Why are girls constantly creeped on at the gym?



  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Lies, girls creep on guys way more, they are just more sly about it.

    Damn right! I creep men all the time as do my female coworkers but we've got a whole 007 way of doing it. :D Most of the time the guy never knows he's being creeped.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Next time he comes near, fart and talk about your other gastrointestinal issues.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member

    Most men are just pervs and the girls that defend them obviously just want male attention because their desperate. Just leave us women alone! We go to the gym for one reason: TO WORKOUT!

    I find this really insulting to both men and women.

    Pointing out hasty generalizations is logic, not desperation.

    I'm sorry you are unlucky enough to know a man who hugged you when you weren't able to stand up for yourself, but that doesn't make most men pervs. The problem with women who think that is usually their own poor taste, or the specific men in question.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    First off, I've been at that gym a year now..you're smart.
    I just joined a gym this week.
  • alexissalcido5
    OP: As someone who works in a retail type position I think it's WILDLY inappropriate that he made a move to hug you. I don't care how much I adore my customers, I NEVER make a move to touch them. I've had customers hug ME (some I hugged back, others I dodged depending on the situation) but I make a point of not touching.

    Why? Because it's unprofessional and inappropriate.

    Yes, you shouldn't have hugged him. But I understand what it's like in the moment and how hard it is to just say NO. You're young and you're just learning. Let this be a very important lesson.

    I do think you should talk to him. Just say; "I don't want to offend you but I'm not comfortable touching or hugging." And if he doesn't stop report him and/or find a new gym.

    At this point I don't think it WOULD be fair to turn him in outright without first trying to talk to him. You already LET him cross boundaries so things are all muddied and confusing. Now you need to make boundaries clear with your words since your actions have confused the borderline.

    That is the best advice I've gotten on this board. Thank you.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I think you should reconsider complaining that the guys in the gym are looking at you. As you get older, you'll appreciate it! I love it when the guys watch me lift.. sometimes they're watching because I'm showing them up!

    Eh, not me, that ish gets old. I'm 40 and I have had it up to here with male attention. If I could be invisible to every man except my husband that would be delightful.
    Same here. Maybe there is a range, above 19 and under 40 that appreciates attention all the time. There are just times when I want do my thing in peace.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Is 30 the age you become old and creepy?? @#$%
    HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I know...young, right!!??

    Next month I'll be officially Old and Creepy. Wooooooooohoooooo! Do I get a bumper sticker and a old creeper card or something?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I just joined a gym this week. And OMG!!!!! Why do guys act like they're never seen girls before?!?! I mean how hot is it to check a girl out that is making all sorts of **** faces while working out. Hell, I gross myself out. I usually have my eyes to the floor, but in a gym, there's equiptment everywhere & I sure as hell don't want to walk right into it. LOL.

    Most men are just pervs and the girls that defend them obviously just want male attention because their desperate. Just leave us women alone! We go to the gym for one reason: TO WORKOUT!

    You do realize women creep on guys at the gym too. Just pointing it out.

    Edited to correct a typo
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    OP I'm with you on this one. I was just saying to my friends that I get hit on so much at the gym I didn't realize what a relief it would be to NOT get hit on. I go to the gym looking like I just rolled out of bed. I have tunnel vision. And yet I have had to change my workouts from morning to the afternoon lull. Granted your situation is really crappy because the Manager is here all day. But its funny how easy being polite gets out of control.

    Right?? thank you!

    Ok..I'm like really confused with this one. Are you talking to yourself or do you just honestly don't know how to hit the quote button.

    I got confused by that too!

    Okay..lets all the men be jerks now!

    Wait..I'm being a jerk because you don't know how to hit a quote button?? Seriously?? Ok..I'm beginning to see what the problem is.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    find a more respectable gym? Don't hug, talk or do anything "out of pity" then abruptly stop and not get why it could be offensive? I don't know this whole thing made me LOL
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OP I'm with you on this one. I was just saying to my friends that I get hit on so much at the gym I didn't realize what a relief it would be to NOT get hit on. I go to the gym looking like I just rolled out of bed. I have tunnel vision. And yet I have had to change my workouts from morning to the afternoon lull. Granted your situation is really crappy because the Manager is here all day. But its funny how easy being polite gets out of control.

