Why are girls constantly creeped on at the gym?



  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    Yea Im confused why this man felt he could give you random hugs at the gym. He definitely crossed the line. I think he went beyond creepy and was straight up crossing the line. Weirdo
  • put on your ear plugs and zone out.

    as much as I go to the gym I have never noticed any guys checking me out or anything but I never give them 2 sec. I know all the trainers and hug them cause we are all friends
  • alexissalcido5
    OP I'm with you on this one. I was just saying to my friends that I get hit on so much at the gym I didn't realize what a relief it would be to NOT get hit on. I go to the gym looking like I just rolled out of bed. I have tunnel vision. And yet I have had to change my workouts from morning to the afternoon lull. Granted your situation is really crappy because the Manager is here all day. But its funny how easy being polite gets out of control.

    Right?? thank you!

    Ok..I'm like really confused with this one. Are you talking to yourself or do you just honestly don't know how to hit the quote button.

    I got confused by that too!

    Okay..lets all the men be jerks now!
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member

    Most men are just pervs and the girls that defend them obviously just want male attention because their desperate.

    There are so many things wrong with that statement, I don't know where to start.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I just joined a gym this week. And OMG!!!!! Why do guys act like they're never seen girls before?!?! I mean how hot is it to check a girl out that is making all sorts of **** faces while working out. Hell, I gross myself out. I usually have my eyes to the floor, but in a gym, there's equiptment everywhere & I sure as hell don't want to walk right into it. LOL.

    Most men are just pervs and the girls that defend them obviously just want male attention because their desperate. Just leave us women alone! We go to the gym for one reason: TO WORKOUT!

    It is SO hard being pretty. Gawd, like no one understands! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  • MissyBenj
    MissyBenj Posts: 186 Member
    In the 4 months that I've been attending LA Fitness, 2 men have spoken to me. The year before at another gym, not one man spoke to me. It doesn't happen to everyone. I keep my head phones in, and I work hard the time that I'm there - Allowing him to hug you was your first mistake.
  • alexissalcido5
    Yea Im confused why this man felt he could give you random hugs at the gym. He definitely crossed the line. I think he went beyond creepy and was straight up crossing the line. Weirdo

    Yeah he was!
  • Dawnymaries
    I don't care about age or attractiveness, it always creeps me out no matter what.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think you should reconsider complaining that the guys in the gym are looking at you. As you get older, you'll appreciate it! I love it when the guys watch me lift.. sometimes they're watching because I'm showing them up!

    Eh, not me, that ish gets old. I'm 40 and I have had it up to here with male attention. If I could be invisible to every man except my husband that would be delightful.
  • alexissalcido5
    In the 4 months that I've been attending LA Fitness, 2 men have spoken to me. The year before at another gym, not one man spoke to me. It doesn't happen to everyone. I keep my head phones in, and I work hard the time that I'm there - Allowing him to hug you was your first mistake.

    It sure was.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    You know I have all kinds of women hug me all the time. I don't really have a point except to say I like hugs!

    I'd hug you.

  • trekkietaz
    you need to tell him to back off or youn will report him on a sexural harrisment charge
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    I just joined a gym this week. And OMG!!!!! Why do guys act like they're never seen girls before?!?! I mean how hot is it to check a girl out that is making all sorts of **** faces while working out. Hell, I gross myself out. I usually have my eyes to the floor, but in a gym, there's equiptment everywhere & I sure as hell don't want to walk right into it. LOL.

    Most men are just pervs and the girls that defend them obviously just want male attention because their desperate. Just leave us women alone! We go to the gym for one reason: TO WORKOUT!
    Please don't generalize "most men" with your one week (if even that) experience in the gym. Women who defend men are not desperate for male attention; please don't categorize people in such a way, it makes you look awfully ignorant and isn't productive to any further meaningful discussion.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    you need to tell him to back off or youn will report him on a sexural harrisment charge

    lol what
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    OP I'm with you on this one. I was just saying to my friends that I get hit on so much at the gym I didn't realize what a relief it would be to NOT get hit on. I go to the gym looking like I just rolled out of bed. I have tunnel vision. And yet I have had to change my workouts from morning to the afternoon lull. Granted your situation is really crappy because the Manager is here all day. But its funny how easy being polite gets out of control.

    Right?? thank you!
    You are the OP.
    She was quoting me.
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    I honestly do not understand!! First I have to tell a story- the manager of the gym first started saying hi and so I felt it was my obligation to say hi back. Well..then he started I believe "taking advantage" of the situation. I thought that he wasn't creeping on me because he had a wife and daughter...he said "I never get any attention at home" and so when he hugged me I was like okay..but I honestly just did it out of pity. Then he started to come around when I was working out and he always wanted hugs from me. I could not stand his disgusting globs of cologne he put on but I just dealt with it because he is the manager! He then started saying things to my sister and she told me he was creepy and she was getting a weird vibe from him. I then decided it would be best if I ignored him and this is where it gets weird. He tried to give me a high five and I thought he was trying to hug me so I ignored him. When I left I heard him talking to the other employees about me. By the way, NOBODY LIKES HIM! He then proceedes to go up to me when I am working out and ask me what is wrong. WE ARE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP OLD MAN! I don't EVEN KNOW YOU! He seriously just creeped me out and now I don't know what to do. There are several guys also at the gym that creep on me everytime I go there. I dress modestly and yet when I turn around there you are staring at my butt. I DON'T LIKE YOU! Any other girls feel me? And what should I do about the gym manager? help?

    You've brought this on to your self , Learn how to be a woman and set your Boundary . If you feel uncomfortable , Let him know.. If he doesn't get it and keeps harassing you, file a complaint with some one in the upper tier. ,
  • alexissalcido5
    I just joined a gym this week. And OMG!!!!! Why do guys act like they're never seen girls before?!?! I mean how hot is it to check a girl out that is making all sorts of **** faces while working out. Hell, I gross myself out. I usually have my eyes to the floor, but in a gym, there's equiptment everywhere & I sure as hell don't want to walk right into it. LOL.

    Most men are just pervs and the girls that defend them obviously just want male attention because their desperate. Just leave us women alone! We go to the gym for one reason: TO WORKOUT!
    Please don't generalize "most men" with your one week (if even that) experience in the gym. Women who defend men are not desperate for male attention; please don't categorize people in such a way, it makes you look awfully ignorant and isn't productive to any further meaningful discussion.

    First off, I've been at that gym a year now..you're smart.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Lies, girls creep on guys way more, they are just more sly about it.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    what Lea said -
    Most men are just pervs and the girls that defend them obviously just want male attention because their desperate. Just leave us women alone! We go to the gym for one reason: TO WORKOUT!

    It is SO hard being pretty. Gawd, like no one understands! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

    and no, I don't need "male attention because I'm desperate".
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    OP: As someone who works in a retail type position I think it's WILDLY inappropriate that he made a move to hug you. I don't care how much I adore my customers, I NEVER make a move to touch them. I've had customers hug ME (some I hugged back, others I dodged depending on the situation) but I make a point of not touching.

    Why? Because it's unprofessional and inappropriate.

    Yes, you shouldn't have hugged him. But I understand what it's like in the moment and how hard it is to just say NO. You're young and you're just learning. Let this be a very important lesson.

    I do think you should talk to him. Just say; "I don't want to offend you but I'm not comfortable touching or hugging." And if he doesn't stop report him and/or find a new gym.

    At this point I don't think it WOULD be fair to turn him in outright without first trying to talk to him. You already LET him cross boundaries so things are all muddied and confusing. Now you need to make boundaries clear with your words since your actions have confused the borderline.
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