Challenge 10 lbs gone by end of March



  • Count me in... I am ready!
  • ReneDavidson
    ReneDavidson Posts: 86 Member
    ugh...I went up .6 lb...this week!!???? I added push ups, sit ups and squat challenges, and also did 5 days of the 10K training I really watched what I ate and logged EVERYTHING...was even under my calorie count a couple days...NOT happy with the results...BUT I will keep at it! I know this is more of a marathon weight loss adventure than a sprint, so I'll keep at it!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yikes! I was doing so good, and had 7 lbs to go, but now I'm above my starting weight! :brokenheart: I tried to make the commitment to get back on track, but then it was my birthday, and I went home, which is double bad news. :explode:
    145 by 5/10/10 (my bday present)
    Rene, I need to think more like you!
  • teresa011
    teresa011 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey, thats ok Steph.......everyone has just have to get back in the saddle and do it.....I know you can!!
  • MarthaJ77
    MarthaJ77 Posts: 16
    I could use this too. I am going to see family I have not seen since last September and even before that. Maybe I can even buy a smaller pair of jeans. :happy:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks Teresa!! :flowerforyou:
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    struggling with this challenge! my weight loss has really stalled and I am so frustrated. I know that I have to keep at it. I am going to try to eat a little more calories and see if it jump starts my losses again. Just dont want to gain any
  • kellz510
    kellz510 Posts: 40 Member
    Another 2lb down so thats 4 in total so far. Only 6lb left to go for this challenge :happy:
  • ReneDavidson
    ReneDavidson Posts: 86 Member
    struggling with this challenge! my weight loss has really stalled and I am so frustrated. I know that I have to keep at it. I am going to try to eat a little more calories and see if it jump starts my losses again. Just dont want to gain any

    Right there with you!! Ugh...but, I am still doing all the exercise and food tracking!! I know that I am getting healthier, even if my scale doesn't tell me I've lost any weight!
  • slwells1983
    slwells1983 Posts: 31 Member
    I am definatley up fpr this challenge!!!!!
  • Ellie113
    Ellie113 Posts: 49
    Another 1 lb this week......half way there!!!!!
  • grnfrog12
    grnfrog12 Posts: 10
    Count me in! I would love to lose 10lbs by then
  • JJRunning
    JJRunning Posts: 146
    I'm IN! I need some motivation!!! Everyone keep posting!
  • JJRunning
    JJRunning Posts: 146
    P.S - Add some tips! What's been working so far?

    Mine - Drinking lots of water! Keeps me feeling full:happy:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I am very proud of myself so far for sticking with this and I've lost 5 lbs, but I'm worried for this weekend! We are going on a church trip and there won't be time to cook healthy meals...hopefully it won't set me back too far! Subway is going to be my best friend this weekend, I think! :) It will be a challenge for me to go to fast food restaurants and try to find something healthy...but I'm up for it!!
  • lmmarsh
    lmmarsh Posts: 34
    How is everyone doing on this challenge? I have my start date for this challenge as Feb 22nd. Did anyone else put that as their start date or did you put March 1? Either way I think I am on track ... my stats are:

    Start Weight: 197.8
    Current Weight: 192.4 (down 5.4)
    Goal (end of March): 187.8 (4.6 to go)

    Sure will be nice to be in the 180's again. Haven't been there for about 3 1/2 years. Although it's not really funny, I currently weigh about 2 lbs LESS than I did on the day I gave birth to my daughter 5 years ago (lost it all right away and gained it all and then some back over the last three or four years - argh!). 40 more lbs to be at my "pre-pregnancy" weight, 6 or so more than that to be at goal. I think I am seeing a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel!

    Have a great week,
  • Hi! Hope it's not too late to start. Just started yesterday (3/8/10) Weighing in at 168 yesterday and 167 today. Am putting in my food before I eat it to see if it is worth the calories. How is everyone doing? I want to lose a bunch before the end of school. I teach and am retiring in May. Guess I should be more specific about weight but want to be in an 8 - now a 12.
    The weather is getting nice so can get out more and do some walking.
  • ReneDavidson
    ReneDavidson Posts: 86 Member
    Hi! Hope it's not too late to start. Just started yesterday (3/8/10) Weighing in at 168 yesterday and 167 today. Am putting in my food before I eat it to see if it is worth the calories. How is everyone doing? I want to lose a bunch before the end of school. I teach and am retiring in May. Guess I should be more specific about weight but want to be in an 8 - now a 12.
    The weather is getting nice so can get out more and do some walking.

    Nope not too late. Just put your end date as April 8th then...and good luck...
  • arwest21
    arwest21 Posts: 3
    Start date and weight - 03/02/10 - 144.8
    today's date and weight - 03/09/10 - 143.0

    Down 1.8 pounds! Yeah!

  • sydney91
    sydney91 Posts: 29
    I'm definately up for it! Trying on wedding dresses on the 27th, would LOVE to lose 10 pounds by then!!

    Starting 3/9/10- 137 lbs.
    Goal 3/27/10- 127 lbs.
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