Guys say they want a Nice/Good girl but go for Sl*ts?



  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Hey now.... dirty sluts need love too.
  • Men are visual creatures. They go for the aesthetically appealing. Its just in their DNA. I know plenty of great guys who still drool at an awesome pair of bewbz. Just cause a guy is paying attention to a female because of how she looks doesn't make him a bad guy. Men have defects. So do femalez. Being overly sensitive and jealous of the attention that other women get is one of them.

    I think women can be visual creatures too. And to say that it is in men's DNA to go for the aesthetically appealing is kind of messed up. And what about women that drool at men? How about lesbians that drool at boobs? So what. Doesn't mean they are sluts or the people they are admiring are sluts. And who the hell are we to judge anything..really?

    gahhhhhh Shut up! :sick:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Girls are always looking for a reason to demean other women.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Men are visual creatures. They go for the aesthetically appealing. Its just in their DNA. I know plenty of great guys who still drool at an awesome pair of bewbz. Just cause a guy is paying attention to a female because of how she looks doesn't make him a bad guy. Men have defects. So do femalez. Being overly sensitive and jealous of the attention that other women get is one of them.

    I think women can be visual creatures too. And to say that it is in men's DNA to go for the aesthetically appealing is kind of messed up. And what about women that drool at men? How about lesbians that drool at boobs? So what. Doesn't mean they are sluts or the people they are admiring are sluts. And who the hell are we to judge anything..really?

    gahhhhhh Shut up! :sick:

    If you can't handle opinions that are not in accord with you...don't come on a forum and ask these questions..Derp derp!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    It goes both ways. I think age does a lot to cure this problem, and experience. When they've dealt with enough jerks, male or female, then they start to look for something else. They're also attracted to confidence. We all are. Personally, I want a man who is a blend of a good guy who won't be a jerk to me and mess around, and a little bit of an alpha too so that I'm not dealing with a puppy dog following me or a man who won't be his own man. My man also wants a woman who isn't a clinging, insecure, gossipy, dramatic mess. But he does, like all men, want someone he considers attractive and fun to be around.

    I tend to disagree (with the first part) here as well...I'm 38yrs old. Unless the age at which you feel this trait tends to go away is higher than that, I can tell you that the problem hasn't lessened as my average dating pool age has increased lol.

    As for the type of guy you prefer, that's what I'd assume most women want. About the only differences in me personally, is that I don't mind what most people consider 'clinging' women. I happen to like spending a lot of time with the person I love...and don't need the typical amount of 'space' that most guys I know require.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Girls are always looking for a reason to demean other women.

    Careful! The feminazi's will put a burning cross in your front yard if you go much further with that line of dialogue lol.
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    hmmmm, well...........guess what, if u want to make a guy die to come next to you ith all the up nose attitude then yea they will go for the easy one

    relationship based on 2 persons putting efforts into it.

    not a guy running behind a girl, not a girl running behind a guy
  • I'm not mad at anyone

    2. I have seen with a number of my male friends.... they quote bible verses... all over their FB, Instagram and etc but then next minute they're flirting with a girl taking half naked pictures. and Ya I'd say a girl taking a pic of her rolling a blunt is trashy....

    chances are they're losers that's why they like trash

    and taking a picture naked and posting it on instagram does make you a slut.........

    Your male friends are simply shady...why blame the woman?

    Taking naked or semi nake pictures and posting it on Instagram makes them a slut IN YOUR OPINION. My opinion might be different, or might not...but they point is, they're opinions.

    Now, I think most of my friends would agree I'm a nice guy. I am also a guy who happens to like sex (a lot). I need a woman who likes sex as well. I would prefer that she keep her sexuality confined to our relationship of course, but this is why you find out if your views on these things are compatible.

    To clarify...this does NOT mean I run around having sex with everyone, or that I specifically target half naked women on Instagram or anywhere else as my 'dating pool'. What it DOES mean, is that her pictures on Instagram don't necessarily reflect on who she is as a person (I have women friends with half naked pictures, who've been dating one guy since their pictures make her a slut?). What it also means is that I'd give a girl with half naked pictures just as much of a chance as I would a girl who maintained a more typically demure online profile...assuming I was attracted to either.

    Unfortunately however, it seems I'm meant to be forever single. Go figure.

    Oh...wait, that's's because I'm a nice guy.

    ^^^ this and btw you look awesome for being 100 lol
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    Girls are always looking for a reason to demean other women.

    Careful! The feminazi's will put a burning cross in your front yard if you go much further with that line of dialogue lol.

    hahahahahahahaha that made me lol dude
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I take alot of naked and sexy pictures and send them to my husband. Im not a slut. I dont roll joints though- but I thought that makes you a pot head-not a slut...

    you should becareful who you lable a slut. That "slut" might be you, your husband-sister-daughter-brother-son- father. dont be so quick to judge, cause you never know.
  • OP, I want to clarify that this post is in no way a personal attack against you. I am also a human, I make mistakes, I say things without thinking, and I judge other people. I am in no way trying to insinuate that I believe you are a bad person for thinking the way you do or expressing your feelings.

