Major Blow to My Confidence Today-Rude People



  • mcnuss911
    mcnuss911 Posts: 9 Member
    I have had that happen more than once (always at the grocery store!) Don't let it bother you. I have had people ask me that even when I was right out of high school at 120 lbs. I swear there is something about the grocery store lol I was in the cereal isle and checking some captian crunch to see if there was wheat in it ( wanted something sweet, but didnt want to eat a pint of Ben and Jerrys) so I was walking out of the store and this skinny blond behind me (walking to her Mercedes) says "Captain Crunch thats real healthy" oh the things I wanted to say back to her.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    You are at the right place. MFP works and there are so many supportive folks here. I remember someone asking me if I had knee problems with my weight...I cried and got motivated.

    Sorry you had to run into such a rude person.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I have been asked this more than once in my life - and it hurts. I wish people would stop being such idiots. IF this ever happens again - have a response ready. Mine is to quickly reply and turn it back onto them. "No I'm not pregnant - but surely you are at least 8...9 months along right?" and RUN!
  • cass8908
    Use her rude behavior and hurtful remarks as motivation. People who say hurtful things to others only do it because they feel bad about themselves. You are already on the right track by using this app / website. One time a lady asked me if I was pregnant with twins. It hurts really bad when outsiders or even insiders comment on subjects that we are sensitive about. In the long run you will be successful and they will still be bitter and rude. Good luck to you on your weight loss journey :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Next time just turn it around on them and say, "Why? Were you looking for someone go to Lamaze classes with you?"

    If they don't get it, at least you'll get a little laugh at it.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Sorry it happened.....and NOT sorry for her if she was embarrassed. She should be. Not only did she get rude in asking, but she persisted.....and then persisted again. Get it through your thick skull, woman!

    I've been asked that once before. I just grinned an antagonizing, mischievous grin at the woman and said "No. I'm just fat.". She turned as red as I've ever seen a person, and scurried away quickly ;)

    If there's a next time, I might play into it depending on my mood. Push it out a little more, put my hands on it......offer to see if the person can feel the baby kicking.....(haha that would be hilarious if they "could" feel it ;) I guess it just depends on how testy i'm feeling and if I want to play with them or embarass them :-P

    But.......who knows if it'll happen again. Maybe, maybe not. It somehow took til over 290lbs to get that question, and I've lost 11lbs.....headed in the right direction, lol

    What bothered me more was when we were traveling, airport security asked me if my girlfriend (why not talk to her? yes, she's blind, but she's not deaf, LOL) was pregnant before metal detectors. Double edge sword there. I realize that going through them may be -ISH if you are pregnant (?), but kinda rude, and even worse.......she was anorexic and bulimic for years and is finally in recovery. Apparently per the place she was in treatment, when someone is anorexic often the fat will first develop in the abdominal area when they're refeeding, as the body's way of prioritizing and protecting the vital organs, and then it will distribute to other areas. So yeah, she did look kind of pregnant bc it had gone there, but not as much the other areas but.....

    It was incredibly triggering for her :( Plus.....dude. Blind, not deaf.
  • heidimaggott78
    A random woman went up to my sister and rubbed her tummy once. She wasn't pregnant, just bloated...
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    At my HW, I was at a bus-stop and a complete stranger asked me when I was due, and when I told him I wasn't pregnant, he proceeded to ARGUE with me about whether or not I was pregnant, because I "sure LOOKED pregnant". I laughed it off, but I wanted to give him a swift kick in the pants.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    When I worked in a plus-size store a customer asked me if I was pregnant. She was fatter than I was! I told her no and I also told her I think it's very poor taste to ask someone that. It's tacky. She thought I was rude, I think she was rude. Guess we were even. I'm of the mindset that unless a woman is actually crowning you dont ask her if shes pregnant! People can be so insensitive. Dont let it derail you. If you can let it fuel you further. Thats what I did Friday night when I was preparing to do my 1st 5k Saturday morning and my mom said I'm not a real runner. Maybe I don't run marathons and I'm not very fast but I am a runner! And you are NOT pregnant and you are on your way to a healthier you. Ignore anyone who dares to get in your way. And dont give that lady another thought. You'll lose your belly fat and she'll probably always be a jerk.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I would never would ask a woman if she was pregnant, even if I saw the baby kick. Especially if you see someone who only looks in the early stages of pregnancy! Sorry that happened OP. Just use it as fuel to keep going!
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    That's just plain rude. Let it motivate you. The best revenge is living well. You can do it!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member

