


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies...sorry i didn't weigh in ...not that it mattered since I am up since last weigh in...I have been going on this downward spiral these last few weeks and I am stopping it now.!!!!! I will start counting my cals and eating right...I will start exercising ...I have to ...i don't know how I got soo offtrack.

    Awestfal - Sorry your havings issues with your daughter and her POS...I can tell you I am not looking foward to my girls being teenagers, i am having issues with them now but i can't imagine dealing with teanage years yet...

    JIB - AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all I can say...YOu look create.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jbl- You look awesome girl and I can't wait to look as good as you do.
    Mstahl-Thanks for the sweet comment you really know how to lift my spirits.
    Everyone else great job on the weight loss this week.I lost 1.2 pounds yesterday and I am back up to 239.8(I was 234.2)but I know its because of my girls night out yesterday.I ate over 4000 calories.Now I'm not freaking out because I know I may have gained an actually pound of that back for real and the rest is because of my high sodium intake but how do I get it back down.I know it will take a few days for the sodium to release.What a minute I don't need to know how to get it back down I already know this:laugh: :laugh: So I will lbe eating light today and exercising a bit more and drinking a lot of water today.Wish me luck and hopefully it will go back down in a few days.I am not changing my ticker back because I will get it down.I needed that night out though without kids and I feel less stressed because of it.I will do better next time and make better food choices as well.On a good note we went shopping for new bras and I have lost 2 cup sizes.YAY!!!I was a DD and now I am a C.I just hope because of my binge I don't gain it all back.Which I doubt I will!! I am happy I haven't freaked about the scale moving back up too.Is there a quick way to clease sodium out of your system?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Chris - I:heart: love:heart: the challenge! I'll be visiting the university library this weekend to tackle some stairs!:sick:

    Yesterday. I didn't exercise in the morning because we had a guest from dinner sleep over. I didn't want to wake him up by tromping through the family room and blaring the radio in the garage next to him... and then at work we had a going away party AND a birthday party!:huh: I did OK up through lunch but then I had TWO pieces of cake at the birthday party (and usually I'm resistant to the lure of sugar) and after my second piece I kept sneaking icing off the platter like some four year old with no impulse control!:grumble:

    After work I had a happy hour date with the girls - we had appetizers and drinks and between the two I consumed:embarassed: TWO THOUSAND CALORIES.:noway: :sad:

    edited to actually check in :laugh:
    Calories - Over by like 2200 omg!
    Water - did GREAT (drank a BIG glass between diet coke and rum drinks)
    Exercise - still got in about 500 steps even with my blistered feet!

    Proud - tough one... Proud that I'm not going to feel derailed or worse say "might as well take the weekend off" - and I'm just planning to do better this week.

    So it's been the week to shock my system. Yep. Did this all as part of my super secret master plan *shifty eyes* Now it's back to Plan A. Eat 1200 quality calories every day plus half my exercise calories. Drink no more alcohol than a glass of red wine three nights, and get in a minimum of 40 minutes of aerobic exercise in five days a week. I can do this!:wink:
    I had a day like you yesterday but surprisingly I don't feel bad and we will do better this week!! You are right WE CAN DO THIS and WE WILL!!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning everyone! I had fun at the Family Reunion yesterday. AND surprisingly didnt go over my calories for the day! I was so glad that we finally had pretty weather! It would have been horrible if it would have been as cold has it has been! The kids had a blast too. They hooked a trailer up to one of the 4wheelers and drove them around the fields and stuff.

    check in for 2/21
    calories: under but barely
    water: under ...
    exercise: I did do alot of walking! I figured I should make use of the pretty day and being outside!
    proud: That I controlled myself and didnt eat all the yummy fattening foods they had out there!

    Today the weather is not so good. :ohwell: i told William we could go to the park if the weather was as nice as yesterday.. I guess that is shot. We will be cleaning the house instead! We need to get everything ready for our home study! :wink: :wink:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Morning girls!!

    JLB- You look amazing! I cant wait to be able to post pics!!!
    meokk- Maybe you can take like 4 flights of stairs then each day try to increase it by an extra flight? That is ALOT of stairs! Good luck! Maybe its the push you need for big numbers this week?! I hope so!!

    The baby shower was good, it was kind of hard since I didnt know anyone except the expectant mother. All they had to eat was fried chicken and potato salad. I had neither. I waited until I got home to eat. Oh and another piece of good news!! (well two). I am back to my friday weigh in -pizza sodium is all gone! I drank sooo much water yesterday and didnt eat as much (not much at all:grumble: ) and also, those jeans I tried on that I was upset that still didnt fit are a size 16!! I thought the ones I had pulled out were size 18s and I was so bummed I couldnt get them on yet! Turns out they are 16 and they were almost able to go through my thighs, in a nother 2 weeks or so they should be good!! I was so happy to find out that yes, I am a size 18 now!!!:happy: :love:

    here is my check in for yesterday 2/20/10:
    calories- under by alot..not really on purpose
    water- yes, a lot
    excercise- none, never made it to the gym, maybe later on today
    sodium- 845 (I was trying to counteract the high sodium I ate friday night)
    proud- that my size 16s are almost fitting me and that I did not eat fried chicken at the baby shower even though it smelled oh
    so good!