    I used to gossip FIERCELY about other girls and their sexual activity. It was even so bad that, at one point, a well-known "slut" in my area was date-raped on a trip to Quebec, and my entire social group decided that it was her fault because she was so "easy" and she was a "slutty drunk".

    While I have never been date-raped, I was almost the victim of a date-rape. During a particularly low point in my depression I drank a fair bit. I made it through a 26 of tequila at a coworker's house party and suddenly a bunch of his hockey-player friends, at least three years older than me, showed up. I have no memory of how I ended up in a bathroom with them, but I remember telling the two undressing boys high-fiving over my head that I was too drunk to make a decision, I was seeing someone, and that I didn't want to do this right now. They continued undressing me while a large group of my coworkers cheered them on from outside the door. I eventually convinced them to let me go, after they had almost totally stripped me, by giving them my cell phone number and telling them to text me and I would hook up with them any time except right now. I left the room crying and someone finally realized I wasn't ok and brought me somewhere else to sleep.

    The next day at work, EVERYONE was making fun of me for ending up in the bathroom. When I asked them not to because it was an upsetting experience, they told me it was my fault for drinking so much and that I OBVIOUSLY wanted it. They called me a slut.

    This point in my life is where I decided to really educate myself about victim-blaming, slut-shaming, and a variety of other issues of a similar nature. Before this night, I would have totally agreed with this post, OP.

    Policing other people's sexuality and sexual activity is dangerous. There is nothing wrong or dirty with a woman's sexuality (pr a man's!) or the way that she chooses to express it, informed and consenting. It is also perfectly natural for your male friends, regardless of their spirituality, to be attracted to these women. There are also plenty of men and women who would find a partner who prefers to more privately express their sexuality to be attractive. Your male friends are exploring the sexual side of themselves by engaging in that flirting and that is a perfectly normal, healthy thing! But many of us have been raised in society's that don't always treat sexuality as something that is normal, healthy, and okay to express.

    Here is a link to a sex positive youtuber who was an excellent resource for me to begin educating myself on my sexuality and my approach to the sexuality of other people. I don't think that girl hate is something that needs to still prevail in this day and age, and I am in no way trying to hate on anyone in this thread. Sorry for the long post, this issue is just very close to me now :)
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    OP, I want to clarify that this post is in no way a personal attack against you. I am also a human, I make mistakes, I say things without thinking, and I judge other people. I am in no way trying to insinuate that I believe you are a bad person for thinking the way you do or expressing your feelings.

    I used to gossip FIERCELY about other girls and their sexual activity. It was even so bad that, at one point, a well-known "slut" in my area was date-raped on a trip to Quebec, and my entire social group decided that it was her fault because she was so "easy" and she was a "slutty drunk".

    While I have never been date-raped, I was almost the victim of a date-rape. During a particularly low point in my depression I drank a fair bit. I made it through a 26 of tequila at a coworker's house party and suddenly a bunch of his hockey-player friends, at least three years older than me, showed up. I have no memory of how I ended up in a bathroom with them, but I remember telling the two undressing boys high-fiving over my head that I was too drunk to make a decision, I was seeing someone, and that I didn't want to do this right now. They continued undressing me while a large group of my coworkers cheered them on from outside the door. I eventually convinced them to let me go, after they had almost totally stripped me, by giving them my cell phone number and telling them to text me and I would hook up with them any time except right now. I left the room crying and someone finally realized I wasn't ok and brought me somewhere else to sleep.

    The next day at work, EVERYONE was making fun of me for ending up in the bathroom. When I asked them not to because it was an upsetting experience, they told me it was my fault for drinking so much and that I OBVIOUSLY wanted it. They called me a slut.

    This point in my life is where I decided to really educate myself about victim-blaming, slut-shaming, and a variety of other issues of a similar nature. Before this night, I would have totally agreed with this post, OP.

    Policing other people's sexuality and sexual activity is dangerous. There is nothing wrong or dirty with a woman's sexuality (pr a man's!) or the way that she chooses to express it, informed and consenting. It is also perfectly natural for your male friends, regardless of their spirituality, to be attracted to these women. There are also plenty of men and women who would find a partner who prefers to more privately express their sexuality to be attractive. Your male friends are exploring the sexual side of themselves by engaging in that flirting and that is a perfectly normal, healthy thing! But many of us have been raised in society's that don't always treat sexuality as something that is normal, healthy, and okay to express.

    Here is a link to a sex positive youtuber who was an excellent resource for me to begin educating myself on my sexuality and my approach to the sexuality of other people. I don't think that girl hate is something that needs to still prevail in this day and age, and I am in no way trying to hate on anyone in this thread. Sorry for the long post, this issue is just very close to me now :)

  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    My husband and guy friends all agree that a man wants "a *kitten* in bed and a lady on the town".
  • kristenstejskal
    kristenstejskal Posts: 107 Member
    Men are visual creatures. They go for the aesthetically appealing. Its just in their DNA. I know plenty of great guys who still drool at an awesome pair of bewbz. Just cause a guy is paying attention to a female because of how she looks doesn't make him a bad guy. Men have defects. So do femalez. Being overly sensitive and jealous of the attention that other women get is one of them.

