what do you hate about being "fat"



  • karensdream
    karensdream Posts: 135 Member
    Being told my face is pretty and when I lose weight I will be something else...pssht!!!!
    Wishing I had a nickel for every time I have heard this in my lifetime! I could retire a millionaire!
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    Everything I can't do that healthy, "regular" people can.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I've got one more.

    When I can't afford to buy new clothes and the few jeans that I have are beginning to wear thin between the legs where my thighs rub. I have two pair of pants worn thin in the middle and i still wear them I just pray no one sees the hole.

    this happens to all of my jeans!!!

    I used to have this happen too. There are iron on repair kits for this problem. The hard part is matching the color so it isn't noticeable.

  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Self-hate, feeling unattractive, lack of confidence.

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Ohoho, just you wait. There's this bizarre Twilight Zone of women's clothing that exists between plus sizes and straight sizes. I'm a size 12-14. Too big for the straight sizes but too small for the plus. Occasionally I find something that happens to be cut such that it looks all right. I tried on five pairs of jeans today, all 12 Short, all 4 fit differently. Clothes are gonna get harder to find before they get easier, just so you know.

    Yeah you can try on 4 size 12's all in the same BRAND and all 4 will fit differently. The people who manufacture women's clothing are *kitten*.
  • Huzke
    Huzke Posts: 97 Member
    Confidence not being where it should be.

    Not being attractive to women.
  • Staffygirl88
    Staffygirl88 Posts: 75 Member
    i HATE having to walk past people, thats when i feel at my biggest. i feel like im waddling. especially groups of teengaers
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Mine is usually a photograph. I always look 10 times worse in photos than I actually think I look when they're taking it.
  • twentytwelve12
    twentytwelve12 Posts: 245 Member
    Not feeling attractive, no confidence, when relatives pick on you for being the fat one
  • Lack if nice clothes I can find, being the 'fat' friend, being the one who has to carry my skinny drunk friends home when they are drunk (but I guess that will never change haha)
  • The inability to run like I used to. When I was in the military, a 4-mile run was just a walk in the park. With the spare tire, a 4-mile run is fantasy land now. It won't be long before I'm running long distances again though.
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
    not fitting into my old clothes!
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    I hate not feeling desirable. ):

    Even when guys ARE checking me out, I don't recognize it because I think there's nothing worth checking out. And that's irritating.

    Same here
  • 1987RFS
    1987RFS Posts: 57 Member
    I hate that I get exhausted so quickly.
  • Seeing your fats jiggle when you jump. URGH.
  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    Clothes not fitting right, my thighs rubbing together when i wear a dress or attempt wearing shorts (not often), my kids feeling ashamed of me or at least i think they are, not feeling attractive, not being healthy.. I could go on and on and on
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Many things...

    I don't want to change the pick on the site of me from 2009! Looked so much better then but, I don't look like that now and I still needed to lose weight in that pic. I am sure many people don't have the most recent pic of them for those that actually include a real pic of themselves. I guess I leave it there to remind myself how much better I was.

    Running into someone I haven't seen in awhile and the person's jaw drops. Of course it's going to I have packed on 40 lbs!

    Not wanting to go out because I don't want to be an embarrassment to my husband. (my husband loves me more than anyone-this is just how I make myself feel). Argh!
  • LadyofLight08
    LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
    "That one fat chick is good looking, but she'd look better if she was skinny" I've heard this countless of times and I personally dislike it, but when you live in Miami and have to compare to these barbie dolls... I suppose you are that one fat chick amongst good looking friends.
  • tiggy73
    tiggy73 Posts: 52 Member
    Double chin, back fat, my fat stomach, trying to pose in pictures to look the least fat, not feeling confident enough to flirt with really cute/fit guys because in my mind they've already rejected me, worrying about my health, my aching feet that are suffering from carrying around all of the extra weight I've gained over the last few years, the clothes that are hanging in my closet that I can't fit into any more but I don't have the heart to get rid of (again...got rid of a bunch of smaller stuff about a year ago and have outgrown many things that I kept.) I could list a lot more, and I relate so much to what many of you have posted.
  • Clothes shopping, embarassing and stressful.