    I'll be on to check in later!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awestfall -- the best thing I know to combat sodium is water water water.

    I'm eating more sodium than usual today so I need to remember to drink a lot of water.

    My legs are super sore from pushing myself yesterday but I'm going to get in a good bike ride & it's so nice outside I may hobble down to the riverwalk with one of my dogs. Maybe not though because if I overdo it & hobble too far, I'll have no choice but to hobble all the way back. :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Thanks, everyone, for the encouraging words. I love my seatbelt! LOL

    cris - you passed up fried chicken? I would have caved for sure. That is my absolute favorite food! :sad: Congrats! :flowerforyou:
    tiger - good job at the Reunion! Way to go! :flowerforyou:
    awestfall - I heard some chatting about green tea being good for sodium release, but I don't know how true that is.

    I'm eating Indian tonight at a birthday dinner, so I already planned out what I am going to eat. I pray I stick with the plan! I even planned for a SMALL piece of cake.

    check in:
    cals: good
    water: 64
    exercise: (wow my thighs hurt after yesterday's 55! LOL) 40 mins bike, plus 10 mins fast bike plus arm work
    proud: I think I am riding on the seatbelt high for quite some time, folks. :bigsmile: I cried wearing it this morning to my singing job! :blushing: I am too sentimental!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Checking in for 2/21
    Calories - 1159
    Water - will be 8
    Exercise - none really I had a lazy weekend
    Proud that I ordered the 30 Day shred DVD, hey it's the first step!

    Mstahl - forgot to say that I did make the Kale chips for your try something new challenge from last week and they were delicious!
    Break up kale leaves into chip sized pieces, spray with a little canola oil, salt & pepper, 375 degree oven on a baking sheet for about 10-12 minutes.
    They were crispy and healthy and really a decent substitution for chips. I was surprised.

    Welcome newbie Anna, you'll be under 200 before you know it, I hope I will too but I'm sticking with this group until the end and beyond!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Checking in
    Calories- Right on target 1220
    Exercise going to go play the wii with my daughter in a few minutes
    Proud that even though I went out today I didn't splurge on fast food I ate a burrito from Taco Bell and surprisingly I was under my cals when I got home and I was even under sodium as well.
    Jbl- Thanks for the good advice about water.I ordered a water with my burrito instead of soda so I am proud for that
    Bluenote-You go girl with being able to wear your seatbelt
    I lost 2 CUP SIZES in my BRA people that is big for me and surprisingly my back doesn't hurt as much anymore.I am glad I am eating a whole lot cleaner and so is my family.My 15 year old doesn't care for it too much but she will thank me later.We went grocery shopping and I bought all sorts of organic fresh fruits and veggies.I even got veggies we never eat and I plan on fixing them this week in some recipes that I got out of the biggest loser cookbook.I will post a new thread tomorrow morning I am going to go exercise for now
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in!

    Today was my day off exercise - I am hoping that by taking one day a week off I might be able to see more improvement in my strength and endurance. I'm frustrated that I'm still just barely able to make it up the three flights of stairs (four floors) at work!

    Calories- 1600 - over by my wine (2/3 a bottle -oops!) and ranch dressing is used with my snack. I'll work that off tomorrow.
    Water - horrid
    Exercise - day off!

    Proud - that I resisted the urge to work out and (hopefully) let my body regenerate a little. How weird that I would have to RESIST the urge to exercise?!?

    meokk - I'm happy to hear the Kale turned out good! I'll have to try some this week!

    We had the mustard greens in the lentil soup which was good but i was a little horrified at how much salt it needed before it tasted OK. We also had the seared tuna steaks which were amazing! Tomorrow we're going to have fish again - not sure what kind yet...

    I'm off to bed - tomorrow begins a crazy week for me!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Oh I forgot to mention that I tried two new foods for our challenge last week, well, one food and one herb. I did the baked kale also and it was good! I will be honest and say I was NOT expecting much, but I liked it! I will do it again! I also tried a new herb mix - greek seasoning. It has onion and mint in it. I put it on my turkey burger and it was fabulous!

    I did pretty well at the Indian restaurant. I ate a few more pieces of naan (unleavened bread) than what I had planned, but it was OK - it didn't make me go over my cals. Sometimes a girl's just gotta have her naan! :laugh: I am super full right now and still have to get on the bike to finish what I started. Oy! Goodnight all! Sweet dreams! :heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1392
    Exercise: 45 minutes stationary bike; 30 minutes silly dancing
    Water: epic fail
    Proud: Eerrrrm. I let my bf sabotage me by talking me out of cooking dinner and into ordering pizza. But I ordered grilled chicken and spinach & ate 3 slices which fit exactly into the calories & macronutrients I needed today. Unfortunately, I failed with my water intake & blew up my sodium levels because I had a sodiumrific lunch as well (at around 2800mg for the day which is a good 1000mg more than usual). So, I expect the scale to go up on me for the next few days until I flush it all out. No biggie. :smile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Messed up the title it says part 7 again but I will fix it next week when I post a new thread SORRY!! All you newcomers click on this link to get to the new thread.Hope to see you there.