Wheat - Unhealthy or just evil?



  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    About the reading the actual studies...have you read them? If not, then you know no more than I. And yes, I have read some, but not all of them.

    You claim to be a crazy cat lady. I need to know if you are an imposter. Prove it.

    Although, I feel like I am closer to the crazy duck of goose lady as I have 15 African Geese and 20 Indian Runner Ducks. And my kids cry when we sell the goslings....(sold 20 this year....)

    Ryan Gosling is named after a goose?

    Hmm. Well nevertheless, you are a cat lady... but I don't know if you have enough live oens to be a crazy cat lady.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Neither! Demonizing food and using scare tactics mean nothing to me. I don't have any sensitivity to grains so I will continue to eat them in moderation just like everything else.

    ETA: I have an intolerance to an enzyme in red meat and my stomach won't digest it. I guess I should google a bunch of odd ball studies to back up why beef is evil and no one should eat it... yeah that makes perfect sense.

    some people are more tolerant of mercury poisoning, are you saying we should go out of our way to eat mercury since some people are less affected by it?
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    About the reading the actual studies...have you read them? If not, then you know no more than I. And yes, I have read some, but not all of them.

    You claim to be a crazy cat lady. I need to know if you are an imposter. Prove it.

    So, no studies from big research organizations then?

    I already posted a list of sites with very good studies by a variety of different organizations that are all reputable. Please go read the list instead of trying to flame-bait the forums. Your rudeness is unnecessary.
  • christabel6
    christabel6 Posts: 173 Member
    1.Gluten causes gut inflammation in at least 80% of the population and another 30% of the population develops antibodies against gluten proteins in the gut.

    You noticed that adds up to more than 100%, right? If the statistics are bogus, perhaps the research is too?

    Don't let people scaremonger you into believing something is evil without taking a good hard look at what they want you to do instead, and how it might benefit them - especially if they're selling something.

    Life is too short to be this stressed about bread.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I read several major reports by big research organizations and I am thuroughly convinced that consuming wheat is unhealthy in every way. So I ask you, is wheat unhealthy or just plain evil? Thoughts?

    I don't eat grains.
    But you won't make any friends not eating grains here. Grains are the crack cocaine of the general MFP forum user. To each their own, but I'm free from that addiction.

    It's cute that you think grains = crack. Maybe you've never actually seen a crack addict?
    Yeah ... while I enjoy my grains, I could live without them just fine if I had to. I'm not sure why one assumes people are addicted to something just because they enjoy eating it.

    I have never been made ill by it and I have never had trouble losing weight because of it.

    And I'll repeat for the millionth time that people have been eating grains for thousands and thousands and thousands of years.

    Sure, but they didn't really become a major constituent of the human diet until about 10,000 years ago, or as late as 5000 years in some areas of the world. There's a lot of inertia to evolve in higher species like humans, and 5000-10,000 years simply isn't enough time.

    I'm going to continue eating grains. You do whatever you want.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Every. Villain. Is. Lemons.
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    Yeah,...well that's just like, your opinion, man.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm eating wheat AND dairy right this moment.

    I expect to be dead by noon.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    A ton of the food we eat wasn't part of the human diet 5,000-10,000 years ago because it simply didn't exist then. We've bred these things into existence. Thus, my post way back about why the hate-on for wheat, but not chicken, eggs, carrots, or broccoli?
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    And I would hate on Brussels sprouts if someone tried to make me eat them.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Brussels sprouts!!!:heart::heart: :smooched: :love:
  • NocturnalGirl
    Neither, they're just too awesome but guess some people just aren't awesome enough for them.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Probably evil if you have gluten allergies. Otherwise, naw.

    THIS, plus gluten is in EVERYTHING....not just wheat products sweetie. I have a sensativity to gluten and it's a b*tch. So unless you have a problem with gluten there is no health benefit to not having it
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    If white bread is bad for you and wheat bread is evil, what the heck am I supposed to make a friggin' sandwich out of???

    WHOLE wheat and MULTIGRAIN
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    1.Gluten causes gut inflammation in at least 80% of the population and another 30% of the population develops antibodies against gluten proteins in the gut.

    You noticed that adds up to more than 100%, right? If the statistics are bogus, perhaps the research is too?

    Don't let people scaremonger you into believing something is evil without taking a good hard look at what they want you to do instead, and how it might benefit them - especially if they're selling something.

    Life is too short to be this stressed about bread.

    It means 30% of the remaining people.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Probably evil if you have gluten allergies. Otherwise, naw.

    THIS, plus gluten is in EVERYTHING....not just wheat products sweetie. I have a sensativity to gluten and it's a b*tch. So unless you have a problem with gluten there is no health benefit to not having it

    I feel that by you calling me "sweetie", you are degrading me and treating me like a sexual object.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Probably evil if you have gluten allergies. Otherwise, naw.

    THIS, plus gluten is in EVERYTHING....not just wheat products sweetie. I have a sensativity to gluten and it's a b*tch. So unless you have a problem with gluten there is no health benefit to not having it

    I feel that by you calling me "sweetie", you are degrading me and treating me like a sexual object.

    ohhhh baby
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Probably evil if you have gluten allergies. Otherwise, naw.

    THIS, plus gluten is in EVERYTHING....not just wheat products sweetie. I have a sensativity to gluten and it's a b*tch. So unless you have a problem with gluten there is no health benefit to not having it

    I feel that by you calling me "sweetie", you are degrading me and treating me like a sexual object.

    ohhhh baby

    I feel like you just ravaged me with your mind.

    and I liked it a little.
  • testease
    testease Posts: 220
    Neither, they're just too awesome but guess some people just aren't awesome enough for them.


    Or they abused food for a number of years and ****ed up their body.
  • little_silver_bell
    Plus I think it's funny how you asked for opinions but you get mad when people dont agree with you :laugh:
  • DatNative21
    DatNative21 Posts: 42 Member
    Every. Villain. Is. Lemons.