
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    some people use it to listen to music though.

    Or maybe their updating their MFP to show what they just completed :p

    ^^This^^ But I try to make all entries after I have left and sanitized the equipment for the next user....I am a good gym girl! LOL
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    another perfect reason to liberate yourself from these ghastly gyms.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    I'll use my cell phone (notepad) to keep track of my workout and I'll answer texts, but I generally will do that after I've completed a station - I agree that station hogs suck!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    again : people just lack common. courtesy these days...see?

    i agree. people like the OP should mind their own business and stop telling everyone what they should be doing.
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    In my Wellness center our gym policy is that members can't converse on the gym floor on their phones. There are signs posted saying that if they have to talk to someone, to go downstairs and into the main lobby. Haven't had an issue with it.

    What I do have an issue with is people who #$&*ing text, play, stare etc. on their phones while occupying a piece of equipment for 10 minutes to do 3 sets with lackluster effort.
    This is why I have all my clients put their phones on "SILENT".
    Do yourself a favor..............................put the damn thing away for an hour. Your personal life won't change in that hour, but your body can.
    Put it on silent, leave it in your pocket..................................and get to work!!!!

    Rant done.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Is your requirement still acceptable after the tragedy of yesterday?

    That is irrelevant. He just doesn't want people to chat away while they are at the gym. My phone is on silent at the gym, but I continually check it inbetween machines, bathroom break, or water break. He is not saying forget the world exists around you, but if you are hogging a machine don't be on your phone talking/texting about your weekend plans or the cute people at the gym.

    It does have relevance as he has all his clients put their phones on silent. I believe he should ask if there would be a reason for them to keep the sounds activated. There are valid reasons to have a phone actively notifying you.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    There are several places where 24/7 phone calls are inappropriate... My biggest SMH is when I go to the bathroom and the guy in the next stall is talking on the phone while doing his business.
  • Why on earth would you prevent people from talking ? and then you have a problem with them texting ? They are doing the most boring thing on earth why won't they occupy themselves with something other than the torture they are subjected to. But then they have you to look at, how dare they look at their phone when you are standing right there before them !
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    Listening to music (have yet to work out in a gym that doesn't have music playing in the background) for preference working out, isn't the same as doing 10 reps, stopping picking up the phone, texting conversation for 2 minutes, stopping again, do another set, pick the phone, continue conversation, etc.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Is there a difference between sitting on a machine for your 2 minute rest set or texting? It is still taking up the machine so someone else can't use it.

    Personally I usually use my rest time to change weight, stretch, and get a drink of water, but there are times I will just sit there, too.
    Either is bad etiquette if someone is waiting to use the machine, but the perception is the one texting they are more "distracted".
    There's nothing wrong with changing weights (because the perception there is that you're not done yet), stretching etc. You're still doing something physically active. I don't view texting on a phone as a physical activity. I doubt many would.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Most people won't let me know they are waiting for the machine I'm using. If I want to do a certain workout, I will usually do something else as a back up if the equipment I need is occupied. If someone lets me know they want to use the same equipment I am, I will let them work in.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    It's not just bothersome, it interferes with my work. I go to bring a client to a machine, and if someone is on it, I'll ask how many more sets they may have to see if it's going to be too long and I have to modify with another exercise. If they say a couple, then does one, then picks up their phone and starts texting or jacking around for the next 5 min, it's 5 min that I could have used with the client for better use. Lots of people are not familiar with gym etiquette, because let's face it, they are there for them. But it's still a place where courtesy should be executed.
    And trust me, there are more people who agree with me, then oppose. I just happen to be the mouthpiece who says it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    if you get rid of all the people using their smart phones at your gym, you might not have a job at the gym

