What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    A few years ago I got Ill and lost a lot of weight uncontrollably. Because I was in my late teens ALOT of people assumed I was deliberately starving myself and felt it was okay to comment on how skinny/gaunt/"anorexic" I looked or the good old "eat a sandwich" line It was pretty darn crappy because all that time I was eating as much as I could and unable to gain weight.

    My grandmother was the worst though, "you look like a boy" "it's disgusting, just eat something" etc etc.
    I hope that it was coming from a place of concern in her own twisted way, but people really shouldn't comment unless they know all the details!

    I am actually guilty of this. When we were teenagers, my cousin (and best friend) started losing a TON of weight and I just assumed she had an eating disorder. My grandmother would get after her and tell her that whatever she was doing she needed to stop it. We found out a few months later she had Hodgkin's Lymphoma (cancer). She beat it, but it was a punch in the stomach.

    On another note, I've never really been put down for my weight...someone close to me did yell at me when I was a teenager and told me to get off my "fat *kitten*". And I'll always remember when I was in 2nd grade a boy who was like my best friend poking my tummy and saying "you're FAT". Stupid boy. Funny how that stuff sticks with you...
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    Some pretty crappy stuff when I was at my biggest (like 350lbs)

    - When I was in high school kids used to throw food at me because I was big

    - When walking down the street some guys would yell out the window "FAT WHALE" or "FAT SCRAG"

    - I have been moo'ed at.

    - Some girls at my high school used to say "You're terrible Muriel" all the time (this is a reference to what the big girl in Muriel's wedding would say)

    - I once overheard this guy who I had met for coffee and had a crush on saying to some friends "yeah when I met her all her fat was squeezing out the sides of the chair"

    - And this is weird but I think one of the most memorable hurtful thing was when a kid (friends brother) who I had never met before saw me and screamed "IT'S A MONSTER"

    There's heaps of other stuff but I can't think of it all right now, repressed most of the high school stuff because it was so hard
  • ToshaFeb268
    About 10-15 years ago, a woman I know asked me when my baby was due. I was not pregnant.

    Something similiar happen to me when I got married in my mid twenties. I was still thin but started to gain weight in the abdomen area first. A friend of ours saw us walking through town and came over and rubbed my belly and said, "I see you both are starting out already." He thought I was pregnant. I almost dropped right on that sidewalk. I didn't say anything back, because I was still in shock.
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    oh my god i'm so disgusted reading everyone else's posts! i'm so sorry you all have to/had to deal with people like that :(

    *hugs everyone*
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    My mom told me that I was nothing more then a fat loser and would amount to nothing and why couldn't i be pretty and thin like the dancers and cheerleaders on tv. And a lot of people said that I was not marriage material because no guy would ever want to date me because of being fat.

    God bless my mom but she can over watch me, my husband, and my son knowing that I am losing weight and all the negative people can watch me be happily married with a child :bigsmile:
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    At the time this happened I was about 170 and "firm" This was before I hit 300. I decided to get dolled up for my man. I came in the room thinking I looked hot and he just looked me up and down and says....

    "You look ridiculous"

    Personally I was expecting a different response. Never wore lingerie for him again.

    P.S. I dumped his sorry butt and found a man that really loves me.

    Thank goodness!
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    I saw a guy say that Miranda Kerr was hideous because of her pointy nose and her height! How insane is that?

    Miranda Kerr is a goddess. What an idiot.
  • jctillman70
    You look great! When are you due? (I AM NOT PREGNANT!)

    One comment that I got last week at church was

    HER "Wow, you look great! Everyone is talking about how quickly you have recovered from gastric bypass surgery.

    ME: "I didn't have any surgery."

    HER: "How did you lose weight then?"

    ME: "I ate less and exercised more. I used this app called My Fitness Pal to help keep track of my caloric intake and expenditure."

    HER: "Really, we all know that you had surgery. It's okay if you want to keep it a secret."

    ME: "Seriously, I did not have surgery. I just ate less and exercised more. I did it the old fashion way with the help that app."

    What really p*issed me off about this conversation is that she did not ask me but assumed that I had surgery. Since I have been at church every week I am not sure when I could have had this surgery. Also, I lost this weight over the past 12 months. Sixty pounds in 12 months is really not that much.

    Thanks for letting me get that out. It has really been bugging me since last week.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Ironically, I have been teased more as a teenager for being too skinny than being a little fatter.

    I used to be called anorexic etc, when in reality I just played a LOT of sport back then and I was very young.

    Funnier thing is, once puberty came it didn't spare on the curves, and there was no complaints from anyone then ha ha ;)

    The only bad comments about putting on a few pounds came from both my mother and sister, who are never really that constructive anyway...