    One of mycoworkers said "You'd be prettier if you were taller" and "You should go to the gym more"

    People can be insensitive. Use it to be a better you, then rub it in their less awesome faces :)
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    That was rude and very thoughtless. I remember about a week after my twins were born. They were still in the hospital because they had to gain some weight before they could come home. My sister in law came over to visit and said. "You still look pregnant"

    People are just mean sometimes....

    Anyway, I'm down to my goal weight but of course that last of the weight is in my stomach will be gone soon. Keep up the good work.....there will always be people that suck. Thank God they aren't the majority!
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I don't understand how people can let other people talk to them that way. If someone had said that to me, I would've made a remark right back without a beat. But maybe that's just my personality. Where do people get the balls to say this kind of thing to a complete stranger?

    However, I agree with what's been said. You want motivation? Get. Angry. Anger has always been one of my best motivators I tell ya what. Try and shake it off, clearly the woman was a rude snob who gets off on looking down her nose at everyone else. We're all here to support you and sorry to hear such a thing happened, dear.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    The only time it is socially acceptable to ask a woman if she is pregnant is when the baby is crowning.

    and even then you better have a dam* good reason to say anything. :wink:

    I will never understand why people are so insensitive. So sorry this happened to you...shake it off and move on!
  • Aquarii
    Aquarii Posts: 71 Member
    Use the anger as motivation for your workouts! I've had some of my best workouts when I'd remember humiliating moments in my life that happened when I was obese.

    My Own Example:
    - When I was 16, I went to Cedar Point with my family. My sister and I waited in line for the Millennium Force roller-coaster, while my parents and oldest sister waited for us. After waiting in line for around 2 hours we finally got on the ride, but I couldn't get the straps to fit over my waist and shoulders. My sister and the employees tried their best to fit me in for a minute or so, but they couldn't. Everyone else on the ride became restless and literally started booing/hollering at me, and the employees told me I couldn't go on the ride. I didn't cry while making my exit from the area, but once my sister and I got to the rest of our family, I broke down in tears. It was one of the most humiliating moments of my life.

    The people who booed/hollered at me... I will never forget them. Countless times they've given me the motivation to push through my workouts, and I'm thankful for that.

    So, shout out to the people who booed/hollered at me.

    Best of luck to you and everyone here in achieving their health/fitness goals. Again, use this experience to your benefit!
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    It's all water off a duck's back babe. You can fix your problem; she will always remain clueless. LOL

    A cool response would have been: "Well, I wanted to tell you but your husband said it would be best for him to....."
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It's all water off a duck's back babe. You can fix your problem; she will always remain clueless. LOL

    A cool response would have been: "Well, I wanted to tell you but your husband said it would be best for him to....."

    Oh snap..lmao
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Use the anger as motivation for your workouts! I've had some of my best workouts when I'd remember humiliating moments in my life that happened when I was obese.

    My Own Example:
    - When I was 16, I went to Cedar Point with my family. My sister and I waited in line for the Millennium Force roller-coaster, while my parents and oldest sister waited for us. After waiting in line for around 2 hours we finally got on the ride, but I couldn't get the straps to fit over my waist and shoulders. My sister and the employees tried their best to fit me in for a minute or so, but they couldn't. Everyone else on the ride became restless and literally started booing/hollering at me, and the employees told me I couldn't go on the ride. I didn't cry while making my exit from the area, but once my sister and I got to the rest of our family, I broke down in tears. It was one of the most humiliating moments of my life.

    The people who booed/hollered at me... I will never forget them. Countless times they've given me the motivation to push through my workouts, and I'm thankful for that.

    So, shout out to the people who booed/hollered at me.

    Best of luck to you and everyone here in achieving their health/fitness goals. Again, use this experience to your benefit!

    Dude, this haha is NOT at you but "hahaha, see....STUPID CEDAR POINT!" Gah, not a fan of that place or the traffic it creates so I'll take any excuse ;)

    But dang, good for you that after taking your time to be upset, turning it around for your motivation!