmelfina. It is hard to say no, isn't it? Just... say... nooooooo. :noway:
    I gained half a pound this week. Have to wonder if it's actually to do with having some coffee last week. Or the stress. Who knows, but I am going to behave this week!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Hey all!
    I swore off alcohol for Lent and yesterday I had 1/2 a glass of wine...I don't think I'll start drinking again (hated the feeling).
    It's the same thing with coffee...I don't think I could drink it ever again (at least not regular), the caffiene would probably knock my socks off. Once you get used to not having something and you go back to'll truly ask yourself why you ever ate or drank it before.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Hey all!
    I swore off alcohol for Lent and yesterday I had 1/2 a glass of wine...I don't think I'll start drinking again (hated the feeling).
    It's the same thing with coffee...I don't think I could drink it ever again (at least not regular), the caffiene would probably knock my socks off. Once you get used to not having something and you go back to'll truly ask yourself why you ever ate or drank it before.

    Oh I know what you mean there. I took a break from alcohol once while in my 20's, and I could never ever go back. Seein as I spent a couple decades bartending, I had a gazillion opportunities, and even tried to many times. Just never could drink again. It was like having an instant hangover. I feel sicky now from even the smallest taste of the stuff.

    Would be cool if I get there with the coffee. Look forward to that.

    Edited to add >> Oh Yeah, same exact thing with red meat. My body stopped recognizing it as food 30 years ago! I think I could digest a rock easier. :laugh:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member

    Oh I know what you mean there. I took a break from alcohol once while in my 20's, and I could never ever go back. Seein as I spent a couple decades bartending, I had a gazillion opportunities, and even tried to many times. Just never could drink again. It was like having an instant hangover. I feel sicky now from even the smallest taste of the stuff.

    Would be cool if I get there with the coffee. Look forward to that.

    Edited to add >> Oh Yeah, same exact thing with red meat. My body stopped recognizing it as food 30 years ago! I think I could digest a rock easier. :laugh:

    It'll happen. As for the red meat...couldn't tell ya, I've been a vegetarian my entire life (but the thought of eating it makes me sick).
  • missmelfina
    missmelfina Posts: 30 Member
    doing better about it during the week, just need to be awake enough on Friday mornings to remember I'm not supposed to have it.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I fell off the wagon to some degree. I blame my job. Had a few throughout the week. Just can't slip futher down that slippery slope.
    My weight loss has slowed too, and I think it could be the culprit , so,, next week, its green tea everyday!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Y'all will be fine. Everyone slips, I purposely slipped last week. I was out at Barnes and Noble (which has a Starbucks inside)...and I was having a horrid migraine. I didn't have any excedrin with me so I go a tall latte and 20 minutes later the migraine was gone. That small amount of caffeine helped (I believe it's less caffeine in coffee than in excedrin migraine pills).
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    Hi kids!!

    Green tea only for me. I haven't even made decaf yet.

    Off course being on vacation, helps a lot!!

    I am back though.

    Wish you all the best! :drinker:
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Panic, you are so good! Sure made it all seem effortless, and still going strong.

    My end goal was never to never have one again, just to stop the habit. I feel almost like it could creep back up on me with all the massive pressure at work, but I am noticing I do not feel so hot after I have had one, so I think I am safe from it becoming habitual.
    Also, there is now a light at the end of the tunnel. After the 15th, my long shifts should come to an end, for the most part, and I can look forward to the regular 40 hour a week grind. I thought it would never get here, but now I can count down the days on one hand!! Wooooohooooo!