    (just another way to look at it)
    That's what they said about stopping smoking in public areas, or banning alcoholic drinks at Disneyland.
    I'm not saying get rid of them, I'm saying that people can survive without them for an hour. I get the whole music, video while on a cardio machine, or using workout apps with their phones. My issue is with people who dawdle on their phones while utilizing a piece of equipment KNOWING that others are in line waiting for it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    A minute, fine. Unfortunately that NOT how it is. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm in the gym much longer than many others are since it's my job, and I'm sure I see much more.
    You have your opinion, I'll stick with mine. Trust me when I say there are more people who actually agree with me, compared to those that disagree.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Trust me when i say there are way more people who dont care if someone is on their phone texting between sets than those that do care. and that disparity will only increase more as older people who are not comfortable with that technology leave the gyms for good and are replaced by more and more that are comfortable wiht the tech.
    We've done polls on it at our gym. I've seen the results. Can you say you've done the same? It has nothing to do with technology because we polled people from the ages of 18-65 and a high number of 30 and unders felt the same. Part of the reason why we have a "no talking on cell phone policy" on the gym floor was because is was highly requested through the polls. It's not an issue right now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    In my Wellness center our gym policy is that members can't converse on the gym floor on their phones. There are signs posted saying that if they have to talk to someone, to go downstairs and into the main lobby. Haven't had an issue with it.

    What I do have an issue with is people who #$&*ing text, play, stare etc. on their phones while occupying a piece of equipment for 10 minutes to do 3 sets with lackluster effort.
    This is why I have all my clients put their phones on "SILENT".
    Do yourself a favor..............................put the damn thing away for an hour. Your personal life won't change in that hour, but your body can.
    Put it on silent, leave it in your pocket..................................and get to work!!!!

    Rant done.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Is your requirement still acceptable after the tragedy of yesterday?
    Strawman argument. Tragedies like what happened yesterday aren't the norm. I silence my phone, put it in my pocket and if a call comes in, I'm aware and will glance to see if I need to take it at that time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    again : people just lack common. courtesy these days...see?

    i agree. people like the OP should mind their own business and stop telling everyone what they should be doing.
    I opine. You disagree, then disagree.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • In my Wellness center our gym policy is that members can't converse on the gym floor on their phones. There are signs posted saying that if they have to talk to someone, to go downstairs and into the main lobby. Haven't had an issue with it.

    What I do have an issue with is people who #$&*ing text, play, stare etc. on their phones while occupying a piece of equipment for 10 minutes to do 3 sets with lackluster effort.
    This is why I have all my clients put their phones on "SILENT".
    Do yourself a favor..............................put the damn thing away for an hour. Your personal life won't change in that hour, but your body can.
    Put it on silent, leave it in your pocket..................................and get to work!!!!

    Rant done.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Is your requirement still acceptable after the tragedy of yesterday?

    That is irrelevant. He just doesn't want people to chat away while they are at the gym. My phone is on silent at the gym, but I continually check it inbetween machines, bathroom break, or water break. He is not saying forget the world exists around you, but if you are hogging a machine don't be on your phone talking/texting about your weekend plans or the cute people at the gym.

    It does have relevance as he has all his clients put their phones on silent. I believe he should ask if there would be a reason for them to keep the sounds activated. There are valid reasons to have a phone actively notifying you.

    Okay, but hear me out. If you had a reason to have your phone on anyway (like an emergency), why would you be at the gym anyway? I want to correct myself too, I actually keep mine on vibrate not silent. That way I can feel it and only answer/text it if it is about my kids.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    In my Wellness center our gym policy is that members can't converse on the gym floor on their phones. There are signs posted saying that if they have to talk to someone, to go downstairs and into the main lobby. Haven't had an issue with it.

    What I do have an issue with is people who #$&*ing text, play, stare etc. on their phones while occupying a piece of equipment for 10 minutes to do 3 sets with lackluster effort.
    This is why I have all my clients put their phones on "SILENT".
    Do yourself a favor..............................put the damn thing away for an hour. Your personal life won't change in that hour, but your body can.
    Put it on silent, leave it in your pocket..................................and get to work!!!!

    Rant done.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Is your requirement still acceptable after the tragedy of yesterday?

