Children throwing tantrums in stores! What??



  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    My parents never put up with that from me or my siblings.

    If one of us started the temper tantrum in public, they got punishment when we got home (never spankings but usually were put in time-out and had to eat dinner alone in their room instead of with the rest of us) and were left at home the next 2 or 3 times the rest of us went out just to reinforce the point. Feeling left out of family activities was enough for us to shape up.

    This happened to my oldest brother a lot. He was a bit of a hothead as a kid.

    I am not a fan of hitting kids especially not of leaving marks and hitting them until they bleed.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I gotta say, my parents would have never, ever tolerated a tantrum in public from me. Any time I got a little loud and fussy, they took me somewhere private and told me if I didn't stop it I'd lose my favorite toy for a week or not get to watch my favorite movie, and they always followed through. You don't have to hit your kids to discipline them, but you'd better still frikkin discipline them. I don't love your child, and I don't want to hear it, just like no one wanted to hear me screaming.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    I am glad the dad didn't give in and buy what the kids wanted...

    OP- Iam sorry your parents beat you with a belt, that is really sad that children have to be beat to be taught...

    I have two little ones, they are by far perfect...
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    To any of you older people, what would your parents have done? I have one very distinct memory of pitching a fit for some doll. My parents took me out to the car and I got spanked there. Once we got home, I got the leather belt. I remember this spanking the most b/c the welp marks bled.... I'm so tired of this lack of discipline in kids. I have come across some of the rudest little twerps EVER, and am so happy I don't have any of my own. I know for a fact my temper would get the best of me if I had one.

    rant over.

    So you were abused as a child and want others to perpetuate that?
    You go girl. not.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    You obviously don't have kids. I am sure when you do you will be an amazing mother and your kids will never throw tantrums though.

    You're a real peach.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    My daughter threw a fit at Walmart once. I took her to the car to spank her. I actually had someone follow me out of the store, get in their car, and block me in so that I couldn't leave while he called the police.

    What exactly is a parent supposed to do? Damned if they do and damned if they don't. Because no matter how you treat your kids or discipline your kids, there is always some A$$hat out there that thinks it's okay for them to tell you how to raise your children.

    Rant elsewhere! We don't want to hear that ****!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I cant even count how many times my very hyper 3 year old has thrown a fit over some piece of crap toy or sugar filled treat, and I've had to leave without getting what I came for. Stuff happens as a parent and you just gotta roll with it! Feel sorry for that dad because most of us know how it feels when your kids screaming and it seems like everyone is staring at you! Life is messy and loud with kids, but honestly I would put up with all the screaming, throwing myself on the ground, drama filled tantrums in the world to hear "I love you mommy" every night before bed! Be a little more understanding!
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    If the dad stuck to his guns and didn't get the kid what he wanted, he clearly was not a "spoiled little brat", as you so eloquently put it. The kid was being a KID! The do that. My son had a laying on the ground, screaming, kicking, crying tantrum at Sams club not long ago. I stopped shopping, sat down on the floor with him, and talked to him until he calmed down. All the judgemental looks and comments from people didn't seem to help things. When he finally calmed down (maybe 10-15 minutes), we left the store empty handed. I told him part of the punishment was that we weren't getting anything and we were going straight home to bed. Which we did. The next day, when he wanted the yogurt we had in the cart, but didn't bring home, he kind of understood how his actions affected things. He's not thrown a fit like that since.

    But good luck when you have kids. I know, given your superior attitude, you'll be a great parent. :flowerforyou:
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I don't have a problem with crying kids, even though when I was little if I cried in public I got one warning and if I continued we left right then and there. Getting denied fun things made me stop that behavior real quick. However, I have lots of younger cousins and I understand children are difficult.

    Reason number 490548 why I'm terrified to have kids. I know one day I'll be the parent people are judging without any knowledge of the situation. Oh man.

    Parents judge other parents far less often then you think. I know when I give a parent of a miss behaving kid a look, it's a look of compassion and 'been there'. every parent needs to do what they feel is right for their child. it may not be how another parent would handle it, but that's no one else s business, unless of course the child is getting a beating, then i'd say, interfere away!