    I think women can be visual creatures too. And to say that it is in men's DNA to go for the aesthetically appealing is kind of messed up. And what about women that drool at men? How about lesbians that drool at boobs? So what. Doesn't mean they are sluts or the people they are admiring are sluts. And who the hell are we to judge anything..really?

    lol I'm pretty sure you misunderstood the point of my post. My point is that there is nothing wrong with admiring the visually appealing, or being focus of the attention. Its natural. Ain't nobody a slut for putting their eyeballs to good use.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Men are visual creatures. They go for the aesthetically appealing. Its just in their DNA. I know plenty of great guys who still drool at an awesome pair of bewbz. Just cause a guy is paying attention to a female because of how she looks doesn't make him a bad guy. Men have defects. So do femalez. Being overly sensitive and jealous of the attention that other women get is one of them.

    I think women can be visual creatures too. And to say that it is in men's DNA to go for the aesthetically appealing is kind of messed up. And what about women that drool at men? How about lesbians that drool at boobs? So what. Doesn't mean they are sluts or the people they are admiring are sluts. And who the hell are we to judge anything..really?

    lol I'm pretty sure you misunderstood the point of my post. My point is that there is nothing wrong with admiring the visually appealing, or being focus of the attention. Its natural. Ain't nobody a slut for putting their eyeballs to good use.

    I did misunderstand. My bad :) Thank you for explaining and I agree with you! Nothing wrong with admiring anyone!!! :D And at least you didn't tell me to shut up..lmao!
  • I'm going to take a different approach here. I think the problem is hypocrisy. I am a pastor's daughter who grew up around these *kitten* who preach that it is wrong to have sex before marriage but then try to get you in the sack at the first opportunity or they just go find someone who WILL sleep with them. You just need to find a man who practices what he preaches (whatever that may be.)

    I am personally agnostic and it is seriously annoying sometimes how christian guys will try to convince me to be a christian and talk about the virtues of abstinence one minute and the next minute try to get into my pants. I can smell these guys from a mile away.

    Now I LOVE sex, but I don't just jump into bed with every Harry that comes along, especially if he is a hyporcrit about his sexual nature.

    It seems like you are probably young and will find the right guy. Also, your world view will probably expand. So don't worry about these hypocritical *kitten* right now and figure out what you want outside of men. Once you are happy with you without a man, the right man will come along and then you can decide whether you want him or not (by then, you may find that you are happier alone. Lol.)

    These *kitten* want to have their cake and eat it too. They talk about wanting a girl who saves herself for marriage when in reality, they want to MARRY the girl who saved herself for marriage but they don't want to do the same for her. Hence the reason they go find the girls that will give it up. Stick in there. You'll find a good one someday, until then just find happiness in yourself.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm not mad at anyone

    2. I have seen with a number of my male friends.... they quote bible verses... all over their FB, Instagram and etc but then next minute they're flirting with a girl taking half naked pictures. and Ya I'd say a girl taking a pic of her rolling a blunt is trashy....

    chances are they're losers that's why they like trash

    and taking a picture naked and posting it on instagram does make you a slut.........

    LMAO! That is all I have.

    God made us sexual creatures. Ever thought of that one?
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I take alot of naked and sexy pictures and send them to my husband. Im not a slut. I dont roll joints though- but I thought that makes you a pot head-not a slut...

    you should becareful who you lable a slut. That "slut" might be you, your husband-sister-daughter-brother-son- father. dont be so quick to judge, cause you never know.

    Yep. What if a woman likes to take naked pics and share them and her husband is ok with it? What if he takes them and knows they are shared? What if she smokes weed legally to sleep? Still a trahsy slut? That's all opinion. IMO, those who have such harsh opinins about others are the ones with the problem.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Your going after the wrong guys. Just sayin'. IMO

    Yes.... ALLL guys love chicks. And love chicks willing to be/do/think whatever they want them, have ideas, need them to do.
    That is a given.

    Butttttttttt certain guys can be reached. And also *kitten* ya senseless... and make life seem like a dream instead of a nightmare...
    Its up to YOU which guy you choose.
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    I have no idea what just happened rofl. But I will offer up my opinion, cause, well, that's what I do haha!

    Men have two heads. Sometimes the little one overpowers the big one. Sometimes wanting a girl who looks, as you put it, like a slut is them thinking, "I bet you she'll rock my world in bed", or "Done and way I'm not tapping that tonight.."
    As for smoking pot, I've done it, I wasn't a slut ~ I was a stoner and in a committed relationship for 3 years with my stoner boyfriend haha.

    I personally love sex. I'd do it all day everyday if I could. I'm good at it. Like Luda said, "...lady in the streets...freak in the bed.." That's me. Does it make me a slut? No, it makes me human.
    Don't let these guys shortcomings get to you, find a better class of losers to hangout with...if you're hanging out with the "stoner-slut chasing" kind of guys, that's your issue to fix :smile:
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