    That is irrelevant. He just doesn't want people to chat away while they are at the gym. My phone is on silent at the gym, but I continually check it inbetween machines, bathroom break, or water break. He is not saying forget the world exists around you, but if you are hogging a machine don't be on your phone talking/texting about your weekend plans or the cute people at the gym.

    It does have relevance as he has all his clients put their phones on silent. I believe he should ask if there would be a reason for them to keep the sounds activated. There are valid reasons to have a phone actively notifying you.
    Like I stated, a phone on silent doesn't mean it's off. You can still be notified if there's an emergency. <eyeroll>

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I'll use my cell phone (notepad) to keep track of my workout and I'll answer texts, but I generally will do that after I've completed a station - I agree that station hogs suck!
    Bravo for courtesy!

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    That irks my nerves. One of my biggest pet peeves when eating (one of many; I'm picky about table manners lol) is when people have their cell phones out. My husband and I were out to eat the other day and there was a couple that we assumed were on a date were both on their phones, and hardly said a word to each other. WTF???
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Why on earth would you prevent people from talking ? and then you have a problem with them texting ? They are doing the most boring thing on earth why won't they occupy themselves with something other than the torture they are subjected to. But then they have you to look at, how dare they look at their phone when you are standing right there before them !
    You've obviously picked and chose what you've wanted to read.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • I do text and play music on my phone but only when I'm on a machine that I'm using my legs like treadmill. Weights is a different story
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    IMHO it points to a deeper problem in modern life. We can't focus on one thing for 2 seconds anymore.

    If you're doing something and it's worth doing, then do it. Don't *kitten* around doing something else at the same time!

    This is separate from the courtesy issue, which may or may not be a symptom of modern life..... if you're not using something then why hog it up so others can't use it (the other thread has a great story about a guy hogging three benches, whilst not actually using any of them.....). Now, if you're proud of being selfish or ignorant, fine. That sucks for you, but try not to make things suck for everyone else too! It's bad enough that people feel they have a god-given right to be rude to each other on the internet..... but when douche-baggery is written all over daily life too, it makes Jimmer sad.....

    you are missing the point. we aren't talking about people who are done with the equipment and still sitting on it using their phone. we are talking about if you are between sets and decide to take your phone out for a minute. for some reason the OP thinks this is rude. i think the OP thinks the world revolves around him/her.

    Actually, you are missing the point. The OP's point (which he has had to restate ad naseum every few posts because people only seem to read what they want to see) is that phone use prolongs a persons usage of a piece of equipment beyond what the time they would need to use the equipment if the phone use was not involved. Thus they are "hogging" the equipment by extending the time they are on the equipment. When people use something like a phone their subjective experience of time is slightly out of whack. Personally technology is a bit of a time-vortex. Perhaps people who think they are texting in the minute between sets are unaware that the "minute" has, in fact, been a wee bit longer?

    At no point has he said you can't use the phone in an emergency. At no point has he said you can't use the phone whilst on a cardio machine. In fact he has stated the reverse. Although some people have made out he is a bit of a (how shall I put this delicately....?) w*nker because of these two things.....

    For the record, I didn't get the sense that the OP thinks the world revolves around him. I got the sense that he wants to create a gym environment where certain individuals selfish desires and practices didn't get in the way of the best use of the environment for all. In fact, to my untrained ears, sounds a lot like the opposite of selfish.

    Perhaps there is history between the OP and his detractors because I can't find the things they say he has said in his posts......
  • ynotcycle
    ynotcycle Posts: 121 Member
    Do something about it if it pisses you off so much don't cry like a wee ***** about it here.
    Smash their phone, Yell at them, Run to teacher, why are you complaining here? Nut up and confront them.

    Generalized approach to not being punked applies to most of lifes little problems

    Edit to agree with others timely use of equipment: Buy your own? or approach them? idk.. you decide.

    While i'm *****ing, get the hell out of my way on the road, you drive to slow