Guys say they want a Nice/Good girl but go for Sl*ts?



  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    I find it offensive that you have divided girls up into good/nice and slut/skank.

    I don't believe the terms slut and skank should be used for anyone. Women can find liberation covered up or revealing skin, in abstinence or many partners. It's an individual choice and no one else's business.

    Well, now we all know which category YOU fall into, then.

    You're joking right?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Maybe he likes her udders?

  • kdf017
    kdf017 Posts: 33
    I think women are just as guilty when they say they want a nice guy and then go for the douche bags.
  • xeanx
    xeanx Posts: 69
    I want a nice girl not a trashy girl.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
  • I find it offensive that you have divided girls up into good/nice and slut/skank.

    I don't believe the terms slut and skank should be used for anyone. Women can find liberation covered up or revealing skin, in abstinence or many partners. It's an individual choice and no one else's business.
    The real problem here isn't the guy involved or the lady involved, but why you give a cr*p about them doing their thing.

    Focus on you. Your life, your health, your mind. Let other people focus on themselves and whatever they want/need/etc.

    This. ^^
  • I'm sure not all guys but it's kind of upsetting.

    Guys who claim to be God fearing, guys claiming to want a nice girl and etc
    but then go after and flirt with skanks........
    I mean women who take naked pictures and are rolling blunts....... come on.

    Maybe these guys are not "men" but what the hell

    Because "nice" people tend to be ****ing boring or too passive to actually let people know what they think. Seeing as you've decided these other girls are sluts/skanks I wouldn't even bother calling you nice, you're obviously judgemental but are these thoughts that you actually share with people or do you just keep your mouth shut and be "nice". If nice people were really interesting or adventurous or passionate they'd be described as those things, but they're not, so they're instead described as "nice". People want a bit of excitement. You can be exciting and nice, but people won't even bother calling you nice, they'll just say you're exciting and awesome. Nice is like beige pants.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm sure not all guys but it's kind of upsetting.

    Guys who claim to be God fearing, guys claiming to want a nice girl and etc
    but then go after and flirt with skanks........
    I mean women who take naked pictures and are rolling blunts....... come on.

    Maybe these guys are not "men" but what the hell

    Because "nice" people tend to be ****ing boring. If they were really interesting or adventurous or passionate they'd be described as those things, but they're not, so they're instead described as "nice". People want a bit of excitement. You can be exciting and nice, but people won't even bother calling you nice, they'll just say you're exciting and awesome. Nice is like beige pants.

    I disagree to an extent.

    As a matter of fact, I may post a poll on my MFP wall just to find out which category I fit in lol.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I agree with the you OP! You guys should stop dating sluts!!! You should be dating prudish, judgemental, mysoginists instead! It's way more fun!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I'm sure not all guys but it's kind of upsetting.

    Guys who claim to be God fearing, guys claiming to want a nice girl and etc
    but then go after and flirt with skanks........
    I mean women who take naked pictures and are rolling blunts....... come on.

    Maybe these guys are not "men" but what the hell

    Because "nice" people tend to be ****ing boring or too passive to actually let people know what they think. Seeing as you've decided these other girls are sluts/skanks I wouldn't even bother calling you nice, you're obviously judgemental but are these thoughts that you actually share with people or do you just keep your mouth shut and be "nice". If nice people were really interesting or adventurous or passionate they'd be described as those things, but they're not, so they're instead described as "nice". People want a bit of excitement. You can be exciting and nice, but people won't even bother calling you nice, they'll just say you're exciting and awesome. Nice is like beige pants.

    ruh roh.

  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    Nice people are not boring

    Easy come easy go

    Nowplaying: Joe - Good Girls :wink:
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    As for the 'nice guys' thing

    Yes, there are some nice guys who genuinely get a raw deal. But a hell of a lot of guys are actually in one of two situations

    1. You are a nice guy who likes a girl, but she doesn't have those feelings for you. You can be as nice as you like, sometimes the chemistry just isn't there. So while you're stuck in the 'friend zone' every other guy she dates is an assh0le because he's NOT YOU.

    2. You are trying to date a girl who has dated plenty of "nice guys" every guy is "nice" when they want to do the horizontal boogie with you. It isn't always easy to spot those who aren't so nice afterwards
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    I agree with the you OP! You guys should stop dating sluts!!! You should be dating prudish, judgemental, mysoginists instead! It's way more fun!

