If I Gave You Poison Would You Eat It?



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member

    Iocaine Powder was my first thought, and by the time I read the whole thread, someone just beat me to it.

    Also, that cat in the gif - is it the same cranky cat everyone has in their AVs? He's awesome.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Because they taste amazing!!! You left out Bacon. And don't go saying that's a meat bc that is just disrespectful, bacon belongs in a class of its own.
    Would you eat bacon if you knew that it tasted awesome? Bc I would
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    A little extreme..but can you all really deny the effed up way in which food is modified, grown & sold in the USA?

    effed up how?

    facts please.


    yes, seriously.

    if you're going to make sweeping statements like that, you should be prepared to back them up with facts. if you can't, then you should perhaps revisit your opinions.

    what exactly is "effed up way in which food is modified, grown & sold in the USA"?

    Well, I mean..the statement in itself is an opinion. I just thought, maybe that others shared my concerns. I guess not. It's hard to provide you with "facts" over the internet, as everything posted online is questionably biased. Just a few off the top of my head though.. farmer's feeding cows candy because it's cheaper. Patented seeds. Patented SEEDS. And if some of those GMO seeds carry in the wind over to your farm, well then you have to deal with Monsanto. Good luck with that.

    I am not taking anyone's side on this, but are there any real "facts" in the food industry (very closely related to science). How do we determine fact? A limited selection of studies. The realization is, you are forced to base your thoughts on opinion.

    There are no "facts" that things are unsafe or "facts" that things are safe. Hate to just kill the fire of argument on this topic but there are no LONG TERM studies saying either effect at the moment.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    farmer's feeding cows candy

    that's kind of a sweet thing to do. get it?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    More importantly, where is the low fat guy to weigh in on this? He told me I should be growing my own potatoes in my strip of yard that my dog uses for a toilet and basing my diet around those potatoes. You two will have a happy marriage.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    A little extreme..but can you all really deny the effed up way in which food is modified, grown & sold in the USA?

    effed up how?

    facts please.


    yes, seriously.

    if you're going to make sweeping statements like that, you should be prepared to back them up with facts. if you can't, then you should perhaps revisit your opinions.

    what exactly is "effed up way in which food is modified, grown & sold in the USA"?

    Even so, you can pretty much find a study to fit any opinion these days. Studies conflict on nearly every topic. At this point, the only usefulness in citing facts is so someone can come in a derail the experimental design. I feel like this is a losing argument on both ends.

    true. and i'm perfectly willing to concede that the lady whose post i was replying to is very nice and very sincere in her beliefs, but statements like that one need to be backed up by facts. if it can't be, then perhaps the problem is with the source of the beliefs.
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    More importantly, where is the low fat guy to weigh in on this? He told me I should be growing my own potatoes in my strip of yard that my dog uses for a toilet and basing my diet around those potatoes. You two will have a happy marriage.

    ..are you talking about me?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    More importantly, where is the low fat guy to weigh in on this? He told me I should be growing my own potatoes in my strip of yard that my dog uses for a toilet and basing my diet around those potatoes. You two will have a happy marriage.

    ..are you talking about me?

    Are you a low fat guy who told me to grow my own potatoes in my yard?
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member

    someday, hopefully, you will be released from the bondage of whatever book or website you have been getting your information from and look back on these posts and wonder how you ever made it through the day.

    these assertions that meats and dairy cause cancer are over blown and in most cases that have any relationship with reality, even absurd.

    don't you wonder why no one agrees with you?

    Well said......
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member

    true. and i'm perfectly willing to concede that the lady whose post i was replying to is very nice and very sincere in her beliefs, but statements like that one need to be backed up by facts. if it can't be, then perhaps the problem is with the source of the beliefs.

    By the way, your profile picture is fantastic.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    farmer's feeding cows candy

    that's kind of a sweet thing to do. get it?

    Agh, clever
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member

    true. and i'm perfectly willing to concede that the lady whose post i was replying to is very nice and very sincere in her beliefs, but statements like that one need to be backed up by facts. if it can't be, then perhaps the problem is with the source of the beliefs.

    By the way, your profile picture is fantastic.

  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    raw cashews are poisonous
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    don't you wonder why no one agrees with you?
    I have noticed that many people have their heads buried in the sand and that is nothing new. If everybody agreed with me, the two leading causes of death in this country wouldn't be heart disease and cancer. I think the rampant nutritional ignorance in this country, and on this site, is sad.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    So, anybody here eat corn or peanuts?

    Because if you do, you eat measurable quantities of the most potent liver carcinogen known, in aflatoxin B1

    So, still gonna eat corn and peanuts? I am...
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Best one I've seen yet. You win the internetz. :bigsmile:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    don't you wonder why no one agrees with you?
    I have noticed that many people have their heads buried in the sand and that is nothing new. If everybody agreed with me, the two leading causes of death in this country wouldn't be heart disease and cancer. I think the rampant nutritional ignorance in this country, and on this site, is sad.

    I agree that there is a lot of nutritional ignorance everywhere.

    But if you want to change the hearts and minds, try picking one poison at a time and giving some evidence.

    Blanket approaches rarely work with anything.
  • jjpavio
    jjpavio Posts: 24 Member
    I'd eat it all and the go back for seconds. I guess that's why I need MFP...

    Why would I eat it all? When I was little, my mother told me "Every day you live, you're a day closer to dying", so I take it that I need to enjoy each and every day because the number of days is limited. BRING ON THE BACON WRAPPED BACON!!!! (in moderation, of course.)
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I get your point OP... but... everybody dies... May as well enjoy it.
    But, eating a healthy diet with little to no crap in it, allows you to enjoy it more, because you have more energy, more happiness, and hopefully more years.

    Is the short term pleasure of tasting something delicious worth the pain it causes later on? Can't you derive the same, or similar, taste pleasure from a well prepared, fresh, healthy food?
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    don't you wonder why no one agrees with you?
    I have noticed that many people have their heads buried in the sand and that is nothing new. If everybody agreed with me, the two leading causes of death in this country wouldn't be heart disease and cancer. I think the rampant nutritional ignorance in this country, and on this site, is sad.

    I agree that there is a lot of nutritional ignorance everywhere.

    But if you want to change the hearts and minds, try picking one poison at a time and giving some evidence.

    Blanket approaches rarely work with anything.
    Fair enough. I know my approach rubs a lot of people the wrong way, every time i post a thread like this, i get a few friend requests and private messages from people who want to know more, so i know there are those who read and agree but don't want to speak up in such a harsh forum, as MFP can be sometimes.

    I really should be citing my sources but honestly i'm lazy and that takes a while, and i don't care to put that much effort into an internet forum where most people will disregard it anyway. I have cited sources many times and the ones who are stuck on whatever diet they have been sold on are not going to listen anyway. The open minded ones know how to use google.