If I Gave You Poison Would You Eat It?



  • jjpavio
    jjpavio Posts: 24 Member
    I don't think anyone here is opposed to eating healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables. That's the point of MFP, encouraging healthier lifestyles. I don't think anyone here really believes processed, chemical laden foods are the way to go. The key, as many have pointed out, is to remember that what works best and is healthiest for some is not what's best for others.

    For example, I bet you eat something that is absolutely poisonous to me - citrus and pineapples. They will kill me within minutes, so I don't eat them, but I will never berate others for choosing to do so.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Over-dramatic, condescending, worthless "information".
    Yup. So much scare-mongering. It's scientists jobs to correlate information wherever they can, which is why you'll find that - OMG! - people who eat things that MOST people eat get sick and die and have illnesses. *yawn* There's so much fear. If eating clean makes you feel good, fine. If worshipping your deity or none makes you feel good, great. Stop trying to convert people, be it with food, religion or fecking whatever. Same old crapola, you think you're doing everyone a favour. yeah, yeah.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Processed, chemical laden food beats the **** out of spoiled, wasted food and food that makes it to the consumer laden with microbes (far greater concern in foods than any chemical will EVER be).
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    Only if it tasted like bacon. :wink:


    Worth quoting just to look at again
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    I think a little poison is good - one needs to build up their immunity to it to ward off any would-be homicide attempts, I've watched enough Snapped, I know how it works.

    *CACKLE* I was watching Snapped and eating red velvet cake when I read this. No joke!
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    I could get run over by a bus tomorrow and have spent hours agonising over every bite I put in my mouth, checking every label and bit of packaging for toxins. Do you know how many fumes we breathe in on a daily basis just from going outdoors? What about chemicals used in clothing production ? I think one can take things to too great an extreme, and plenty of people who have a lifetime of eating meat, dairy and even packaged foods, are living into their 80s and 90s, while plenty of health crazy runners and athletes drop dead from heart attacks.

    This. Not endorsing his lifestyle by any means, and I'm not saying it's a good idea to live this way, but my grandfather, who was a bartender and worked full time until the day he turned 85 years old, smoked his whole life, drank his whole life, partied like it was 1999 every weekend, ate McDonald's on an every other day basis, never stepped foot in a gym, and was a good 75 pounds overweight the latter half of his life, lived to be 90 years old. Contrast that with my grandmother, who I never got to meet, who didn't drink, didn't smoke, wasn't overweight, and died suddenly at the age of 37 from a cardiac arrest. Live your life!!
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Processed, chemical laden food beats the **** out of spoiled, wasted food and food that makes it to the consumer laden with microbes (far greater concern in foods than any chemical will EVER be).
    The body is equipped to handle microbes, but man-made chemicals have only been in human's food for a short while. If you come across spoiled natural food, you wont eat it, because your body knows what ripe food tastes like, and what spoiled food tastes like. Food chemicals and processed animal secretions are blended into processed foods that taste delicious and don't cause a disgust response.
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    I think a little poison is good - one needs to build up their immunity to it to ward off any would-be homicide attempts, I've watched enough Snapped, I know how it works.

    *CACKLE* I was watching Snapped and eating red velvet cake when I read this. No joke!
    All Sunday, every Sunday :drinker:
  • jflint86
    jflint86 Posts: 74 Member
    Saving my spot to read this later...you all are cracking me up :laugh: :laugh:
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Processed, chemical laden food beats the **** out of spoiled, wasted food and food that makes it to the consumer laden with microbes (far greater concern in foods than any chemical will EVER be).
    The body is equipped to handle microbes, but man-made chemicals have only been in human's food for a short while. If you come across spoiled natural food, you wont eat it, because your body knows what ripe food tastes like, and what spoiled food tastes like. Food chemicals and processed animal secretions are blended into processed foods that taste delicious and don't cause a disgust response.

    Yeah, listeria, salmonella and ecoli 157:H7 do wonders for the body..

    And many of our ancestors died from eating plants that aren't edible...

    People all over the world eat spoiled food all the time for survival.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Only if it tasted like bacon. :wink:


  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I'll take my order super sized

  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Everyone who eats carrots will die. True fax.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I recommend a college education so that you can learn what scientific journal articles are and how to properly read and interpret them. Also, throwing in a physiology and genetics class wouldn't be a bad idea either.
  • louised88
    I recommend a college education so that you can learn what scientific journal articles are and how to properly read and interpret them. Also, throwing in a physiology and genetics class wouldn't be a bad idea either.

    And if you can't afford the time.money to do a full college course, try reading 'Bad Science' by Ben Goldacre. It's funny, accessible, relevant and doesn't have an agenda. It will also teach you transferable skills in reading scientific papers and science journalism.
  • Flossycat100
    I recommend a college education so that you can learn what scientific journal articles are and how to properly read and interpret them. Also, throwing in a physiology and genetics class wouldn't be a bad idea either.

    And if you can't afford the time.money to do a full college course, try reading 'Bad Science' by Ben Goldacre. It's funny, accessible, relevant and doesn't have an agenda. It will also teach you transferable skills in reading scientific papers and science journalism.

    Oh, this ^^^^^
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I don't really have an opinion on this as I do not know that much about it, but I would prefer to read about what the OP considers to be good to eat rather than read about what he considers as poison. Just my two cents.
  • jets51
    Processed, chemical laden food beats the **** out of spoiled, wasted food and food that makes it to the consumer laden with microbes (far greater concern in foods than any chemical will EVER be).
    The body is equipped to handle microbes, but man-made chemicals have only been in human's food for a short while. If you come across spoiled natural food, you wont eat it, because your body knows what ripe food tastes like, and what spoiled food tastes like. Food chemicals and processed animal secretions are blended into processed foods that taste delicious and don't cause a disgust response.

    That's not true though is it. People eat spoiled food and die from it (3000 will die in America this year form food poisoning and as much as 1 in 6 will suffer from food poisoning) I'd hate to think how much worse it would be without preservatives.

    I put a lot of time into reading reports and studies that support a vegan lifestyle and are anti the modern american diet. I struggled to find one that wasn't a poor study. Also in every one the conclusions weren't backed up by the facts.

    They did prove that having a lower cholesterol and a lower body fat was a good idea and that having the kind of diet you are talking about is ONE way of achieving this goal. The other way is to not eat too much fat or too many calories. There is no reason why anyone should give up things that give them pleasure as long as they don't do it too much.

    I like to drink, but these days I'll wait til the end of the day and see how many calories I have left so I don't kill my diet.

    I really enjoy cocaine, or MDMA and maybe once every year or so I'll have some. I won't suffer harmful side effects because the body is amazing at sorting itself out

    I drank too much on Friday and spend Saturday eating too much crap to feel better (Large McDonalds Meal with full fat coke and nuggets, then later chips, chicken wrap and donna meat wrap) it put me about 600 calories over for the day but I made sure I was under the day before and the day after so my weekly figures and still on track. It won't harm me and the psychological effect of eating food like that is positive. It also means that I'm more likely to stick to my diet when I have days like this every now and then.

    IIFYM for the win
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    If I cut out meat and dairy and anything else you consider "poison", I would be anorexic........and dead.

    You can put whatever you want into your body. Why not have the consideration to let others do the same?

    Fear-mongering is pathetic and does NOTHING but make people want to avoid you like the plague.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    id drink the poison all day every day! poison FTW!!