    Kids are fantastic and scary and wonderful and I would never regret having mine!
  • brianyeager
    We have to be careful not to judge based upon how things appear. I have three children. I spanked all three as they were growing up. However, I have one child that has autism. She threw fits and we had to figure out why before we corrected her. In her world, things don't line up the way they do for me. A child with autism could throw a fit just because the tag on his or her shirt is irritating he or she, but that child cannot communicate that problem. My daughter (13 now) still cannot speak well. She cannot understand a lot of things. She doesn't throw a fit much anymore, but she still gets very frustrated when she is trying to communicate something and cannot get it out. So, this dad may have been dealing with something like that. I know I what it is like to be that dad in line. It is horrible. I feel sorry for the dad you speak of.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I was spanked, but only with a hand and rarely. I spanked my daughter, but no way would I have used a belt on her.

    And I sure as hell never left her with welts or bleeding. That is NOT OK.
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    I can't speak about my experience being a parent, since I don't have kids.

    But I can say that I distinctively remember that I would not have done that very long as a kid. My father would have just looked at me and that scene would have stopped right then, right there. And he never hit me either, I guess parents back then were just much clearer about what was ok and not.

    I have a brother 14 years younger than me and a sister 18 years younger than me, and I can tell that my mother's attitude towards those situation is CLEARLY different now than it was when I was their age. They can get ANYTHING they want now, gosh I would have been evil given that much power, I can tell...
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    FYI - Time outs are useless UNLESS you are removing a kid from an activity they ENJOY.

  • DavidC1857
    DavidC1857 Posts: 149 Member
    +2 And from the fact if he had spanked his son in the parking lot and someone with a camera phone had filmed it...he would be in jail and labled worst dad ever by the media.

    And there is the problem right there. I was a kid. I would never had thrown a tantrum like that in a store, because Dad or Mom would have spanked me. Or Grandma, or the teacher, or someone. It's called discipline. You don't need to beat them until they bleed. That's abuse. But a simple spanking isn't. Once a kid learns that a tantrum earns them a spanking they won't do it anymore.

    I had two boys. And neither of them threw that tantrum more than a few times either. When they did, they got spanked. And they learned not to.

    We wonder why people are growing up having no idea what is right or wrong. Maybe it's because we've decided it is illegal to actually discipline and teach our children respect for others.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    First, the kids are not spoiled. They are still operating on Id part of brain. The child was probably 3 because 4 year olds do not do that usually. I have a 28 month old. he will do that sometimes. He is not spoiled. He just wants what he wants. I let him go at it until he gets tired. But , for that reason I do not take him to restaurants or movies. But, stores, fair game to any social inconviences. If it bothers you so much, shop on the internet. But to call a child a brat or spoiled without knowing that particular individual is just ignorant.
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm hoping you're a troll. You seem to be promoting the idea of beating a child with a belt until he or she bleeds because it works on you.

    Tantrums are easy to deal with. You ignore, or go home, you never give in. Kids will only use tactics that get a result, if throwing a tantrum doesn't work they learn it isn't worth the effort. If you give in, even once, they will try it again and again.

    Tantrums are a normal part of childhood development, it is a stage of kids learning they have their own will but they haven't quite worked out what to do with it yet. We need to teach them that, but big people hitting little people is not a good lesson to share.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I remember this spanking the most b/c the welp marks bled

    Welp indeed
  • snowboardn
    How old were your kids when you started spanking them? How old are they now?

    The first time I spanked my daughter she was 3 and trying to stick her tongue in an electrical outlet. My kids are 7 and 6 now, daughter turns 8 in March.

    To me the hand is much more dangerous than a belt or a switch, because the hand is much harder... A belt just stings. #1 rule is you don't spank out of anger.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Parents should stop try being friends with their kids and be their parents instead!
    And that does NOT mean they have to spank their kids, but to set boundaries!
    He should have taken the kid out of the store, no need to plea with it and set it in the car for a few minutes, shut the door, stay nearby and let the kid rant.
    If the kid pauses, open the door and ask if he is done with his tantrum or wants to go on!

    Geez, why do have parents these days aparently so much problems with handling their kids?
    I only did this once or twice and my parents handled it without leaving the store and they never spanked me!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    It's very scary and frustrating to be a four year old.
    I know that whenever I'm scared or frustrated, nothing calms me down like getting hit with objects by the only people I can trust.