    Right?? thank you!

    Ok..I'm like really confused with this one. Are you talking to yourself or do you just honestly don't know how to hit the quote button.

    I got confused by that too!

    Okay..lets all the men be jerks now!

    Okay, the quotes messed up on the quote He didn't know what you were trying to say. He wasn't being a jerk. Daaammmmnnnn. Calm down a little..lol.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    ok I'm kind of seeing a pattern here so let me try to summarize. English isn't my first language and you literally went on and on so I might have missed something, please let me know if I did

    1) He said hi, you said hi (even though you didn't really wanted to. Next time, skip it if the guy looks creeper)

    2) He started talking to you, you talked back thinking its the cool thing do (again, something you can skip if you don't like the guy or are getting creeper vibe from him)

    3) While you guys are talking, he hugs you. Maybe because he's a horny pervert, maybe because theres problems at home. Only him and god knows I guess (again, next time, tell them to stop or step back when they get into your personal space)

    4) he talked to your sister, who I assume is a member at the gym too (I hate it when people talk to their customers. How rude)

    5) You decided to just start ignoring him after you have talked to him and even hugged him (NOT a smart move. Seriously, all joking aside, dunno if THIS guy is really a creeper or not but for your safety in future, donot do that in case you find somebody crazy)

    I have yet to read anywhere where you told the manager "hey, let me workout please and try not to disturb me and my sister while we are working out" or just plugged an mp3 player.

    You're basically willing to report and throw this guy out of a job just because he looks like a creeper? Are you serious? Please, tell him to back off like a normal and mature person. If he doesn't listen, THEN you go and report him. The reason I am telling you this is because in the offchance, god forbid, you DO find yourself a real creeper, your wrong actions can cause troubles in future

    Good luck and stay safe
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    That is the best advice I've gotten on this board. Thank you.

    No prob. Don't let the jokers bother you. They're just having a laugh. Best thing you can do is join in. :P
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I felt really bad for this lady at my gym getting creeped on one day. There's this older guy that stinks like major BO and you can literally smell him from 20-feet away. He was right up in her face talking to him for at least 15-minutes. I want to die when he's working one or two racks over, let alone in my face.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Was he wearing your Dad's cologne? No?? Then he is not a creeper.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    OP is clearly narcissistic and immature.

  • ASOU
    ASOU Posts: 12 Member
    You should seriously report him or go at him and say "Does your wife know you're at work harrasing women?!!". It's hard sometime though because you ladies look so good!!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Was he wearing your Dad's cologne? No?? Then he is not a creeper.

    And trust me, HE knows creepers..

    P.S. He also has candy.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Wait..I'm being a jerk because you don't know how to hit a quote button?? Seriously?? Ok..I'm beginning to see what the problem is.

    Yes, actually, you are. Not everyone is 100% forum literate. Some of us learn as we go and make quoting mistakes. The way you handled the quoting mistake wasn't polite or genial, it was just jerky. Because you're a jerk. :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't care if guys look at me. They can stare all they want. It's never bothered me. But no guy better even think of touching me without invitation or there will be a massive scene and major awkwardness. I'm good with hello and basic stuff, but if I'm getting the creeper vibes I shut that down fast. I didn't learn how to do that until I was older (it's kind of a body language skill), and I endured many unwanted flirtations, so I know how you feel.

    Don't let guys you aren't intimate with hug you - especially if you feel pressured because you think they somehow have a position of authority (gym manager). He has no authority over you and he has no right to touch and/or act overly familiar with you.

    If he approaches you again tell him you feel uncomfortable with the attention he's been giving you and then if he gives you any crap or keeps it up, you should report him. Or, if you are more timid (like I was at your age) you can find another gym. Sucks, but it's an option. You don't have to be exposed to this guy's creeping. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
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