Help! I caved and bad, what do I do now?



  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    You will take it and learn from it. If it were me, I'd figure in the calories into the week for additional workout time to be on the safe side.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    Don't feed the troll.

    Feel better about yourself now?

    I had a calorie rich smoothie today and I feel better than you.
  • Don't feed the troll.

    Feel better about yourself now?

    I had a calorie rich smoothie today and I feel better than you.
    Well good for you my dear :)
  • Marie31450
    Marie31450 Posts: 96 Member
    We are all human and have weak moments ! Put it behind is a new day!
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Just remember that yesterday has passed and you are now on today. Throw away guilt because it really doesn't help.
  • SloRunner25
    SloRunner25 Posts: 89 Member
    Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and continue. And take an extra walk/run today! These things happen. The important thing is that they don't happen every day. You'll be just fine!
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    Remain calm, and go take a poop . You'll be fine
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Were all human, we make mistakes but its up to u to learn from those mistakes and move on and not make the same mistakes again

    Why is eating something a mistake? It's one meal. It's not like she's saying she's been downing cupcakes and ice cream and pies and monkey bread for 72 hours straight.

    She had a single night out with friends and ate some food. Where is the mistake? Why is this even a post? Good grief people, she didn't do anything wrong. What's wrong is that people think this is wrong.

    NEWSFLASH: Eating an ice cream sundae, or any food for that matter, ONE night isn't the end of the world or your "diet." Just enjoy it and your friends and move on.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    chalk it up to a slip and climb your backside back on to the wagon! You ARE human, you will make mistakes. This can either be counted as A) a rare special occasion where *GASP* you enjoyed life a little (maybe a little too much but still...) and today is back to the usual OR B) you admit you ahve a severe eating disorder that you can't control without help and check into a rehabilitation center.

    I prefer to believe you enjoyed life and splurged a bit much, thus merely being human. Stop being so hard on yourself. This is a lifestyle change. Do you really intend to go the rest of your life never eating a sundae with friends again? Hell to the NO! Next time just leave some for them to eat too... :wink: (KIDDING)
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Remain calm, and go take a poop . You'll be fine

    This is pretty much the answer to everything in life.
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    My motto is "Today is a new beginning". What happened yesterday is yesterday. We all mess up but don't beat yourself up about it. Just start over and eat your normal way today. If you restrict yourself today as a means of punishment, that will backfire and you'll be pigging out making yourself feel more guilty then ever! Remember, you're not alone, we're all on the same journey here :smile:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Were all human, we make mistakes but its up to u to learn from those mistakes and move on and not make the same mistakes again

    Why is eating something a mistake? It's one meal. It's not like she's saying she's been downing cupcakes and ice cream and pies and monkey bread for 72 hours straight.

    She had a single night out with friends and ate some food. Where is the mistake? Why is this even a post? Good grief people, she didn't do anything wrong. What's wrong is that people think this is wrong.

    NEWSFLASH: Eating an ice cream sundae, or any food for that matter, ONE night isn't the end of the world or your "diet." Just enjoy it and your friends and move on.

    ^ This! If you don't think this way then you're going to end up with an eating disorder if you don't already have one and I can tell you they are no fun. Relax and have one of those sundaes per month and enjoy every spoonful with your friends! You only live once, might as well enjoy it too while you lose weight right?
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Don't feed the troll.

    Feel better about yourself now?

    I think they were talking about the troll of negativity...not that you were a troll! LOL
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    If that's really you in your avatar picture......NO WORRIES!!! :love:

    You already look fab, juust go back to your regularly scheduled diet from now on. :wink:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It's one day out of 365...don't worry about it. Weight control is not linear, whether it's loss, maintain, or's a long range trend. As long as you're not stuffing your face with this kind of stuff all of the time, it's no big deal. Everyone splurges now and again. By the looks of things, you don't have a whole lot to worry about anyway, you're pretty rockin' as it is.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Man, I hate it when my friends put a gun to my head, safety off, and make me eat all the food.

    I need new friends. *tear*

    ^^^ This! Amazing.
  • 32ONEGO
    32ONEGO Posts: 8 Member
    Just keep your goals in focus and don't let one hurdle trip you up... you'll be fine.
    And don't obsess and beat yourself up over a diet.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Okay to everyone saying no one forced me and being rude:
    Obviously no one held me down and shoved it in my mouth, I'm taking accountability for what I ate. I was just saying I didn't walk in and say hey tonight I wanna eat a sundae was all I was saying so no need to be rude.

    Thanks to everyone else for the encouraging words!

    & yes, I am 18. I don't know why my profile says 20 or how to change it. I'm a senior in high school, I just had my 18th birthday a few weeks ago.

    My guess is that you lied about your age when you first created your account since you would have been 17 at the time (at least according to the current version of your timeline).

    But it's admittedly just a guess.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    It is a sad day when eating is suddenly seen as some sort of crime that must be repented for, really sad.
    This is life, many people don't even get a chance at life, yet suddenly doing something that many, many normal people do once in a while, is suddenly the be all and end all of life.
    Get a grip people. Life is far too short to be this obsessive over a single incidence of indulgence.
    Kids dying everyday and here we are worrying over a flipping ice cream.
  • Okay to everyone saying no one forced me and being rude:
    Obviously no one held me down and shoved it in my mouth, I'm taking accountability for what I ate. I was just saying I didn't walk in and say hey tonight I wanna eat a sundae was all I was saying so no need to be rude.

    Thanks to everyone else for the encouraging words!

    & yes, I am 18. I don't know why my profile says 20 or how to change it. I'm a senior in high school, I just had my 18th birthday a few weeks ago.

    My guess is that you lied about your age when you first created your account since you would have been 17 at the time (at least according to the current version of your timeline).

    But it's admittedly just a guess.

    Probably, I don't know. I made it a while ago because our soccer coach told us to do this & add eachother an hold eachother accountable for what were putting in our body's but never ended up using it and just started again like 2 weeks ago