    Whoah...I've been going about this completely the wrong way!
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    I'm sure not all guys but it's kind of upsetting.

    Guys who claim to be God fearing, guys claiming to want a nice girl and etc
    but then go after and flirt with skanks........
    I mean women who take naked pictures and are rolling blunts....... come on.

    Maybe these guys are not "men" but what the hell

    Yeah like the women who say they want nice and sweet guys, but when you're all nice and sweet they're not interested and go for a *kitten*. this is 90% of women.


    I'd venture to say 95% of women

    If 95% of all women go for *kitten* then does that mean that most guys are *kitten*? ;)

    Haha damn, you got me...but honestly I know alot of ones that yeah that could be true
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    As for the 'nice guys' thing

    Yes, there are some nice guys who genuinely get a raw deal. But a hell of a lot of guys are actually in one of two situations

    1. You are a nice guy who likes a girl, but she doesn't have those feelings for you. You can be as nice as you like, sometimes the chemistry just isn't there. So while you're stuck in the 'friend zone' every other guy she dates is an assh0le because he's NOT YOU.

    2. You are trying to date a girl who has dated plenty of "nice guys" every guy is "nice" when they want to do the horizontal boogie with you. It isn't always easy to spot those who aren't so nice afterwards

    I think there's a few more situations than that lol...but your two situations definitely cover some of the nice guys.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Story time:

    I like sex. I had casual sex in college. I had sex with a guy once the first night I met him (actually I did that 3 times with 3 different guys, but I'm only talking about the last one now). He kind of comes off as an *kitten* to those who don't know him well. There was never any chemistry with the "nice" guys I dated. I like assertive men.

    We've been together almost 11 years, married 8.5, and have 3 children.

    We also still have awesome sex.

    Then end.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Wow..jaded and bitter much? Why is it the girl's fault that whatever guy you liked decided NOT to choose you.

    And why does this make her a slut? Why does taking naked pictures make you a slut? Are actresses who do a semi- or full nude scene sluts too? And how the hell does smoking weed automatically make you a slut? (which btw - I have NEVER heard this one...made me laugh).

    And what about Girls who say they want a nice guy but go after the douches/man-*kitten*?

    Could it possibly be it isn't a gender thing but rather an INDIVIDUAL/personal thing/preference?

    I think you need to stop trying to hate and trying to put people into "roles" because you are angry. Instead, focus on bettering yourself and move on.
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    I'm sure not all guys but it's kind of upsetting.

    Guys who claim to be God fearing, guys claiming to want a nice girl and etc
    but then go after and flirt with skanks........
    I mean women who take naked pictures and are rolling blunts....... come on.

    Maybe these guys are not "men" but what the hell

    Yeah like the women who say they want nice and sweet guys, but when you're all nice and sweet they're not interested and go for a *kitten*. this is 90% of women.


    I'd venture to say 95% of women

    If 95% of all women go for *kitten* then does that mean that most guys are *kitten*? ;)

    ^^^^ My heroine!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Men are visual creatures. They go for the aesthetically appealing. Its just in their DNA. I know plenty of great guys who still drool at an awesome pair of bewbz. Just cause a guy is paying attention to a female because of how she looks doesn't make him a bad guy. Men have defects. So do femalez. Being overly sensitive and jealous of the attention that other women get is one of them.

    I think women can be visual creatures too. And to say that it is in men's DNA to go for the aesthetically appealing is kind of messed up. And what about women that drool at men? How about lesbians that drool at boobs? So what. Doesn't mean they are sluts or the people they are admiring are sluts. And who the hell are we to judge anything..really?
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    It goes both ways. I think age does a lot to cure this problem, and experience. When they've dealt with enough jerks, male or female, then they start to look for something else. They're also attracted to confidence. We all are. Personally, I want a man who is a blend of a good guy who won't be a jerk to me and mess around, and a little bit of an alpha too so that I'm not dealing with a puppy dog following me or a man who won't be his own man. My man also wants a woman who isn't a clinging, insecure, gossipy, dramatic mess. But he does, like all men, want someone he considers attractive and fun to be around.
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