Guys say they want a Nice/Good girl but go for Sl*ts?



  • 5starshelly
    5starshelly Posts: 43 Member
    I'm not mad at anyone

    2. I have seen with a number of my male friends.... they quote bible verses... all over their FB, Instagram and etc but then next minute they're flirting with a girl taking half naked pictures. and Ya I'd say a girl taking a pic of her rolling a blunt is trashy....

    chances are they're losers that's why they like trash

    and taking a picture naked and posting it on instagram does make you a slut.........
    I think your immature judgmental attitude throws you out of the category of "Nice/Good" girl. AND probably makes you hard to date. Why are you worried about what another woman is doing or smoking? And why are you trying to be the girl police with your male friends? In what universe are these things yours to judge or even sort out really? You sound mad and insecure.
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