Eating right is impossible! I give up.



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    How do you handle dealing with your personal chef? I am really at a loss. I'm at my parents during the holiday and its just a nightmare. I mean this guy is classically trained in French or something. Well I ask for a sandwich and I get this thing with sauces and mint sprigs on it. My son gets a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the shape of a pirate ship with sails and radish carved cannons and grape.. grape shot. Great, I got a tooth pick chocking hazard on my hand wile I'm trying to scrape this orange gel off my ham if its even ham.
    I try to go make my own stuff, but porky mcchef is all shushing me out of the kitchen and is all up in my face how its not my job to make food, I mean its just so frustrating. How do you handle the help? There is only one guy at night that doesn't seem to care much and just will give me some of the kids cheerios at least with out some side of toast and grapefruit menagerie.

    So I just give up and going to eat this old cheese looking thing, ugh so frustrating.

    so, did you have to fire your uppity chef? if so, i hope you didn't give him a good reference for his next employer.

    also, it'd be a good idea to get your chef and butler and gardener and all of your other servants to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) as a condition of employment. if they refuse, fire them. in this economy, you're really doing them a favor by offering them a job, so it's reasonable to require an NDA from all of your estate employees. if you don't and they end up working for somebody else who happens to be a member of your country club, you may end up the butt of the joke quite by accident. been there, done that. it wasn't fun and i learned my lesson the hard way. now, it's sign the NDA or they're back on the street the same day.