    I also had to put up with an overweight (and still very overweight) friend who used to constantly put me down for being skinny and that she looked better than me because of her huge chest ( she was close to 300lbs) and that I shouldn't wear certain things because she looked like crap.... It sounds like nothing but when someone is pointing out to everyone that you look 'too skinny' (which I didn't, I was a pretty healthy weight and have always had a pretty hourglass body even at my lowest of about 120).. Maybe I just looked 'too' skinny next to her, and it drove her crazy. In the end we did not talk anymore because all she used to do was undermine me, and if I offered to help her in the gym or to walk she would say no and have a takeaway instead. I don't understand why I was being punished for her laziness.
  • orosza
    orosza Posts: 1
    a really good friend commented on my stomach saying how i dont have a flat stomach but that my stomach pudge is "cute." she's skinnier than me, and it definitely made me feel really bad about myself. Im self conscious so her pointing it out and trying to sugarcoat it by calling it "cute" was like a slapp
  • Infauna
    Infauna Posts: 89
    When I gained weight after trying to recover on my own (without outside support like outpatient, inpatient, doctors, etc) from anorexia, a friend who I hadn't seen in months stopped by. The last time she seen me was when I was going through the worst of my ED and weighed 90lbs, when she seen me I weighed 124lbs. She said to me that it looked like I gained 2x the amount of weight I did and said I'd gotten lazy when she KNEW about my eating disorder and my over-exercising in the past. :sick: :grumble:
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    While in high school I walked into a party and they had a big sign in the living room that read "no fat chicks" a guy asked me can't you read the sign?

    While pregnant I got called a fat cow by my husband, when I lost weight I got called a melted pig.

    What really hurt is when my 9 year old said that he loves me and I'm a good mom, but he would love me more if I was skinny. : (
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    You look great! When are you due? (I AM NOT PREGNANT!)

    One comment that I got last week at church was

    HER "Wow, you look great! Everyone is talking about how quickly you have recovered from gastric bypass surgery.

    ME: "I didn't have any surgery."

    HER: "How did you lose weight then?"

    ME: "I ate less and exercised more. I used this app called My Fitness Pal to help keep track of my caloric intake and expenditure."

    HER: "Really, we all know that you had surgery. It's okay if you want to keep it a secret."

    ME: "Seriously, I did not have surgery. I just ate less and exercised more. I did it the old fashion way with the help that app."

    What really p*issed me off about this conversation is that she did not ask me but assumed that I had surgery. Since I have been at church every week I am not sure when I could have had this surgery. Also, I lost this weight over the past 12 months. Sixty pounds in 12 months is really not that much.

    Thanks for letting me get that out. It has really been bugging me since last week.

    60lbs overweight probably wouldn't even qualify you for surgery. This woman is an idiot.
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    At my heaviest, I weighed 302 pounds. One of the worst comments about my weight actually just came the other day after losing well over 100 pounds from that weight. I was talking to my mother on the phone and she told me how nice I look. Then proceeded to tell me I used to be "Quite the heffer".....wow.
  • HailyP
    HailyP Posts: 16
    very insensitive...my SIL said at a bar in front of people loudly..."Wow, You have gotten FAT!"....so shocked that I couldn't think of a good come back. I should've said I can lose weight but you may have to work harder at having some class.
  • HailyP
    HailyP Posts: 16
    I hope he is an EX husband...how cruel
  • HailyP
    HailyP Posts: 16
    congrats on your hard work and determination to lose weight!
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    After I had my first son I weighed about 190 pounds and one holiday I had bought a new outfit and was trying to be all pretty for my hubby and family and some how after dinner the family got on the topic of weight and my sister in law said, Whitney, your not THAT fat. I wanted to die. I have repeated those words in my head every day to motivate myself to stay on track. I am no where near my goal weight still have 25 pounds to go, but now i'm only like 10 pounds heavier than her AND I have had 2 kids, shes had none
  • HailyP
    HailyP Posts: 16
    recently went to a party where a person from high school saw me for first tme...he had gained about 100lbs...was prolly 280 or more and had excessive abdominal fat which made him look very pregnant....anyway, he said to me " glad to see I'm not the only one who got FLUFFY"....wft! people should just be quiet if having nothing nice to say....I was probably about 185lbs at 5 ft 4. Just stuck in my head and bothers me plus it was in front of many people
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...While pregnant I got called a fat cow by my husband, when I lost weight I got called a melted pig...What really hurt is when my 9 year old said that he loves me and I'm a good mom, but he would love me more if I was skinny. : (

    And this guy is still your husband? I see his attitude is rubbing off on your kid. That's too bad. :cry: