Help! I caved and bad, what do I do now?



  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    We have ALL been there...the trick is to shake it off, and move on.....dont dwell on enjoyed the time with your friends, you ate stuff you feel bad about, its over with and most likely no harm done.....drink lots of water it helps....
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Probably, I don't know. I made it a while ago because our soccer coach told us to do this & add eachother an hold eachother accountable for what were putting in our body's but never ended up using it and just started again like 2 weeks ago
    So, a high school soccer coach told his/her minor students to lie about their age to join MFP, a site for adults?
  • Probably, I don't know. I made it a while ago because our soccer coach told us to do this & add eachother an hold eachother accountable for what were putting in our body's but never ended up using it and just started again like 2 weeks ago
    So, a high school soccer coach told his/her minor students to lie about their age to join MFP, a site for adults?

    Obviously not? He just said to join the site? It's not a high school soccer coach, preimer level & the UW soccer head coach so I think he knows what he's doin. Thanks.
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    Probably, I don't know. I made it a while ago because our soccer coach told us to do this & add eachother an hold eachother accountable for what were putting in our body's but never ended up using it and just started again like 2 weeks ago
    So, a high school soccer coach told his/her minor students to lie about their age to join MFP, a site for adults?
    Unfortunately, a lot of HS health teachers send minors here.
    Obviously not? He just said to join the site? It's not a high school soccer coach, preimer level & the UW soccer head coach so I think he knows what he's doin. Thanks.
    Using your real name as your username, and giving out specific information about yourself. Looking to be creeped, or something? :huh:
  • Probably, I don't know. I made it a while ago because our soccer coach told us to do this & add eachother an hold eachother accountable for what were putting in our body's but never ended up using it and just started again like 2 weeks ago
    So, a high school soccer coach told his/her minor students to lie about their age to join MFP, a site for adults?
    Unfortunately, a lot of HS health teachers send minors here.
    Obviously not? He just said to join the site? It's not a high school soccer coach, preimer level & the UW soccer head coach so I think he knows what he's doin. Thanks.
    Using your real name as your username, and giving out specific information about yourself. Looking to be creeped, or something? :huh:

    haha I didn't think about it I guess, like I said I made this awhile ago. I'll change it
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    It's okay to have an off day once in a while. Just keep doing what you're doing. Don't punish yourself for being a human and having something sweet. That will only backfire on you.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Your friends "forced" you? As in, they held you down and force-fed you every bite?


    Then they didn't force you. They pressured, YOU cracked. Take responsibility for your actions, don't blame your friends.

    And one cookie thing won't make you balloon overnight, you'll be just fine. But if you have that low of self-control, and your friends are really that pushy, I would suggest not hanging out with them as much, or at least allow for an indulgence ahead of time.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Obviously not? He just said to join the site? It's not a high school soccer coach, preimer level & the UW soccer head coach so I think he knows what he's doin. Thanks.

    Well, I'm glad he's not associated with a high school. Either way, if an adult is coaching minors, he should not tell them to join a site unless he understands the TOS. Just my opinion as someone who works with minors daily. I also agree with the other poster who told you to be careful of giving out your real name, the name of the soccer association for which you belong, along with a pic of yourself in a bikini. There are some sickos out there!
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    It happens, you can't beat yourself up over it! You ate food because maybe you were craving it. Sure, maybe a bit too much but hey! Just jump right back on the band wagon tomorrow! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    Just ignore the rude replies, it seems that some people didn't learn "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". I get constructive criticism, but some people are just plain rude. Anyway, I understand you feeling guilty about what you ate. I think many of us have been there at one time or another (or many many times, lol). As others have said, just learn from it and move on. Maybe next time your friends are pressuring you into ordering something late at night, you can order something small that you would be able to eat less of to get them off your back. I wouldn't restrict calories today to compensate though because I don't think that's healthy either and doing something unhealthy to make up for something unhealthy doesn't make sense, right. Remember, this is a lifestyle change and things like this are going to happen from time to time.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Probably, I don't know. I made it a while ago because our soccer coach told us to do this & add eachother an hold eachother accountable for what were putting in our body's but never ended up using it and just started again like 2 weeks ago
    So, a high school soccer coach told his/her minor students to lie about their age to join MFP, a site for adults?
    Unfortunately, a lot of HS health teachers send minors here.

    My step-daughter's gym class was encouraged to start an account here. They are high school juniors. It wasn't for weight loss per se, but so they could log and get a better idea of what they're actually putting into their bodies. Knowing our town, I'm guessing the teacher (a woman) had no idea there was an age limit on joining and just thought it would be an easy to use and readily available tool for them to use.
  • BooBerrie77
    BooBerrie77 Posts: 9 Member
    track it and move on .... whatever you do, do not beat yourself up over it

    each meal is a new opportunitity to make a better decision